Personal Financial Advisor
Personal Financial Advisor (Arsenal Computer).ISO
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█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ Information Managers Section 1
10KEY21.ZIP 121404 11-28-93 JUDY'S TENKEY v2.1 <ASP> -- Powerful Windows
| calculator with scrolling tape, selectable
| syntax (RPN, tenkey, normal), customizable
| display, financials, statistics, intelligent
| copy & paste, keep on top, tape entry reuse,
| and more. Judy's TenKey enables you to work
| faster and more reliably; you will never go
| back to the default calculator. $14.75
25SUBJCT.ZIP 70351 10-05-93 PC Subject Organizer Version 2.50
| Organize 999 subjects such as recipes,
| thoughts, school notes, home finance,
| research information, sports...or
| whatever with your PC and word
| processor! Now up to 5 data directories
| are supported!
| Personal Task Manager for MS Windows-
| 2Do is a robust yet easy to use PIM.
| Software Creations calls it 'a powerful PIM,
| with considerable depth.' Windows Sources
| states that '2Do provides users with
| task-management solutions that are unequaled
| by any commercial PIM.'
3DVCP22.ZIP 818322 02-06-95 Visual Calendar Planner 2.2 for Windows <ASP>
| An extremely powerful scheduler with no
| learning curve. Hightlights include setting
| calendar as Wallpaper, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color
| Printing, Word Search and many more! Multiple
| view with multi-color, multi-font capability.
| Visual on-line help provided. Utilizes
| Microsoft Access Database Engine. Real 3D
| look 'n feel with True ViSuAL editing.
| Registered user gets Windows 95 upgrade free!
4ACAL310.ZIP 53266 08-06-93 4A Calculator v3.1; Math calculation program
| for Windows. Much like a pocket calculator,
| 4A Calculator can be used to do basic math
| such as addition, subtraction, division, and
| multiplication. Like more sophisticated
| calculators, 4A Calculator is capable of
| performing percentile math, square root,
| square, and 1/x math. 4A Calculator also has
| the ability to stay on top of all other
| windows programs.
AB.ZIP 275667 01-04-94 Above & Beyond 3.0 - Excellent Windows PIM.
| Enjoy Above & Beyond's superb Dynamic
| Scheduling. Feel your productivity surge
| as it streamlines your workflow. Handles
| all types of recurring items. Features
| pop-up alarms, week/month views, timers,
| task tracking, launch apps on schedule,
| contact database, auto-dialing, and more.
| Online Help. Includes workgroup/LAN support.
AB20.ZIP 86911 03-04-94 Ab v2.0: simple telephone and address book
AB3112Y.ZIP 25917 07-16-93 Easy to use address data base (self-x).
| creates simple data file with fast RAM index
ABKTL40A.ZIP 75158 04-11-94 ABKTool v4.0A: small, quick, handy appt book
| and todo list manager; use as TSR or as DV
| or Windows window. Many options. Well done.
ABOVE31.ZIP 342711 06-09-94 Beyond v3.1 for Windows. Powerful PIM for
| managing your busy schedules.
AC20.ZIP 18750 06-11-94 AreaFind 2.0 This freeware program finds an
| area code, and where it is, in United States,
| Canada, and Virgin Islands. Fast, and easy.
AC935B.ZIP 176049 03-28-95 Address Controller v9.35B: address/phone list
| manager; prints mailing/shipping labels,
| envelopes, index/rolodex cards & 4 different
| directory books; browse/search modes; convrt
| address files to/from DBASE III
ACSPG31.ZIP 66654 09-04-94 ACS Page ver 3.1, 09-04-94. Send text
| messages to alpha pagers. Emulates Motorola
| AlphaMate. New features include speeds
| higher than 300 bps, defaults to 80 column
| screens, enhanced debug mode.
ACTIVE20.ZIP 539732 05-06-94 Active Life v2.0 <ASP> Powerful, easy to use
| PIM for planning, managing and organizing
| your active business and personal life.
ADBK15.ZIP 101246 02-08-95 Adr_Book for Windows - is an address database
| program that can print an address booklet,
| mailing labels, envelopes, and several
| reports. Mailing labels can be printed by Zip
| Code order and with all capital letters for
| the name and address for bulk mailing
| purposes. Envelopes can be printed in three
| different sizes.
ADDER21.ZIP 65000 11-05-93 Accumulated-sum calculator
ADDJR20.ZIP 44582 04-24-92 AddJr (Address Jr.) v2.0: maintains a
| database of names, addresses, phone numbers,
| etc and allows you to search on any of the
| fields and print in several forms; prints
| envelopes w/return address.
ADDPH32.ZIP 334818 05-01-93 AddPhone Version 3.2 ASP - is the BEST addres
| & phone directory program available for home
| or business. It can be used by any level of
| computer user to create address books and
| print them in a variety of popular formats.
| It is a database application - powerful enoug
| to become a vital tool in your business.
| Prints address labels, roledex cards and
| numerous reports. Dials the telephone.
| Imports/exports. Customizable. Much more!
ADDRDB.ZIP 298975 01-15-94 Address Database. ASP.
ADDRES15.ZIP 18900 05-08-93 A nice little address and phone book
| program. Names and Addresses 1.5
ADDRES31.ZIP 1068430 01-14-95 >> ADDRESS BOOK FOR WINDOWS v3.1S <<
| Address Book for Windows is a Windows
| based pictoral address manager which
| allows the attachment of a 256 color
| .BMP picture file with each address.
| Other features include voice and modem
| dialing from within the program.
| Documentation: Online help. (ASP)
ADDRESS1.ZIP 326836 07-15-93 Address, Complete Personal/Business Address.
| File 1 of 2.
ADDRESS2.ZIP 330356 07-15-93 Address, Complete Personal/Business Address.
| File 2 of 2.
ADDRPBK.ZIP 303799 08-23-92 Address-phone book with mouse support up to
| 2 million records, very nice, and easy.
ADLIB100.ZIP 245063 09-01-94 Address Librarian v1.00. Address Database.
| Extremely easy-to-use program to maintain
| names, address and phone numbers. Can hold
| up to 2 billion addresses. Prints labels in
| the most popular formats, rolodex and index
| cards for dot-matrix and laser printers.
| Has context senstive help, online manual,
| mouse support, popup calendar and much more.
ADPHON32.ZIP 358881 09-29-92 The BEST address/phone directory for home or
ADR11B.ZIP 237887 01-18-92 Address Manager from Wilson Window Ware. For
| database of names and addresses.
ADR60.ZIP 39040 02-12-93 Adr 6.0: Simple Address Database.
ADRSBK32.ZIP 189159 11-10-91 Addressbook 3.2 w/4.0 demo, excellent!
ADTEL_V3.ZIP 269920 02-29-92 Address & Telephone directory with many
| features.
ADWM_1.ZIP 298305 07-22-94 Polaris Advantage Working Model - is a
| fully-functioning demo of a powerful
| PIM for Windows. It allows you to
| create up to 80 records of information
| including phone book records,
| appointments, and To-Do lists.
| File 1 of 3.
ADWM_2.ZIP 1375201 07-22-94 Polaris Advantage Working Model - is a
| fully-functioning demo of a powerful
| PIM for Windows. It allows you to
| create up to 80 records of information
| including phone book records,
| appointments, and To-Do lists.
| File 2 of 3.
ADWM_3.ZIP 1200324 07-22-94 Polaris Advantage Working Model - is a
| fully-functioning demo of a powerful
| PIM for Windows. It allows you to
| create up to 80 records of information
| including phone book records,
| appointments, and To-Do lists.
| File 3 of 3.
AFIND21.ZIP 12794 08-14-94 AreaFind 2.1 By ShadSoft This freeware
| utility will find area codes quickly.
ALM30D.ZIP 366534 06-24-92 Almanac v3.0d; Calendar/appoint/alarms/to-do
ALM511.ZIP 124430 01-30-95 Address List Manager v5.11 - The easy and
| fast way to maintain your mailing list.
| Handles up to 2400 records per file. Features
| include an easy to use editor, mouse support,
| fast sorting, automatic return address
| printing and versatile customization. You
| can customize its output to fit any size
| page, index card, envelope or 1, 2, 3 or 4
| across labels. New: Context-sensitive help,
| virtual memory, multitasker-aware, more.
ALRMPR13.ZIP 338101 05-01-93 Alarmpro 1.3D. Personal Information Manager.
AM2032.ZIP 339703 10-26-93 ╔╗╔╗╔╗ AutoMessage 2.0 32Column ╔╗╔╗╔╗
| ╝╚╝╚╝╚═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╧╧╧═╧╧╧╧╧╧╧╧═╝╚╝╚╝╚
| 32-Column Version of AutoMessage 2.0!!
| Professional graphical messages. Has 4
| fonts, optional password protection, a
| QuickShow feature, and some bug fixes.
| Registered version lets you show GIF &
| PCX files, has background music, a DOS
| message player, text to message maker.
AMS520.ZIP 662907 03-06-95 Action Management System (Ver. 5.20, 3/6/95)
| action item tracking, tracks action and
| status. To do list / task management for
| work group including easy to use reports by
| due date for each member. Proven system. PC
| World 2/94: "Best Shareware". Includes many
| configuration options, many reports, word
| wrap, spell check, expanded online help,
| tutorial, demo, and User's Manual. Shareware
AM_30P.ZIP 461957 11-29-94 ADDRESS MANAGER 3.0P (ASP) Full featured
| address book and phone dialer. Prints Avery
| and other laser labels. Dot matrix support
| too. Prints envelopes, lists, etc. Supports
| thousands of addresses. Supports European and
| British addresses. Comes in USA English,
| Queens English, French, German, Dutch and
| Italian.
AM_CB12.ZIP 322040 01-20-95 CONTACT BOOK + for Windows(MS Windows 3.1)
| (excellent for Laptops). Includes two
| programs: Contact Book and Note Book. Can be
| used at home or for business. Keeps track of
| all kinds of contacts (personal, business).
| Unlimited number of entries, automatically
| sorted. Searching, modem dialing, printing
| records, letters, envelopes, notes, and much
| more. A similar format to a regular book
| makes programs very easy to use and
AM_CR12.ZIP 159368 01-24-95 CALENDAR/REMINDER (MS Windows 3.1):excellent
| for Laptops. Have you forgotten a birthday,
| anniversary, meeting, or any other special
| occasion? Let the computer do the work for
| you.Program allows you to keep track of all
| the above. Even more,it will remind you
| about the events automatically. A similar
| format to a regular calendar-note book makes
| the program very easy to use, intuitive.
| On-line helps are only one mouse click away.
AM_DN13.ZIP 199062 02-26-95 DAILY NOTES for Windows: program for IBM-PC
| (excellent for Laptops) (MS Windows 3.1). Are
| you writing a lot of different notes on a
| daily basis? Do you want to refer to them
| very quickly? Do you want to sort them by
| subject or by date? Or perhaps you are
| writing a diary? Do you want to be able to
| print some or all of your notes? Let Daily
| Notes do the work for you.
AM_SO20.ZIP 503304 06-10-95 STUDENT ORGANIZER for Windows: program for
| IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). It includes three
| separate applications: Course Book, Reference
| Book, Terminology Book. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
| any field, printing and much more. A similar
| format to a regular book makes all 3 programs
| very easy to use, and intuitive. You can
| register on-line on Compuserve
AN300.ZIP 187935 11-17-92 AMPLE NOTICE v3.00 <ASP> - Unusually
| flexible appointment calendar/alarm clock
| software. Variety of options for viewing,
| printing, sorting and archiving the
| appointment file. Lets you group entries by
| user or category. New in version 3: mouse
| support, better help and menus, etc.
ANW100.ZIP 494332 06-02-95 AMPLE NOTICE/WIN v1.00 <ASP> - Unusually
| flexible appointment calendar/alarm clock
| software. Variety of options for viewing,
| printing, sorting and archiving the
| appointment file. Lets you group entries by
| user or category.
APCAL320.ZIP 162472 02-16-93 APCAL v3.20 <ASP> - This Appoint. Calendar
| is extremely easy to use because the screens
| are set up in formats you are already fami-
| liar with. For example, it contains monthly
| calendars with day blocks in which you can
| type notes like a wall calendar. Appt's set
| up like most appointment books, simply type
| appt next to time. Much more...
APDCK400.ZIP 62453 07-15-92 =======================================
| Application Dock for Windows 4.0
| =======================================
| The latest release of the original
| icon-bar program launcher for Windows.
| Enhanced speed and functionality.
| Requires Windows 3.1 (Shareware)
APIM21.ZIP 165443 07-01-93 Personal Information Manager for MS-Win dows.
APLANR34.ZIP 241094 12-14-94 A PROJECT/EVENT PLANNER v3.4 <ASP> - Use for
| quick overall project planning, activity
| scheduling, resource scheduling. Can assign
| income/costs to events/resources to estimate
| project income/cost. Can shift all events
| forward/backward in time. Handles multiple
| calendars. Allows free-form drawing of
| events on scale of hr/day/week/month/yr.
| On-line help and sample plans provided.
| Requires Microsoft Windows 3.1.
APPT130.ZIP 33334 01-26-94 APPT Appointment Minder v1.30. Put in
| AUTOEXEC and it effortlessly presents
| today's appointments and automatically
| updates your datafiles. PgUp/Dn &
| print display. Internal editor. Logs
| past appointments, personalizes colors
| and recognizes international dates. A
| great office tool.
APPTBK10.ZIP 86636 02-05-92 General Purpose Appointment Book Scheduler
APPTBOOK.ZIP 100439 05-27-92 Appointment Book - Track personal
| appointments, auto-reminder
APR150A.ZIP 142301 10-01-93 Apropos 1.50 * ASP * Contact Manager * [1/2]
| Helps you organize your contacts, activities,
| to-dos, and documents. Features include
| user-defined reports, file compression for
| backups and file transfers, support for
| international date formats, addresses and
| phone numbers, User's Manual by professional
| writer, industry standard CUA user interface,
| with pulldown menus, buttons, windows, and
| customizable context-sensitive online help.
APR150B.ZIP 277786 10-01-93 Apropos 1.50 * ASP * Contact Manager * [2/2]
| Helps you organize your contacts, activities,
| to-dos, and documents. Features include
| user-defined reports, file compression for
| backups and file transfers, support for
| international date formats, addresses and
| phone numbers, User's Manual by professional
| writer, industry standard CUA user interface,
| with pulldown menus, buttons, windows, and
| customizable context-sensitive online help.
APREM.ZIP 8308 05-18-93 Reminder program for birthdays, any special
| event.
AREA13.ZIP 28316 08-16-94 ** Area Code Finder ** by Nor'Easter Software
| Finds Area Codes via number or 2 letter state
| abbrv. Version 1.3
AREACD40.ZIP 133465 04-15-95 A World Time "lookup" via City, State,
| Province, Country, Areacode, or Country
| International Telephone code. Daylight
| Savings Time is recognized "on-the-fly".
| Track the time onscreen for a particular
| location in minimized and Always on Top
| mode. This utility will pay for itself by
| helping you avoid costly call-backs before
| or after business hours, as well as after
| normal waking hours in any world location.
AREACDS.ZIP 5184 01-01-92 Returns State for input area code. Fast/small
AREACOD4.ZIP 22740 02-08-95 Areacode Finder v1.4 by Jason Mathew
| Program searches for telephone area
| codes/state information by area code,
| state name, city name, or postal codes.
| C source included.
ARIAD410.ZIP 28900 05-15-92 Ariadne v4.10 Manhattan zip code frm address.
AS405SW.ZIP 141281 07-13-94 Appointment Scheduler v.4.05 07-16-94 <ASP>
| A small business or personal appointment
| scheduling program. 7:00am to 11:00pm in
| 15 minute increments. Print schedule,
| pop-up calculator and much more. Copy,
| Cut, and Paste options, Repeat Scheduling,
| search functions. Improved database design.
| Minor Bug Fix & Documentation Changes
ASCEND.ZIP 619430 12-03-92 Ascend, Personal Information Manager.
ASSETS1.ZIP 184787 05-04-93 Keep track of your home inventory and
| valuables. Very good program when
| information is needed for insurance purposes.
ASSETS11.ZIP 160721 09-05-90 Home Asset Manager V1.1; Record/categorize
| Home Assets; Shareware, $15.
ASUBJV21.ZIP 68577 10-18-92 PC Subject Organizer Version 2.01
| Organize 999 subjects with a word processor
ATH202.ZIP 431126 06-29-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.02 <ASP> - Complete home
| and personal information manager. Easily keep
| track of names, addresses, and phone numbers;
| grocery lists; to-do lists; vehicle repairs
| and maintenance; household maintenance and
| repairs. Contains an appointment calendar, an
| income and expenses module, a home inventory
| module, an easy-to-use word processor with
| mail-merge. View and print many reports.
| Loaded with extras. Hard drive required. $29
ATH202_A.ZIP 431710 06-29-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.02 <ASP> - (AUSTRALIAN
| VERSION) A complete home and personal info
| manager. Easily track names, addresses, phone
| numbers; grocery lists; to-do lists; vehicle
| repairs and maintenance; household repairs
| and maintenance. Contains an appointment
| calendar, income and expenses module, home
| inventory module, easy-to-use word processor
| with mail-merge. View and print many reports.
| Loaded with extras. Hard drive required. $29
ATH202_B.ZIP 432866 06-29-94 AROUND THE HOUSE v2.02 <ASP> - (BRITISH
| VERSION) A complete home and personal info
| manager. Easily track names, addresses, phone
| numbers; grocery lists; to-do lists; vehicle
| repairs and maintenance; household repairs
| and maintenance. Contains an appointment
| calendar, income and expenses module, home
| inventory module, easy-to-use word processor
| with mail-merge. View and print many reports.
| Loaded with extras. Hard drive required. $29
AUTMAT30.ZIP 166129 03-03-92 Automate v3.0 is a home monitoring and con-
| trol system. Home automation has been the
| dream of many folks but until recently has
| not been practical. This shareware discuss-
| es the possibilities. The registered version
| is devoted to actual control and monitoring
| applications. Automate introduces you to the
| concepts in a way the novice can understand.
| Imagine pressing a key and controlling your
| appliances! <ASP>.
AUTOCAL.ZIP 3291 02-09-94 AutoCal - is a schedule reminder which
| reads your appoinment information and
| related notes from an ASCII file.
AUTODL10.ZIP 62268 06-08-93 MS-Win dows Application That Stores Names
| and Phone Numbers.
AUTOMATE.ZIP 761111 09-16-94 Automate shows you how to use your
| personal computer for home automation.
| AV Contact Center v.5.02 :
| -unlimited number of the databases;
| -selection of the records by any parameter;
| -automatic ZIP codes validation;
| -keep track of the last fax, call or mail;
| -automatic Faxing (text file + cover page);
| -automatic Phone dialing;
| -Printing Envelopes and Labels with fonts sel
| -Calendar/Notepad w. up to 64k data per day.
BAN25.ZIP 41273 08-27-92 Boot-A-Note v2.5 (BAN) is the classic comp-
| uter "Post-It" note. BAN has a colorful
| interface, command line options, menus, and
| an easy to use "note" editor. Great for
| computers that are used by more than one
| person, and info has to be shared between
| them. **New features and bug fixes in 2.5!**
| (Shareware $10)
BATREM41.ZIP 587259 06-21-95 ORGANIZER/DIARY with Reporter, ALARM-function
| Addresses, Memos, Mail-Merge WORDPERFECT and
| MS-WORD, 4 function Calculator, you name it!
| Full portability between home and work.
| Use it on your PC/Laptop/Notebook or even in
| a full-size network-environment to discover
| it's full potential.
| A professional organizer brought to you
| by 'Nice SoftWare!' at shareware prices.
BB12DEXE.ZIP 472220 02-17-94 BlackBook v1.2 personal information manager
| for DOS with the ability to attach a .PCX or
| .GIF file to individules record.
BBPV3.ZIP 121109 09-02-93 Black Book Plus 3.0 Name/address rotary
| database. One of the Shareware classics.
BC.ZIP 77292 01-25-95 ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ BUSINESS CARDS ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡
| An outstanding business card database for
| your personal computer. Organizes your
| cards and provides fast search and print
| capability by name, company, or assigned
| group. (Can also be used as a telephone
| or address directory.) An absolute must
| have for the business professional!
BCR221.ZIP 192870 03-15-95 NEW! BusinessCards for Windows V2.2 <ASP>
| Extremely intuitive and easy to use free
| form database/organizer. Elegant folio-like
| user interface with tabs and flipping pages.
| Win Mag "Superior Shareware" (Apr'95). AOL
| editor's best pick (Jan'95). Cover disk on
| What PC (Apr'94), Win Mag UK (May'94),
| Windows User (Jun'94), PC NewsFlash (Feb'95),
| The Home Office ShareWarehouse. MUST SEE!
BDAY15A.ZIP 55921 02-02-93 BDay v1.5A: pgm that announces the birthdays
| of your friends and family ahead of time so
| you'll never forget them again.
| Makes a commercial quality printout of:"A
| mini, newspaper front page of when you were
| born, graphics and all!." Laser Printer or
| Laser emulation software required! The new
| standard for "What Happened The Day You Were
| Born?" software programs. Every date back to
| Jan. 01, 1900. Shareware. Make money with
| this unique program at swap meets, stores or
| as a fund raiser.
BDGR209Y.ZIP 93804 02-01-93 Badger 209 - Event calander and daily reminde
BEEPME11.ZIP 76308 05-03-93 BeepMe 1.1 calls your pager when
| it detects rings on the phone.
| works with COM1 or COM2
BIRTHLIS.ZIP 62531 07-26-93 BirthLis (John Hickey; $10) - is a
| simple program for keeping track of
| birthdays.
BLK_BOOK.ZIP 583801 01-27-94 Black Book 1.27.94 rel - $10 reg Graphical
| Classic personal information manager.
BOOK32.ZIP 42081 02-07-93 Black Book V3∙2 - simple phone number and
| address database with amateur radio slant
BORN206.ZIP 334012 08-14-93 Your Bithday Almanac v2.06s. Makes a
| commercia quality printout of: What Happened
| The Day You Were Born? A treasure of
| information about life and times on your
| birthday.
BPSORG.ZIP 46645 06-23-93 BPS Organizer Windows Personal Information
| Manager.
BSM6.ZIP 387494 06-17-95 Business StartManager 6.0 is an easy
| to use Personal Information Manager.
| It offers an appointment calendar, a
| phone number database, todo lists, a
| reminder system, text database and
| much more. It has an integrated DOS
| GRAPHICAL USER interface that is
| easy to use.
CA100D.ZIP 71260 12-17-94 CYBERNETIC ATTORNEY v1.00D - Full working
| demo of popular custom legal form generator.
| Did you know that if a defect occurs in a
| used car or appliance you sold, causing an
| accident, fire, or shock, you could be sued?
| Cybernetic Attorney contains a database of
| legal forms: general purpose, plus forms for
| real estate, landlords, employers, small
| businesses. Valid for all states except
| Louisiana. Works on any IBM or clone.
CAL12.ZIP 63673 05-26-92 Calendar v1.2 prints/displays from 1-65355
| registered versions allows months to be
| printed as needed.
CAL201.ZIP 61797 02-06-92 CAL v2.01: reminder program that reads your
| reminders out of a standard ASCII text
| files; displays calendars for this month,
| last month and next month.
CAL33.ZIP 44149 01-23-95 V28i87: Enhanced UNIX calendar for DOS (like
| appointments) to the right of the monthly
| calendar display. With options.
CAL402.ZIP 22628 04-18-94 Calendar 4.02 04/18/94
| CALENDAR displays a calendar from DOS in one
| of two formats, either one month or 12 months
| of one year. Shareware registration forms and
| manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems
| (ASP).
CAL94E12.ZIP 167776 08-29-94 CAL94E V1.2
| Calendar and Information Manager, Aug 94.
| Schedule appointments and store other
| one-time or recurring events. Spans years
| 1800 through 2099. Store names & addresses,
| single-screen notes. Many support functions,
| mouse, printing, easy navigation with menus.
| Features selection of most data rather than
| keying! Also calculator, autodialer.
| 246K, DOS 3.0, video card. Registration $23.
CALCAL.ZIP 40215 01-05-92 CALendar CALculator. Easy way to count days.
CALCAT53.ZIP 89110 04-23-94 CalCat! v5.3 ultimate full featured holiday s
| CalCat! v5.3 the ultimate full featured holid
| that knows 242+ holidays. Also has an awesom
| to let the user edit holidays and even add ad
| Excellent alternative swapping functions on n
| with 20 target files each with it's own contr
| of up to 100 screens.. Wow, what a deal.
| Now has multiple path capability.
CALEND34.ZIP 207321 06-02-93 ┌──────────────────────────────┐
| ┌─────┤ cALMER Utilities Series 134 ├─────┐
| │ └──────────────────────────────┘ │
| │ Perpetual calendar program incorporating │
| │ Easter holidays. Allows addition of own │
| │ holidays and roll-over of holidays to │
| │ Monday. Can show age on birthdays etc. │
| │ │
| └─────────┐ Australian Shareware ┌─────────┘
| └──────────────────────┘
CALLNOTE.ZIP 42181 03-22-92 DOS pop-up window for writing short notes
| and keeping Rolodex which can be dialed
| through your modem.
CALL_20.ZIP 79537 07-30-94 CALLER ID Ver. 2.0
| Log all your calls to your hard drive
| or floppy. Detects the caller id from
| the phone company. Log is limited only
| by drive space. On screen call counter, last
| call time view log on screen and more.
CALM45.ZIP 179623 10-04-94 CALENDAR MATE v4.5 <ASP> is a full-featured
| calendar/scheduler which allows you to enter
| events and print daily or monthly calendars
| in English, French, German or Spanish. Simple
| to use yet powerful in its handling of
| repeating events. Supports practically all
| printers (except pre-HP Laserjet II lasers).
| Context-sensitive help, mouse support and
| more. Shareware registration $28.00
CALMATE3.ZIP 129763 06-05-91 Calendar maker.
CALMIN30.ZIP 108013 07-11-93 CALMINDER v3∙0: a calendar-reminder program;
| simply input your reminders and date/time
| and CALMINDER will do the dirty work -
| create daily, weekly,∙ Reports, produce
| valuable printouts, make forecasts, and
| advanced features; menu-driven and has
| mouse-support
CALNOT14.ZIP 207346 10-17-92 CALNOTES version 1.4 is an easy to use
| calendar database. You can store
| free-form notes every day using the
| built-in editor. Companion TSR alarm
| pops up reminders at times you select.
| Features phone list with modem dialer.
| Allows fixed and variable events to
| appear on the main calendar display.
CALQCK22.ZIP 826947 05-19-95 Calendar Quick Scheduling Tool v2.20. High
| performance scheduling for individuals,
| managers, and workgroups. Twelve different
| calendar and schedule formats. Advanced user
| interface with many extras. WYSIWG printing,
| print preview, and copy/paste to other
| Windows applications. Includes Timelines and
| Action Lists for use in project management.
| Requires Windows 3.1 or newer.
CALS14.ZIP 124400 01-10-95 CALEVA V1.4S - CALendar of EVents and
| Appointments at-a-glance. Amazingly
| simple to use. An indispensable tool
| to assist you in tracking past, current
| and future events or appointments on a
| Daily, Weekly, BiWeekly, Monthly,
| Quarterly, Interval days or Yearly
| basis and an Address keeper menu with
| Envelope and Label printing.
| Free form - Type in any information
CAL_DD.ZIP 31731 05-20-92 Display a calendar 6 months at a time/print.
CAL_MATE.ZIP 160672 05-04-91 Multilingual Personal Calendar Program.
CAL_MS10.ZIP 16037 11-08-91 Good TSR calendar that can be copied into a
| document.
CAL_V18.ZIP 106424 04-06-92 The Home and Business Calendar v1.8:
| speechsynthesis, friendly home & business
| calendar, w/special dates remeinder,
| conflict notice of appointments.
CANS15.ZIP 309689 01-02-94 C A N S v1.5 <ASP> Industrial strength PIM.
| A tickler and rolodex - on line help. Feature
| 'to do' list, automatically rolls foward
| daily; maintains anniversaries. Search
| calendar by date or keyword; critical date
| alerts. Extensive rolodex file with multiple
| groupings; WP51 mail merge, mailing labels;
| rolo. cards, etc. Ideal for Ins. agents,
| Sales of any kind; Corp. mgrs.; Exec. secs.;
CARDS10.ZIP 38097 09-23-91 Cardfile v1.0: allows the simulation of a 3
| by 5 card deck or a simple data entry system
| that can be used for adding records,
| altering records, deleting records, and
| looking up records; runs in 128K of memory;
| can search any field and records can be
| compatible with ASCII text editors.
CARDX135.ZIP 234539 06-07-94 Rolodex: dials phone, three numbers per
| record. Prints labels, envelopes, rolodex
| cards and more! TSR program included.
CAREER.ZIP 289651 03-24-94 CAREER PATH 2.3 <ASP>
| Helps determine a person's best career(s)-
| Career Path is a comprehensive career
| selection and planning system designed to
| help a person determine 'Who they are',
| 'What career(s) they would like the best',
| and 'How to get the career they want'.
CASEY12.ZIP 319149 01-06-95 ╓── CASEY - Calendars the Easy Way ────────╖
| ║ Version 1.2 by ETS Inc. ║
| ║ Why Are We Giving Away This Calendar ║
| ║ Program For Only $10? The Amazing Thing, ║
| ║ Of Course, Is The Rather Remarkable ║
| ║ Selection Of Calendars You Can Choose ║
| ║ From. Alive With Features! ║
| ║ All-Graphic - DOS - $10.00 ║
| ║ IBM EGA/VGA+Mouse+LASER Printer required.║
| ╙────── Print Beautiful Calendars! ────────╜
CDIARY12.ZIP 230022 05-01-93 CUMBERLAND DIARY v1.2 <ASP> - User-
| friendly diary/journal entry program with
| pull-down menus and extensive context
| sensitive help! Features include: multiple
| diaries, bookmark, password protection, file
| encryption, search by date or headings,
| full-featured wordprocessor with cut and
| paste features. Spell-checker and ASCII
| import for registered users. Cumberland
| Software, $20.00 US.
CFS2171.ZIP 64021 07-13-93 Correspondence Filing System CFS(tm) V2.171
| Organize word processor documents, Mail
| Messages, Fax's, Images, and any other files
| you might have into an easy to retrieve
| Filing system. Data fields (to, from,
| subject) can be auto filled from WORD, and
| Mail Messages. Free form files the data
| fields will be prompted. Files can later be
| extracted from CFS without fear of changing
| the original.
CHAOS40.ZIP 286843 01-02-94 Time and Chaos for Windows. Time management
| system for appts, phone numbers, calender
| etc.
CHASER40.ZIP 171104 02-21-95 Time Chaser for Windows v4.0 - PIM/Contact M
| Time Chaser's main screen is an open Desk Dia
| and todo's. Time Chaser is equipped with whit
| with instant access to all features such as a
| time and billing, link to word processor, app
| autodialer, alarms, notes, and multiple datab
| extensive search capabilities and more. Requi
CHRNO100.ZIP 48402 04-10-91 Chronosis- The Ultimate Timekeeping Program
| It Features Dual Modes, A Quick Glance Of
| Time/date And A Full Program Mode. The Full
| Mode Features Mouse Support, Time/date Set,
| Alarms, Auto-exit Time, Standard/24-hour
| Time Display, And Much Much More. Turns Your
| Computer Into A Kind Of Watch.
CHRONLOG.ZIP 151401 01-30-95 ChronLOG - is a group/resource scheduling
| package for Windows. It is ideal for
| scheduling employees, conference rooms,
| equipment checkout/reservations, or any other
| shared items.
CHRONO12.ZIP 652791 03-25-93 ----- ChronoLog (formerly NControl) -----
| Personal Info Manager (PIM) with emphasis
| on resource management. As NControl,
| won 1st place in the 1991 Dept of Defense
| Software Contest. Provides: event tracking
| and reminding, resource categorization,
| conflict warnings, keyword and string
| searching, printing of appt schedules and
| block calendars, phonebook, calculator, DOS
| directory, perpetual calendar, todo list.
CIVIL001.ZIP 52128 01-31-95 CA Code of Civil Procedure and Legal Searcher
| v4.0 for Windows. 1/3 Legal Searcher 4.0 for
| Windows. Legal Searcher/Text Reader is a fast
| and dirty interrogator or large text file and
| supports multiple searches on single files or
| whole directories for up-to 4 key words or
| phrases, simulating hyper-text associations.
CIVIL002.ZIP 370133 01-31-95 CA Code of Civil Procedure and Legal Searcher
| v4.0 for Windows. 2/3
CIVIL003.ZIP 400511 01-31-95 CA Code of Civil Procedure and Legal Searcher
| v4.0 for Windows. 3/3
CLDDA100.ZIP 18557 02-01-95 Cal-DDA v1.00 - DOS util: perpetual calendar.
| Freeware (c) 1995 [95/02/01] by DDA - Reign
| Ware. W/ Pascal source. Easy to use.
CLNDR203.ZIP 144676 02-26-92 Calendar Program
CODE0292.ZIP 318240 02-14-92 Comprehensive breakdown & listing of U.S.
| Exchanges & area codes with cities &
| exchanges. ASCII text.
COMMUTE3.ZIP 76135 04-17-95 THE ONE-MINUTE COMMUTER, by Adam Starchild
| If you're tired of the long, arduous commute
| to work day in and day out, you may want to
| consider shortening it by working from home.
| In this electronic book, you'll find several
| useful ideas for getting started, plus some
| strategies to help you hold onto as much of
| what you'll earn as possible. Updated 4/95.
CONTACTS.ZIP 252275 05-12-93 Contacts v1.51 for Windows. Contact Manager,
| form processing, calendar and more.
CONTENTS.ZIP 140510 08-10-91 Home Inventory Program
CONTRACK.ZIP 155281 10-09-94 ConTrack -- keeps track of your professional
| contacts.
CPLUS25.ZIP 315627 08-16-93 Contact Plus Personal 2.5 - award winning!
| New: Full support for WordPerfect 6.0
| form letters and mail-merge. Import.
| Still: auto-dialer, user defined fields
| categories, memory resident (TSR), Avery
| mailing labels, ticklers, reminders,
| history graph, call analysis reports,
| 24 categories, holidays, databases,
| automated follow-up schedules, history.
CPTUT23.ZIP 104214 01-10-92 Tutorial:ContactPlus v2.3 Bus./Client contact
CROSS11.ZIP 85100 09-07-91 Cross Concepts, Tool For Evaluating Ideas
CRTV32.ZIP 196983 03-17-92 CREATIVITY Part 2: DOS 2.1+, 512K
| Computer-aided brainstorming help
| stimulate your creative ideas. (ASP)
CSM141.ZIP 440598 02-19-94 COMPUTER SYSTEM MANAGER v1.41 <ASP> Computer
| information tracking system designed for all
| types of computer users; from home, to small
| business, to corporate managers. It keeps
| data on all aspects of your computer systems,
| including both hardware and software. It will
| track data for your basic systems, all their
| components, your assets, determine if items
| are under warranty, and more. Req's Hard
| Drive, and DOS 3.3 or greater. SH $29.95
CV201.ZIP 309779 10-14-93 Convert It! v2.01; Unit Conversion Utility
| Ultimate unit of measure conversion utility
| for MS Windows. 14 catagories of conversions
| with a 15th for custom conversions. You can
| edit the conversion factors, add or delete
| units. Customize it for the way YOU work.
| Catagories include Temperature, Mass, Volume,
| Time, Area, Angle and more. On-line context
| sensitive help.
CV4.ZIP 60442 02-24-92 ConVersions 4.0. Full featured w/descriptions
CWISE11.ZIP 271489 08-28-92 Calendar Wise version 1.1. A multi-planner.
| Calendar Wise is a multi-subject planning
| and tracking tool that simulates a desktop
| blotter, or write/on wipe off wall calendar
| 100 calendars keeps all planning separated.
| Calendar format can be changed to view more
| information. Multiple calendars can be
| viewed together. ASP, $25
DAIBRD21.ZIP 56682 12-16-92 Daily Bread, ver. 2.1, daily "food for
| thought" program, jokes, quotes, words of
| wisdom, reviews, insights. Also a to-do
| list, phone list, reminder list of birthdays
| and other anniversaries, daily diary
DAILY.ZIP 82412 10-03-94 NowWhat - is a time managment program with
| modules for keeping appointments, a to-do
| list, and an activity log.
DARNW40.ZIP 491633 06-01-95 DARN! Don't Forget! Events Reminder -- Be
| popular in your family or office when you
| always remember birthdays, anniversaries,
| appointments, and other events! DARN! pops up
| every day, and gives you plenty of warning so
| you can purchase cards or presents, plan
| parties, or prepare for meetings. ASP
| shareware from EmmaSoft Software Co, Inc.
DATECK11.ZIP 53515 05-01-92 Non-TSR Reminder program.
DATEDEMO.ZIP 33108 01-23-95 Julian/Gregorian date conversions enhanced
DATEHIST.ZIP 107456 12-05-92 Important dates in History./Events/Birthdays
| In a pleasant viewing environment.
DATEIN11.ZIP 18714 06-07-93 ARAD Software presents Date Infominder
| v1.1. Keep track of important dates
| with Date Infominder. You describe an
| event and tell Date Infominder when
| you want to be notified of it. Never
| forget a date again! Great for use in
| your AUTOEXEC.BAT or Windows' Startup
| program group!
DATES501.ZIP 70252 02-05-95 DATES.EXE (5.01): Warns you of upcoming
| birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc
| so you can buy cards or get out of town
| in time.
DATMIND.ZIP 12702 01-18-94 DateMinder - reminds you of upcoming
| events as you boot up your computer.
| NEW: support for monochrome displays.
DAVE11E.ZIP 35447 11-23-92 Dave-o-dex v1.1E: small TSR (15K) that works
| as a no-frills pop-up Rolodex-style cardfile;
DAVEODEX.ZIP 9965 11-08-91 Great Rolodex-style TSR pop-up card file.
DAY56.ZIP 451596 12-30-94 Daily Calendar Version 5.6 - Award winning
| appointment calendar, name and address
| book, dialer, to-do list manager, contact
| McAfee 1st Annual Shareware Contest.
| Includes multiple appointments, unlimited
| text entry, contact tracking, reports,
| lists, mailmerge and many more features in
| a program you can learn in five minutes.
DAYCN.ZIP 7598 09-16-92 Calculates the # of days between two given
| dates; checks for legal month, date, & leap
| year entries.
DAYCNT36.ZIP 49498 05-02-94 Day-Count v3.6: formerly released as "Days
| To.", this pgm is designed to be used in
| your Autoexec.Bat providing you, upon
| bootup, today's date as well as the number
| of days remaining to the next holiday;
DAYFL31A.ZIP 524349 04-15-94 DayFlo TRACKER Lite 3.1.a. Acclaimed PIM.
| Boasts variable length text fields & user
| defined Forms & Reports. Excels at Contacts,
| Textual data, Article Abstracts, Projects,
| Library Topics, Quotations, Research Notes &
| more. Many key features in this extremely
| flexible File / Personal Information Manager.
| A prior rel. was in PC Magazine's Excellence
| Awards. Original version known as a freeform
| database was a PC WEEK top 10 product.
DAYLFT11.ZIP 11811 07-07-92 Daysleft v1.1: will allow you to determine
| the number of days left until a certain
| date; number can be displayed on the screen,
| or you can use it to set an environment
| variable for further use in bat files.
DAYM410.ZIP 310916 10-01-94 DayMaster 4.10 <ASP> Program gives you
| historical events, births and anniversaries
| for the day, a quote, and any reminders you
| have at boot up or any time. Reminders can
| be annual,monthly,weekly,daily, range of
| dates, or single date. Even lets you add
| your own special days in history! From
| Unicorn Software Limited.
DAYSTO.ZIP 39532 02-04-92 Tells you the date as well as the number of
| days remaining until the next holiday.
DBD13.ZIP 824638 05-05-95 Day By Day v1.3 <ASP> PIM includes scheduler,
| task list manager, and diary, all with
| password protection for data security. Master
| task list allows easy entry of recurring
| tasks and default scheduling on a weekly
| basis. Automatically push uncompleted tasks
| to a future date if desired. Diary section
| includes text search feature and allows up to
| 64K of notes per day.
DCTIME25.ZIP 14295 04-19-93 DCTime v2.5: utility that will let you know
| the exact time and date in all cities put in
| a config file
DECIDE.ZIP 392611 08-30-93 Make My Decision! v2.3; Windows 3.x
| application makes difficult, multi-faceted
| decisions easier to make. By organizing the
| parts of the decision into a list, then
| comparing each item on the list to every
| other item, a new list is created that has
| been sorted by you from most important to
| least important facets. Compare the
| prioritized items to make your decision.
DECIDE11.ZIP 160806 10-12-94 Weighted Average Decision Maker - provides
| you with a reliable way to make many good
| decisions. It also provides you with
| quantitative documentation to support the
| decisions you have made.
DEEDPLTA.ZIP 183111 08-31-93 DEED PLOT: v0.38 ($10 to $100) DEEDPLT draws
| on screen and printer, closes open boundaries
| accepts an assortment of units for the direct
| amongst them. This is very useful for findin
| land description. New and improved. Now wit
DEEDPLYA.ZIP 181852 04-07-93 Draws a Map of Your Land for Deeds Etc.
DES22.ZIP 467595 01-06-94 Design-A-Room 2.2; Draw a room, add furniture
| and fixtures to exact dimensions, then move
| the pieces around to your heart's content
| without leaving your chair! Arrange pieces--
| move and resize them, make any shape and size
| room then print it out! Loaded with 17
| different fixtures and 31 furniture pieces.
| For Windows 3.1: Larger rooms, cut-and-paste
| any item! Improved setup and user interface,
| online help!
DIALAM.ZIP 26732 09-05-94 WW Phone Master Dialer:
| (telephone/rolodex program):
| Store and dial phone numbers for quick
| access. Allows the storage of phone
| numbers in a rolodex-like storage device.
| A great business tool. <ASP> Word 6.0
DIALIT.ZIP 220615 09-25-93 Dial it Pro 2.0 Desktop Dialer.
DIALM67.ZIP 182055 11-20-92 DIALM v6.7 Phone AutoDialer
DIALOG21.ZIP 234318 06-10-93 DiaLog 2.11 is a phone dialer, logger,
| stopwatch, spec touch tone svc, 2 addr
| bks, print envelopes, create help files.
| Calculator, alarm clock, editor, screen
| saver. Use 1-800-Egg-Head, redial on
| busy, Tone or Pulse, change Sys time.
| Usable with or w/o modem. Logs Date,
| Time, Name, Number, Minutes, Job Code,
| City, State, Company, Purpose.
DIARY28.ZIP 736103 05-04-95 Diary v2.8 <ASP> -- Diary/journal program for
| Windows with password protection and printing
| capability. Supports international date
| formats. Has text search feature which allows
| you to quickly bring up all entries
| pertaining to a particular person, event,
| etc. Accomodates up to 64K of entries per
| day. Version 2.7 implements improved data
| encryption.
DIARYW.ZIP 79143 06-05-93 Diary Program for Windows 3.1.
DIFFTIME.ZIP 6866 03-18-93 Small utility which calculates the
| difference in hours and seconds between
| a starting time and finish time.
| Useful for calculating payroll hours,
| overtime, etc.
| With C source code. Freeware.
DISCLMR.ZIP 3511 11-20-92 Universal Disclaimer - this file, developed
| by a brilliant but rotten lawyer, contains a
| copy of every disclaimer known and can be
| used as a universal disclaimer to cover
| yourself from every and any possible form of
| responsibility for product and service
| liability. You must read the disclaimer
| before using this Universal Disclaimer!!
DJOURNAL.ZIP 147281 02-05-92 Menu driven date/subject/journal/log
DKFIL29S.ZIP 139323 04-08-92 Disk filer v2.9: fully revised ASCII filing
| system.
DLTSTD21.ZIP 9233 04-01-93 Calculate starting dates for Daylight/
| Standard Time for 100 Years.
DMNDR.ZIP 455861 04-29-95 Daily Reminder - by AZTECA Software
| A personal organizer that takes the chaos
| out of your daily routine. Use it to set alar
| for meetings or appointments, record and dial
| phone numbers. Includes a personal To-Do pad
| keep track of your daily agenda. Shareware
| from AZTECA Software.
DMNDR10F.ZIP 12912 05-15-93 DateMinder v1.0f - Are you the type of person
| that is always forgetting important dates?
| If so, then this program is for you! You can
| keep track of anniversaries, birthdays etc.
| You can set the number of days before being
| alerted! Give it a try. It's FREEWARE.
| Data Master allows you to create, modify,
| sort, report, & query dBase files. It has a
| super Report Writer & a Query Builder which
| allows you to define, save, and restore
| queries so you can work with any subset of
| records. Supports all laserjet & dot matrix
| printers. Form Letter util, Finds dups,
| searches & replaces data, Mailing Label util.
| Sums & avgs any numeric fields. Much more.
DMTR57.ZIP 225918 09-26-91 Legal Form Maker v5.7
DONT10.ZIP 42371 11-20-91 Don't Panic v1.0, editor/outliner-ToDo lists
DP10.ZIP 96705 06-26-91 Daily Planner Editor/Print Prgam
DRMEM34.ZIP 134696 09-09-94 DR. Memory v3.4 <ASP> - Dr. Memory is one
| of the many "E-Z to use reminder" programs
| written over the past few years that remind
| you of appointments, holidays, etc.
| It has the good features of the others,
| yet none of the complexity and complication,
| and is easy and quick to use.
| A User's Manual is included.
| Try it, you'll love it, it's free!
DSDIALV1.ZIP 27839 01-08-95 ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐
| │▓▓▓ DOS Dialer, ▓▓▓│
| │A MS-DOS modem/telephone dialer, so easy│
| │to use yet so versatile. Simlpe put in │
| │path directory, and use, its that simple│
| │What to resister, %USER%, just write! │
| └────────────────────────────────────────┘
DTBK_V1.ZIP 28134 10-03-92 Datebook Version 1.0 An automatic reminder
| program for important events/dates. NON
| TSR. Enter up to 100 of your own alarms.
EASYDEX.ZIP 32158 12-02-91 Easy to use phone book.
EASYH103.ZIP 206978 01-04-92 Easy Home Software - Integrated software
| package with over 5 apps. Helps you run a
| home office or household.
EAZY341.ZIP 186952 02-27-95 EAZY v3.41 - The Ultimate Event Reminder,
| Calendar, and Program Scheduler. Features
| many event reminder types, help, advance
| warning, mouse support, EGA\VGA support,
| quick backup and restore options, print
| out, XMS/EMS, new Date Calculator and
| find function, configurable errorlevels,
| two view types, export, and much more!
EBIRD10F.ZIP 188149 03-01-95 Early Bird v1.0f <ASP>
| EARLY BIRD is a home and business calendar/
| reminder program that is easy to use,
| flexible, and powerful. It features simple or
| complex reminder types, desktop calendar and
| scan modes, color pull-down and pop-up menus,
| and context sensitive on-line help.
ECALC10.ZIP 14894 09-15-91 Expression calculator v1.0 by Solway.
EDESK42.ZIP 582005 03-22-95 EXECUTIVE DESK for Windows v 4.2
| will help you accomplish more in a working
| day than you ever thought possible! It util-
| izes proven Time Management concepts to help
| you work more effectively. Incorporates an
| Address Book, To-Do Lists, Follow-Up Lists,
| and Phone List into a unique "Day View" for
| easily organizing your workload. "Pop-Run"
| feature can run any DOS or Windows App. with
| one mouse click. From EXPERT'S CHOICE <ASP>.
EDIARY.ZIP 177018 05-25-93 Electronic Diary - Appointment scheduling
| program.
EDM.ZIP 136623 05-20-93 ELECTRONIC DATA MINDER: Rolodex-like program
| from Crystal Systems International. Version
| 1.9 launches from The Crystal Desktop or
| works as stand-alone.
EHI10C.ZIP 104605 10-07-93 Essential Home Inventory is a fast and
| flexible program for the home and small
| home office user. It keeps track of all
| of your belongings and can use 30k of
| text notes and pictures as part of the
| stored data -- it's loaded with features
| and does more than the name implies. From
| Alston Software Labs. Requires Windows 3.x
| and VBRUN300.DLL.
EP407.ZIP 221598 02-01-94 Easy Project - is a tool to assist
| anyone who manages projects by allowing
| the user to define a project into a
| series of phases and tasks. The Gantt
| chart displays the project graphically
| by using time bars which span the time
| period of each task. Easy Project
| features dBASE file compatibility.
EPB310B.ZIP 15092 06-23-92 Electronic Phone Book v7.10b from Perez Corp.
EPW154.ZIP 272695 03-20-95 Electronic Postal Window(tm) v1.50
| US Postal Rates look-up program. Enter
| the weight of your mailing piece and the
| postage is automatically displayed. All
| classes of mail. Comparison feature shows
| most economical postage. Fun facts about
| the postal service. Requires MS Windows
| 3.1 or higher, and a mouse. Shareware
EVENTS10.ZIP 442977 03-18-95 COMING EVENTS! keeps track of all of
| those important birthdays,
| anniversaries and appointments for you.
| Configure it to start with Windows and
| it pops up with a list of those events
| within the next week, month, etc.
| Loaded with features and fun to use,
| COMING EVENTS! will keep you in your
| family and friends' good graces!
EXADB204.ZIP 294446 08-25-92 Executive Address Book 2.0, Ver 2.04, 8/24/92
| Unscramble your address book. Formatted for
| 3 3/4" x 6 3/4" pocket secretaries to fit
| Day-Timer, DayRunner, etc. organizers. Page
| space maximized to keep books as thin as pos-
| sible. Up to nine different sections in thre
| different styles. Five phone numbers: Office
| FAX, 800, Home, Other. Sections for U.S.,
| Canadian, & Foreign. Maintains Rolodex, too.
EXAM.ZIP 16704 12-24-91 The Memory Power Course: Do You Have A Hard
| Time Studying For Tests/exams? Studying Does
| Not Come Natural For A Lot Of People, If You
| Are One Of Them Then Dowload This File
| Because It Could Change Your Future. Your
| Memory Will Be Able To Remember Facts With
| Very Little Effort. Similar Programs
| Advertised On Tv.
EXAMINE.ZIP 22048 02-13-91 Why Do You Believe What You Believe? Have
| You Examined The Evidence Behind What You
| Believe? This Is 3 Do-it-yourself Studies On
| Topics Of Vital Interest To The Thinking Man.
EXECUTIV.ZIP 460540 09-24-94 ***********************************
| ***********************************
| Intuitive Address Book with
| program manager features. Run
| up to 30 programs for each record
| in the address book. Includes
| Avery Style labels, Franklin
| Planner printouts. Also remembers
| City, State and ZIP info for
EXIM20.ZIP 756536 10-07-94 EXIM LTS v2.0 for Win 3.1 An easy to
| use Personal Information Manager
EZADDRS1.ZIP 58324 03-16-93 EZ-Address 1.0 Home & Business Address Log.
EZCAL12.ZIP 149670 06-08-94 EZ-Calendar v1.2 tracks dates
| for you quickly and easily. Allows
| you to leave messages for any date
| between 1899 and 2099. Requires 640K
| RAM, and color monitor. Message
| Search function, cut & paste between
| different dates, etc. REGISTERED
| version can check for messages upon
| Boot-up of your system, print messages
| to LPT1, 2 or 3, etc.
EZDEX_1B.ZIP 19730 06-11-93 EZ-DEX, the EASY ADDRESS INDEX, provides a
| means of quickly fetching an address and
| auto-typing it into a currently running PC
| word processor, or other application program.
| EZ-DEX can also print labels and envelopes as
| well as dial phone numbers.
| EZ-DEX is a 10K TSR running under DOS 3.0 or
| later on an IBM PC or equivalent.
EZFF11TD.ZIP 186380 07-18-92 EZ-Forms First - Simple Forms Processor
| without bells & whistles, great for laptops
EZRM14.ZIP 188866 01-21-95 Easy Reminders v1.4: displays reminders upon
| PC bootup; large number of reminders can be
| stored to be displayed on a given date;
EZYD1.ZIP 37792 11-21-94 Nice Cmnd-Line Phone/Dig. Pager Dialer
| Ezy-D is a great little dialer for use
| on the command-line and in batch files
| for making unattended pager calls in
| response to system/application events.
| Features:
| - Automatically locates modem.
| - Automatically selects voice/pager
| operation.
| - Auto (time-out) or manual operation.
FAC175.ZIP 126235 11-21-94 Find Area Code: 7K TSR-capable program finds
| any of hundreds of U.S. & Int'l telephone
| area codes. Search by city, state, country,
| area code or text string. Freeform search
| ASCII/text file and/or any other text file.
| "Fuzzy" sound-alike searches.
FAMCAL13.ZIP 254680 04-16-95 Family Calendar for Windows v1.3 <ASP> Prints
| family oriented, professional quality wall
| calendars. Give as gifts to family and
| friends. Make $$$ selling calendars. Auto-
| year counts. Purse or pocket tri-fold
| SHOPPING LIST. Events for departed family
| members. Promotes family history and unity.
| Supports intl dates & A4 paper size. Auto-
| font sizing. Reg. users receive Free 12 month
| laser printed calendar.
FAMILYTX.ZIP 363658 03-05-95 FamilyTrax The Ultimate Online Phone Book
| for Windows. Organize names, addresses,
| phone numbers, etc. Dial phone numbers
| automatically, be reminded of upcoming
| occasions, and print address labels.
FAVDIARY.ZIP 307932 04-11-95 My Favorite Diary v1.0: DOS Diary/Journal
| program. You are able to create daily
| event logs in an electronic diary.
| Access to these entries are made by
| popping up the Calendar and selecting
| the date that you want to work with.
| Multiple diaries can be created, and
| the ability to encode your entries with
| a password is available.
FB112.ZIP 75606 07-26-91 Maintains quick phone book data reference
FFLYER.ZIP 325387 10-05-93 The Frequent Flier Manager - helps
| members of an airline travel award
| programs keep track of there frequent
| flyer miles. Requires 1.2MB of hard
| disk space, a color monitor and an
| Epson or Hewlett Packard Desk Jet
| compatible printer.
FFLYR501.ZIP 594265 03-01-95 The Frequent Flier Manager v5.01: program for
| both individuals and businesses!
FGSHT15.ZIP 284131 12-20-92 Household Tracker v1.5: Updated: Keep track
| of all your household items in one program.
FINCALC.ZIP 34705 10-08-91 FINCALC V 1.0 is a memory resident swapping
| TSR. It contains a 4 function calculator, a
| present value/ future value/ solve for value
| calculator and a loan/ solve for value
| calculator.
FOIAFORM.ZIP 2435 10-06-92 Do you want to make a Freedom of Information
| Act request to find out what files the FBI
| has on you? Here's a form letter, as ASCII
| text, that you can edit to include your
| 60entifying data, get it notarized, and mail
FON051A.ZIP 261706 11-05-92 PhoneTool: The People-Base Processor
| v0.51 (1 of 2) Sophisticated contact
| management system with category
| cross-referencing, integrated tickler,
| dialer and calendar, scan entries by
| Company, Contact, Category or Phone
| Number, multiple people-bases, fully
| colour-configurable, interface with your
| word processor and FAX board. Print
| mailing labels and reports.
FON051B.ZIP 268967 11-05-92 PhoneTool: The People-Base Processor
| v0.51 (2 of 2) Sophisticated contact
| management system with category
| cross-referencing, integrated tickler,
| dialer and calendar, four scan modes,
| multiple people-bases, fully
| colour-configurable. This file contains
| the documentation, sample people-base
| and reporting routines.
FONEFILE.ZIP 79453 08-03-93 FoneFile v5.0: Name & Address Database. Full
| featured database for maintaining your
| address lists. TSR option gives you instant
| PopUp access to your data without leaving
| your current DOS application! Mouse support.
FORGOT21.ZIP 113492 10-10-91 Things To Remember v2.1 Rel 2108:
| easy-to-use reminder program.
FRWARN16.ZIP 826560 04-10-94 Fair Warning!! Version 1.6ß
| THE Reminder program!
| Offers full mouse support and
| many new features: One-time
| events, Annual, Monthly, Weekly,
| Daily, and now Sub-weekly
| (1st Thursday of month, etc.)
| and Custom increments of time.
| The most POWERFUL and USABLE
| reminder program available!!
FU1.ZIP 237409 01-03-93 Follow Up Contact Manager Data system 1/3
| (This file contains subdirs use -d to unzip)
FU2.ZIP 546763 01-03-93 Follow Up Contact Manager Executables 2/3
FU3.ZIP 591582 01-03-93 Follow Up Contact Manager Executables 3/3
| FYI is a complete but simple Personal Phone D
| Address Book" It features an elegant interfac
| with pull down menus and popup scolling data
| Has pull-down menus, context sensitive on-lin
| Function_Menu unlimited user-defined reports
| And much more. Hard Drive required
GAPRUS10.ZIP 70230 06-12-92 GetAddressInPackRat v1.0: W4W 2.0a macro to
| extract info from PackRat phone book &
| insert an address into a doc; search from
| string for name or company, option "Text
| Within"; menu search handles custom
| overlays, displays user defined keys & can
| add new item to phone book knows foreign
| addressing conventions & more.
GOALS.ZIP 142715 03-14-92 Goal organizing and to-do list program
| testdrive limited to 25 goals; shareware
GOALS1.ZIP 1223184 02-02-94 Goldmine Goal Setter - a Windows utility
| that helps you formulate and maintain a
| set of Life Goals. It allows you to model
| your goals in any category (financial,
| relationships, holidays, etc.) in what-
| ever time categories you choose (annual,
| age 35, age 65, etc.). Part 1 of 3.
GOALS2.ZIP 1309338 02-02-94 Goldmine Goal Setter - a Windows utility
| that helps you formulate and maintain a
| set of Life Goals. It allows you to model
| your goals in any category (financial,
| relationships, holidays, etc.) in what-
| ever time categories you choose (annual,
| age 35, age 65, etc.). Part 2 of 3.
GOALS3.ZIP 1057238 02-02-94 Goldmine Goal Setter - a Windows utility
| that helps you formulate and maintain a
| set of Life Goals. It allows you to model
| your goals in any category (financial,
| relationships, holidays, etc.) in what-
| ever time categories you choose (annual,
| age 35, age 65, etc.). Part 3 of 3.
GOLDP40.ZIP 278667 06-01-92 Fastphone gold v4.0 phonebook, DIALER,
GOLDP60.ZIP 288679 02-09-95 CompuPHONE GOLD v6.0a PhoneBook/Dialer
| A phone book database that provides options
| for multiple databases with no limit to the
| number of entries. Dual phone number fields
| with a built-in phone dialer. Will print to
| Lists, Labels, Rolodex Cards, or Envelopes.
| Includes a complete Calendar/NotePad for
| recording Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly
| events or posting notes.
GUIDE757.ZIP 320542 12-29-92 Home & Business Legal Guide and Forms
| Generator, V. 7.57. "Sampler" of legal
| self-help program. Over 230 legal forms,
| library of statutes and tutorials, on-line
| help, note pad. All major topics of law
| covered. Periennal shareware best seller.
HAC11.ZIP 87769 07-02-93 Hac 1∙1 Home Accounts System From England∙
HANDY120.ZIP 50439 12-02-90 Handyman V1.20: Menu-driven Program That
| Will Help Make The Planning Phase Of A
| Remodeling Or Redecorating Job A Lot Simpler
| To Accomplish; Will Take Your Rough
| Measurements And Determine The Amount Of
| Material Required To Do The Job And Help You
| Estimate The Cost Of The Job; Many Reports;.
HCAT20.ZIP 19692 12-19-91 Home Inventory Catalog v2.0: util that will
| allow you to record all your valuables,
| ideal for insurance purposes;
HH13.ZIP 209951 11-09-90 Home Helper V1.3 Home Managment.
HHG106S.ZIP 93944 09-09-90 Household Goods Inventory System v 1.06S. An
| excellent inventory system for home goodies.
| Put it on floppy & store a backup in your
| safe deposit box for the ultimate loss.
HHREG.ZIP 154822 09-30-91 HOUSHOLD REGISTERv2.12s track Household items
HI560.ZIP 315362 08-11-93 Organize Your Home v5.59,specialized database
| designed specifically for maintaining a home
| inventory. Helps you track of what you own,
| where it is located and what it costs.
| Easy-to-use and completely menu operated with
| 3-D pull down menus. Handles up to 10,000,000
| entries-Alphabetize, Search & Cross Reference
| Includes reports -Print labels/index cards or
| full page reports.
HINV.ZIP 67612 09-14-91 Home Inventory Is Designed To Help You
| Organize, Maintain, And Compile The Personal
| Belongings Of Your Home; Contains A Report
| Generator For Creating Your Own Persoalized
| Reports
HM2SHARE.ZIP 182899 06-08-91 Home Manager II v3.32: Great Home Manager
HMII303.ZIP 182921 10-16-91 Home Management Ii. Easy To Use Home Money
| Management Software. Mvp Software. (.
HMS2.ZIP 101385 07-26-91 Home Management System V2.0: Turn Lights &
| Appliances On/offf At Selected Times Using D
| Series Modules
HOI11.ZIP 688349 06-02-94 HOME INVENTORY V1.1 <ASP> - Adds insurance
| and and unlimited number of dates to a basic
| tool for organzing personal or business
| property data by location and type for tax,
| warranty, or maintenance purposes. You may
| create separate file sets for home, office,
| yacht, etc. Prepare claims and monitor
| insurance premiums, expiratons, and monthly
| costs. DOS, EGA+ monitor required. Mouse and
| color choice editing. Shareware.
HOLDA21A.ZIP 609333 11-16-94 HOLIDAYS! V2.1a - ALL the Dates your
| Organizer/PIM forgot! Over 130 HOLIDAYS! for
| you to enjoy All Year, EVERY YEAR! Export
| HOLIDAYS! to "feed" your Organizer/PIM with
| all the dates you could ever want, year
| after year! Auto Reminder Feature on Win
| Startup! Add your own Anniversaries and
| B-Days. Perpetual Calendar, Holiday Facts
| Context-Sensitive Help. Shareware.
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not included).
HOMASTER.ZIP 147160 08-28-90 Maintain Home Inventory Information
HOME143.ZIP 386174 07-05-93 AROUND THE HOUSE v1.43 <ASP>-A home and
| personal information manager. Names,
| addresses, and phone numbers. Vehicle
| maintenance and repair. Contains an
| appointment calendar, an income and
| expenses module, a household inventory
| module, an easy-to-use word processor
| with mail-merge. View and print many
| reports. Loaded with extras.
| Hard drive required.
| Windows Multimedia software for use
| in your home. Includes home inventory,
| recipes, family photographs, art, mail-
| list, memorabilia, and other catalogs.
| Plus you can design yourn own to cat
| alog/organize just about anything. And
| you can include sound and pictures for
| each item. A fantastic and fun way to
| keep a home inventory.
HOME27.ZIP 176915 11-01-94 HOME PLAN v2.7 <ASP> - Draw, Save, Edit, and
| Print house plans. Fast/Easy; Undo; Auto
| Dimension; Move/Copy/Resize/Reverse/Move
| plans; Show studs & joists; Pre-Drawn furn &
| Appl; Calc. square ft; Print 1/8" per ft;
| Arc; Doors, Walls; On screen 'odometers'show
| Horiz & vert measure; Clone; Wide or regular
| carriage printers. VGA req.
HOME604.ZIP 306209 07-28-94 Organize Your Home -v6.04
| You'll know what you have, where it
| is, and what it's worth. Provides an
| easy-to-maintain, simple to use home
| inventory. Just fill in the blanks!
| And it's great for antiques. Fully
| mouse/menu operated. Displays PCX.
| Nominated for the Best Home & Hobby
| Shareware award for 1994.
HOMEDT21.ZIP 289858 03-14-95 Homedata v2.1 Home data base
HOMEHELP.ZIP 209951 11-09-90 ASP> Home Helper v1.3, Easy Home Manager
HOMEIN.ZIP 263786 02-22-93 ORGANIZE YOUR HOME (5.27) create and maintain
| inventory of family possessions. Useful in
| case of loss, etc. Track what you own, what
| it cost, and where it is located. Completely
| menu operated (3D pulldown menus), handles
| 10,000,000 entries! Alphabetize, search,
| cross-reference entries, and print labels,
| reports, and index cards. Shareware.
HOMEINV1.ZIP 155354 10-12-93 Smart -N- Easy Home Inventory Manager 1.0
| Now you can organize & categorize everything
| you own in 1 simple program. No longer will
| you need 1 program for your CD collection, 1
| program for your disk library, valuables,
| appliances, etc. Handles multiple owners of
| items listed. Allows an unlimited number of
| categories and locations of items.
| Requires 640k RAM and a hard disk w/3meg free
HOMEMAN.ZIP 176869 01-28-92 Home Management program.
HOMEPL25.ZIP 121107 04-01-93 HomePlan v2.5: program to draw/print house
| plans on an Epson-compatible printer; user
| defined scale, adjustable cursor speed, undo
| of the showing of framing, selectable line
| styles, insertion of pre-drawn furniture and
| appliances into your drawing and more; VGA+
HOMEPLN.ZIP 64755 07-08-92 Quick and easy way to draw & print floor plan
HOMERX1.ZIP 107745 01-10-93 Home Prescription Manager 1.0 is a program
| for documentation of prescriptions which
| Physicians or Dentists call in for patients
| while at home. The program allows you to
| call the pharmacy and have a printed record
| to take to the office for documentation in
| the patient's chart.
HOME_.ZIP 292340 04-07-94 7 applications for family use around the home
HOMI64.ZIP 570289 10-05-94 JRE HOME INVENTORY v6.4 <ASP> - JRE Home
| Inventory will keep track of all your
| household items for insurance purposes.
| Categorize items by house, room, insurance
| policy and type, and personal category.
| Eleven different types of reports with many
| options for tailoring. True print preview,
| ability to change printer and screen fonts.
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1.
HOT_COLD.ZIP 33094 07-10-93 Program which can be used to calculate the
| heat index of current hot weather
| conditions, which is the way the temperature
| and humidity feel to your body; also can be
| used to calculate the wind chill factor of
| cold weather; menu-driven
HOUSEHLD.ZIP 283029 01-20-94 HouseHold - is a general purpose
| database program for the home. It
| features storage, retrieval, and report
| functions for telephone numbers,
| addresses, checking and savings
| accounts, retirement/IRA accounts,
| appointments, home equity and payments,
| lable printing, personal inventory,
| credit card tracking, and more.
HOWOLD40.ZIP 82140 04-14-94 how old are ya' version 4.0 howold.zip
| calculate your age in years, months,
| weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
HPB20.ZIP 64180 09-20-92 The Home Phone Book V2.0 Index Database Your
| Phone Numbers.
HPBOOK10.ZIP 52202 12-26-91 The Home Phone Book v1.0 Names, addresses &
| numbers with print option.
HPBW100.ZIP 1085108 11-19-94 HOME-PHONE-BOOK for Windows; v1.0
| This program is designed for the casual
| home user as evidenced by its friendly
| interface. HPBW has separate name fields
| for both heads of house which allows for
| the storage of separate birth dates and
| work phone numbers. Children names and
| birth dates can also be stored. Several
| types of printouts are available.
HPN_101.ZIP 36272 11-16-94 Huckabey Phone Numbers. Keep track of your
| phone numbers. Edit, print, add, delete
| records, etc. 350 record limit in database.
HR.ZIP 154822 09-30-91 An Outstanding Easy-to-use Home Organizer
HR312.ZIP 189183 12-27-93 Household Register 3.12. It's the only
| program you'll care about the day your home
| or office is robbed or destroyed! Records
| all the right information about your assets
| so that your insurance company pays. This
| unique inventory program unables you to
| quickly find any item by category, location,
| or owner. Reports to screen, disk or printer
HTRACK13.ZIP 184754 01-12-92 Household Tracker v1.3: keeps track
| household items such as auto repairs,
| magazine subscriptions, phone lists, credit
| cards, VCR tapes, serial #'s, model #'s and
| warranties; will print your inventory of
| household items along with labels for your
| tapes & a booklet
HWPP105.ZIP 183334 05-30-94 Audio, Video, & Home Inventory programs in 1.
| Personal Possessions v1.05 from RSI. Part of
| the HomeWorks Home Management System. Simple
| simple, easy to use organizer. Menu driven
| with full mouse support. Multiple sort and
| print options. Registered version includes
| the TBuilder utility. Build audio tapes from
| the AudioFile database, songs entered while
| building, or a combination of both.
HYPDIARY.ZIP 164372 05-21-92 HyperPad personal diary & journal
HYPERDEX.ZIP 276279 08-12-92 HyperDEX: Full-featured phone dialer
IBB125.ZIP 205814 02-05-95 Itty-Bitty Black Book/2 v1.25 is a personal
| information manager which may be used to
| store and manipulate the names, address,
| phone numbers, and other pertinent
| information about groups of individuals.
IC2_30.ZIP 1471814 03-17-95 IC2 v3.0 is the BEST workgroup-ready
| contact manager for Windows! IC2 has
| ALL the features of pricey retail
| programs for a fraction of the cost --
| Just $49! If you are looking for a full
| featured contact manager, THIS IS IT!!
| Just received a FIVE STAR and Trophy
| rating from ZIFF/Public Brand!
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL
IDEADOS.ZIP 13473 07-05-94 small PIM, records your thoughts, etc
IMEMORY.ZIP 165866 07-16-92 Instant Memory Personal Information Manager
INFOD15.ZIP 99730 11-28-92 Personal Info-Dex v1.5- A Rolodex program.
| 2000 card database - Easy to use - FAST!!
INFPL21A.ZIP 299763 11-01-92 The Information Please 2.10a free-form
| textbase database is for anyone who
| wants to store textual information, such
| as product descriptions, catalogs,
| memos, descriptions, etc., then
| retreive, view or print by a keyword
| search. You can also link a graphic to
| each text record. ASP Shareware.
INV20.ZIP 195346 02-04-93 Home Inventory/Moving Management V.2
| Intended as a way of tracking the value of
| possessions, their locations, their owners,
| and other information that insurance
| companies may require in order to process a
| claim. Supports multiple databases of
| unlimited size. Each record can have a memo
| associated with it that can contain an
| unlimited amount of text. A box code field
| is included to assist in organizing possesion
INVHOME.ZIP 54393 08-13-92 Home inventory tracker - simple to use.
| Keep track of your precious possessions and
| know how much you are really worth!
| Contributory shareware - pay a small fee if
| you think it's worth it, use it anyway.
INVNT110.ZIP 103831 10-02-93 Home Inventory v1.10 \ - Home Inventory is a
| simple inventory program which allows you to
| track home or small business inventory by
| assigning inventory to rooms (which you
| create). Items can have properties such as
| serial numbers, cost, replacement cost, etc.
| User can also create insurance and value
| reports for by room or total. Requires DOS
| 3.3 or higher. Mouse optional.
IN_TCH21.ZIP 88434 01-08-94 In-Touch v2.1-- The Ultimate Rolodex!
| by RAD Software
| In-Touch will help you keep in touch
| with people. In-Touch has a host of
| powerful features, such as:
| * Keeps up to 10,000 people on file.
| * Has a 1,000 line comment card for
| each person.
| * Create user defined sub-listings
| of people of file
IOS.ZIP 294309 07-28-91 Inventory Organizer Version 1.01, An
| Excellent Home Inventory Program.
ISSUMN12.ZIP 279804 09-06-94 Issue Manager 1.2 - An issue/problem tracking
| system for Windows
JCALW.ZIP 245878 02-13-95 JCAL for Windows - allows you to view and
| print Jewish calendars. It can also convert
| between Gregorian and Jewish dates, determine
| dates of Jewish holidays, create anniversary
| lists for births/deaths (Yahrzeit)/etc., and
| determine the Torah and Haftarah readings for
| the week. It also allows sunset calculations.
| Req. VBRUN300.
JNL101A.ZIP 231326 11-01-93 Sensible Home Journal: daily journal for
| multi-users separate files for each user,
| with password protection; external documents
| (word processing or picture files); etc.
| Replaces jnl101.zip which had a missing file.
JOBLOG20.ZIP 191029 06-02-95 JobLOG v2.0 <ASP> - Logs the time you spend
| on computer projects. Runs from the DOS
| prompt or can operate without user input by
| including it in batch files. Sends reports
| to the printer or a disk file to import to
| your favorite word processor. Very simple
| to use; not a TSR. Shareware, $15.
JOT_FGB.ZIP 96745 08-29-94 ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
| │Jot·It! version 2.1. Telephone │
| │message software. Replaces those │
| │"While You Were Out" telephone │
| │message pads with a small and │
| │efficient memory resident E-Mail │
| │system. English & French versions│
| │are available. This is a fully │
| │functional five-user shareware │
| │version. │
JOURN20A.ZIP 567699 06-21-93 Personal Journal Ver 2.0a Nice Address book
| Letter Writer and mail Merge and Nice
| Personal Journal Program.
JOURNAL.ZIP 13927 06-20-91 Creates a secure, private journal or diary.
| Uses a password, your choice of editor, and
| PKZip's data encryption mode.
JREHOM55.ZIP 475539 01-16-94 Home Inventory v5.5 for Windows. Keep track
| of all your household items for insurance
| purposes; property can be grouped by
| insurance/personal categories.
JSZIPCDE.ZIP 1520383 06-26-93 ZipCode Master--Freeware!!
| Nearly 40,000 Zip Codes in this
| massive database program.
| Locate City and State by knowing
| Zipcode. OR Find Zipcode by knowing
| City and State. OR Sorted by just
| City names. Easy to use, quick to
| locate desired info.
KEEPC3.ZIP 185094 01-18-93 Keeping Track vC3 lightning fast personal
| information manager (PIM)
KEEPTRAC.ZIP 112375 11-16-92 Keeping Track Information Manager.
KEEPTRAK.ZIP 220007 02-27-93 KeepTrak keeps tabs of clients, client
| complaints and service personnel in a
| service industry environment. Originally
| developed for a computer service company,
| it is now being released to the public.
| It's user interface is second to none,
| extremely powerful, but extremely easy to
| learn and use. Anyone who deals with
| several clients and needs to keep track of
| who is having what problems, needs to have
KICK10.ZIP 29046 07-19-91 Asp> A Personal Motivation Tool
| per File with UNLIMITED # of Files. Records A
| records by Partial NAME or ID. Print Labels (
| & Rolodex. Several Phone/Address Books. 2 Tel
| field. International Addresses. Print to Disk
| Pop-Up Abbreviation Screen. Each Record has D
| Mailings, & Last Mailing Date.
KNAP17B.ZIP 200023 04-01-95 Keber's Nice Address Program (formerly SNAP)
| v1.7B: menu-driven business/personal address/
| telephone program supporting up 725,000
| addresses/address file w/no file limit.
KPHONE10.ZIP 169651 07-29-92 KellyPhone v1.0; calendar and phone dir
KS202.ZIP 48219 01-17-93 Keepsake Diary, New Features, Sequential
| Reads And More.
LAYOUT40.ZIP 48399 02-23-93 Layout - an area planning and inventory
| system. Ver 4.0. Useful for floor plans,
| circuit board components, home inventory,
| etc. Multiple "sheets" can be consolidated
| for inventory purposes. Print to Epson
| or LaserJet. Supports CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA.
| Creates comma-delimited files.
LBB70.ZIP 119919 01-16-95 LITTLE BLACK BOOK v7.00
| New release of this excellent Address Book an
| Autodialer. With pre/post dial codes. 5K TSR
| International dialing support.Unlimited recor
| Prints personal address book and labels. Auto
| redial on busy. Call logging. Import/Export
| database. Context Sensitive help. COM 1-4.
| Multiple Index Categories.
LEGAL8.ZIP 1398299 02-28-95 YOUR PERSON LEGAL GUIDE - Version 8.0
| A complete source of legal information
| and forms! Most legal software has 20-
| 30 forms. YPLG has over 130! It has
| been one of the top selling shareware
| programs for the past few years--it's
| easy to understand, useful, and com-
| plete shareware by PSG-HomeCraft.
LIFEPLAN.ZIP 2294307 05-14-95 LifePlan - is a powerful tool that helps you
| to decide exactly what you want to achieve in
| your life, and then helps you to set the
| goals and targets that will move you on a
| daily basis towards achieving those dreams.
| This is a unique way to prioritize your life.
| Requires WIN31, 4MB RAM, hard disk, and a
| 386SX or better.
LIVEWIL.ZIP 22426 01-12-94 Living Will - is a set of the forms for
| preparing a living will for you and
| your family members.
LIVEWILL.ZIP 8577 05-04-92 Correct California Living Will form.
LM51C.ZIP 383533 06-21-93 LABEL MASTER v5.1c <ASP>- PC Magazine Editors
| Choice mailing list program. Maintains
| unlimited number of names & addresses. Prints
| labels of any size. Bar codes. Dot matrix and
| laserjet. Form letter utility. Report writer.
| Zip-Plus-4 conversion. Duplicate checking.
| Search and replace on any field. Automatic
| phone dialing.
LOCAL20.ZIP 86108 01-10-93 Program to let you know if the number you are
| calling is a local or a toll call.
LOCALGMT.ZIP 14162 09-08-92 Program Gives You Local And Greenwich Mean
| Time. Accounts For Daylight Savings.
LOG21.ZIP 174861 09-01-93 DAILY LOG BOOK v2.1 <ASP> - Personal diary
| with calendar, search/print options, macros,
| cut/paste editing, optional password
| protection. Subjects may be separated in up
| to 99 log books. Calendar views one or six
| months and shows what days have entries.
| Flexible user options, context sensitive
| help, Windows friendly.
LOOKWORK.ZIP 212920 03-21-93 Looking for Work is an interactive guide for
| professionals and managers seeking to change
| or find employment. It is a step-by-step aid
| in planning and mounting an effective
| marketing campaign.
LST103.ZIP 92393 12-03-91 List-It! v1.03: a rolodex/lists type
| program; a quick & easy way to handle
| telephone, xmas card and/or mailing lists;
| has Import/Export capabilities and many help
| windows;completely menu driven.
LTB.ZIP 111607 01-13-93 Living Trust Builder-Runs On All Word
| Processors.
LVNGWILL.ZIP 223881 07-01-92 Many edit-able living will styles. Legal.
█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ Information Managers Section 2
MAILMAN1.ZIP 123059 11-22-91 Lightning Letters (personalized form letters
MAINMAIL.ZIP 135004 06-08-92 Simple Address And Phone Database
MEMOLX22.ZIP 271341 02-23-94 MEMOLUX v2.2 <ASP>
| Memolux is a versatile, multi-featured
| personal information management system. It
| is fun and easy to use, yet powerful enough
| to handle a variety of demanding situations.
| You will discover that Memolux is one of the
| often used programs in your computer.
MEMO_TW.ZIP 17717 11-19-92 Daily scheduler. Uses simple day, date,
| year format plus arbitrary-period function
| for unusual cycles.
MESSM20.ZIP 82909 12-24-93 MESSAGE MACHINE v2.0 - Replace those old
| message pads. Small, Fast, and Easy!
| Sorts Messages by User Name, checks for new
| messages and lets you search for old messages
| Will even Dial the Phone for you!! Great
| for home or office! Now includes a Phone Book
| with dialer!
METZP502.ZIP 1235650 03-08-94 Metz Phones An Address Telephone Manager for
| Networks.
MFA100.ZIP 44793 06-19-90 Micro Thought Organizer - Gets Your Thoughts
| Down And Helps You Create A Distinct Thought
| Pattern - Good For Planning.
MFONE30A.ZIP 357416 10-12-94 Fonedeck v3.00 Demonstration from Moobasi, In
| Fonedeck allows users to create a database of
| and contact information. Comments can be ent
| each person - up to 32 text pages! Also allo
| tracking correspondence. Various reports are
| Excellent online help is accessible throughou
| program. This demonstration is fully functio
| limitations only on the number of entered rec
MFONE30B.ZIP 464628 10-11-94 Demo. Contact information database and
| tracker. Ver 3.0 Part B
MFONE30C.ZIP 259074 10-12-94 Demo. Contact information database and
| tracker. Ver 3.0 Part C
MIND11.ZIP 333402 10-11-94 MindMan - is a "brainstorming" program for
| Windows that allows you to collect your
| thoughts in the order that they occur to you.
| You can easily make thought digressions and
| later return to the original thought to help
| develop a good overall structure for the
| solution to problems.
MIZDOC25.ZIP 5020 05-21-90 A home management pro.
MJOG217.ZIP 28475 04-23-93 MJOG (Memory JOGger) v2.17: simple pgm that
| will remind you of appointments, birthdays,
MLABELS.ZIP 28446 10-20-91 Myers-Briggs type personality tests.
MLMGR400.ZIP 180263 01-29-95 ████▓▒░ MAIL MANAGER v4.00 ░▒▓████
| ████████████████████████████████████████████
| Storage / Retrieval database for names,
| addresses & phone numbers. Pull down menus
| with easy to use input editor, compatible
| with any DOS. Database size limited only by
| hard drive size or machine speed. Supports
| MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA & mouse.
MLRPRI30.ZIP 133722 04-20-94 My Little Realm's Private Library v/3.0 <ASP>
| - Lets you catalog your home books, records,
| tapes, etc. You can sort and print your
| records. A powerful search function finds
| your input strings in any of three fields.
| Runs from floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM
| compatible; 640K RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
MLTE22.ZIP 152173 01-24-93 What is MoonLite v2.2 ?
| MoonLite is a Brainstorming program that
| helps you generate creative moonlighting
| ideas that will yield additional income
| without your having to make heavy monetary
| investments, because they are based on the
| tangible and intangible assets that you
| already have.
| MoonLite can contain a maximum of 100
| tangible and 100 intangible assets and 200
MOMWIN.ZIP 92254 05-08-93 K "Mom for Windows" is a Personal Information
| Manager (PIM) that you can use to remind you
| of important things you need to do and to
| remember names, addresses, and phone numbers.
| It includes: Calendar, Event Data Base with
| alarms, Names Data Base that stores names,
| addresses, phone numbers, autodialer and a
| Note Editor.
MOONCAL.ZIP 167602 03-24-94 Moon Calendar - is a combination
| calendar/PIM with moon phase display,
| daily diary, and more.
MORET12.ZIP 49469 02-28-95 MORET v 1.2 A Longlasting calendar for DOS.
| Ask for any date in the past or the future.
| See 6 months simultaneously, Bilingual Englis
| compte du passage JULIEN AU GREGORIEN 1582
MT250.ZIP 95312 11-01-93 MY TIME v2.50 Personal Information Manager
| Major features include: A Calendar section
| that schedules and tracks important events;
| a Dialer module that organizes phone numbers
| and people lists; and a Lister module used
| to accumulate historical data. MT takes a
| non-TSR approach to preserve memory. This
| is the first shareware release.
MTEL_V21.ZIP 245894 03-19-95 Here's a brand new version of the
| speech friendly message taking
| program with the Home and Business
| calendar built-in as well!
| NOw edit more than just messages,
| but also name and return numbers...
MYCHOR10.ZIP 32009 07-28-92 MyChore v1.0: simple reminder pgm designed
| to be run from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
MYIDEA42.ZIP 108897 11-16-94 My Idea for DOS 4.2 Complete:idea program
| Develop an idea with adaptive menus.
| Solve large problems by building
| your own thought based application.
| includes searching, reminders, printing.
MYNEWP12.ZIP 193314 03-11-95 My New Project 1.2 (Windows)
| A simple project assessment tool.
| Fill in text boxes with project information.
| Rename sections. Single file data packaging.
| Find, search, copy, paste. printing.
| A humorous newspaper article is created.
| Correction for version 1.1
NAG1_2.ZIP 74223 02-01-95 =* PC-Nag *= Ver. 1.2 by Progressive Products
| Have you ever forgotten a birthday? How about
| that anniversary or other special occasion?
| Well, you can put your brain to rest, PC-Nag
| has come to the rescue! This program lets you
| save reminder messages on your computer.
| Every morning when you turn your computer
| on you get reminded of things. Just like a
| spouse, but it costs less and in-laws don't
| come with it.
NAMEB31.ZIP 176785 03-28-92 Easy Program Tracks Names, Addresses, Phone
NATIME.ZIP 11524 05-22-90 Natime V1.0: Displays The Current Time In
| The North American Time Zones & Shows
| Several Of The Most Well Known Cities In
| Those Zones;.
NEWSF171.ZIP 91912 06-01-92 Program to enter your employment history and
| print it on an SF-171.
NMEDB400.ZIP 22248 08-30-93 Names Database v4.00 Most bugs have been fixe
NON2.ZIP 3402 08-10-92 Very useful non disclosure agreement.
NOTBK110.ZIP 113471 03-07-94 Editor/info Manager Indexes Information Into
| Notebooks.
NOTEW40A.ZIP 118388 11-15-94 NoteWare 4.0a -- THE TOP-RATED TSR NOTEPAD!
| Pop up NoteWare anytime to write notes, to
| capture screens, to dial the phone, to view
| files/dirs, and to find information in notes.
| "By far the best TSR Notepad I've seen"--
| Mike Callahan. Feature-rich full screen
| editor, powerful full-color screen capture,
| ASCII/ANSI save & much more! Uses only 18K.
| Run as a TSR, stand-alone app, as an icon in
| Windows, or pop over any DOS box. <ASP>
NOTIFY21.ZIP 98298 04-14-93 NOTIFY displays notices on the dates
| you enter. It automatically creates,
| maintains and reads your notice file.
| It is not a TSR. Instead, you install
| way, NOTIFY is invoked every time you
| boot up and displays all notices for
| the current date. If it's added as the
| last item in AUTOEXEC, the reminder(s)
| will be on your screen before you go to
NOWWHAT.ZIP 82429 09-24-94 NowWhat v4.3: fast/convenient/intuitive time
| manager comprised of appointments list, to-do
| list, monthly calendar & activity log
NPAD51.ZIP 733636 03-18-95 NPA for DOS <11Feb95> - Comprehensive area
| code locator. Contains new number format
| area codes (334,360,520,630,970)! NPA also
| contains data on state, prefix (NXX), city
| name, county (US), lat/long, and zipcode (US)
| for over 20,000 cities in the USA & Canada.
| Nearly 60,000 NPA/NXXs! Most fields
| searchable. Tie US zipcodes to prefixes.
| Has lat/long for each NXX for mileage. Has
| approximate population for all US counties.
NPA_0992.ZIP 753496 09-17-92 Telephone exchange finder. Enter an area
| code and exchange and NPA will tell you the
| city and state. Enter the name of a city and
| NPA will search for all valid exchanges.
| Also reports population figures and latitude
| / logitude coordinates.
NT2000.ZIP 339652 06-04-94 ORGANIZER with comfortable interface
| for PC type Subnotebook or Notebook !!!
| Special design for work with small screen:
| color editor,your personal title,calendar,
| phone and visit cards books and more ...
| version 1.00 for MS-Windows FREEWARE.
| dialogs to add, delete, select, rank and
| print goals or objectives with deadlines.
| Each objective may have action items that are
| open, achieved, or deferred. Landscape
| printouts make an impressive record of major
| milestones leading to reach your objectives.
| Context sensitive Windows help and on-line
| documentation are included.
ODAY430.ZIP 373459 10-01-94 OMNIDay 4.30 <ASP> Computer diary program
| with many features and toggles. Has over
| 10000 encryption options & keys. Can handle
| up to 10 users at once and has a full
| featured text editor. Internally calls up
| Spell checkers. Can use other TSR Spell
| Checking. All world date formats handled.
| From Unicorn Software Limited
ODAYW270.ZIP 409008 02-28-95 OMNIDay for Windows 2.70 <ASP> Computer diary
| program with many features and toggles. Has
| over 10000 encryption options & keys. Can
| handle up to 10 users at once and has a full
| featured text editor. Internally calls up
| Spell checkers. Can use other TSR Spell
| Checking. All world date formats handled.
| From Unicorn Software Limited
ODDJOB.ZIP 406398 10-24-94 OddJob, personal info. manager w/ file
| finder, other tools
ORG213.ZIP 66108 01-04-93 ORGANIZE v2.13: colorful, easy to use
| personal appointment calendar; Prints to IBM
| or HP laserjet printers; memos are printed
| in their respective calendar block;
| Wow! A genuine graphical GUI PIM! Icons!
| A unique icon based Personal Organiser for
| Windows. Includes Diary, Planner, Notebook,
| Address Book, To Do, Phone Logging and more.
| Needs Windows 3.1 or better, and VGA or
| better. Can use Soundcard. Amazingly easy
| to use. Try it!
ORT.ZIP 83376 05-11-92 ZIP-Codes of Germany (WEST)).
OTSHI_1.ZIP 154109 08-25-91 Simple But Powerful Home Inventory System By
| Ots Development - No Docs Needed To Run The
| Program As There Are Help Screens For Every
| Part Of The Program Like It!
PADDRES3.ZIP 702294 09-05-92 Personal Address Book, Labels, Letters More
PAGE33.ZIP 51895 04-10-93 Pagemate 3.3 calls pager when phone rings
PAGEIT17.ZIP 15659 07-30-93 Send messages to alpha numeric pagers direct
| and save cost of dispatcher fees. Use your
| pc and modem. Easy to run.
PAGER10.ZIP 40941 11-23-91 Send text messages to those alpha-numeric
| pagers
PAR11.ZIP 91306 09-15-91 Simple to use personal article inventory
| good menus and screen very user friendly.
PASHM20.ZIP 118824 08-20-92 Point & Shoot Home Manager v2.0 Collection
| of dedicated databases. Records, inventory,
| names/addresses, maintenance, automobile
| records, budgets, etc.
PBK44.ZIP 237163 01-10-95 ShowMe Phone v4.4
| DOS TSR Phone/Address Book. Features
| multiple address files, 500 entries per
| file. Capable of dialing telephone through
| modem and of pasting address info to word
| processor or editor. Very easy to use.
| Configurable for serial port, hot-keys.
| Mouse aware. Includes installation utility.
| The "EASY" little black book!
PBK_23.ZIP 162366 06-22-94 Phonebok for Windows - is a small-scale
| PIM for WIN31. It tracks information
| about people in its "white pages" and
| companies in its "yellow pages".
| Features include the ability to like
| persons in the white pages to companies
| in the yellow pages, direct exporting
| of information to Word for Windows,
| To-Do list, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
PCAL1471.ZIP 197472 11-18-94 PERSONAL CALENDAR(tm) v14.71 <ASP> - TSR
| PIM. Appointment reminder (tickler), clock,
| scrollable calendar, notepad, and historical
| tracker (diary). Deluxe, flexible, friendy
| Personal Information Manager, runs as a
| normal program or stable, environment
| sensitive 6K byte TSR. DOS 6.22 and OS/2
| compatible!
PCALL10.ZIP 5148 05-18-93 PortaCall v1.0: pgm that will have your PC
| call you whenever a new message is on your
| answering machine, by dialing your cellular
| phone; modem and answering machine required;
PCBGT26B.ZIP 162643 09-27-92 Assists, simplifies and organizes home record
PCM410.ZIP 269437 07-23-92 Post Card Master v4.10
| label/address/database & print to variety of
| sizes.
PCMCH221.ZIP 309771 01-15-95 PC Mechanic v2.21. Maintenance mgmt
| system; easily track the history of
| maintenance costs for a particular piece
| of equipment, location or account;
| identify how much spare parts inventory
| is sitting on the shelf.
PCO337.ZIP 103099 09-20-94 PC-Outline 3.37. The original shareware
| outline processor for mapping out ideas,
| organizing them and printing them out in a
| logical way. Great for project management,
| to-do lists, jottings etc. Now published in
| the UK by Atlantic Coast plc. and in the
| US by TRIUS, Inc.
PC_WILL.ZIP 23194 04-12-94 This Program Will Help You Write Your Own Wil
PDM120.ZIP 1082015 02-17-95 TC's PERSONAL DATA MANAGER v1.2 <ASP> -
| Requires Windows 3.1, recommend modem. PIM;
| Calendar, Phone/Address Book, Phone Dialer,
| Call Timer, To Do List, Almanac, Note Editor
| & context sensitive help. Monthly calendar
| displays events you choose, Dialer can dial
| phone numbers from the Phone Book using your
| modem.
| Keeps track of names, ph.#'s,
| addresses, EASY to use, and
| fast.
| This Windows application displays and prints
| a calendar for any month or any year. Also
| displays the day number of the year,
| calculates Julian Date, and determines the
| number of days between two dates. The
| monthly calendar is small and can be
| accessed via hot-key.
PERIN212.ZIP 102671 09-16-93 Personal Inventory 2.12.
| Keep track of personal items in
| the home. Includes depreciation
| tables, items sorted by room
| and name. Print a worksheet
| and record serial numbers.
PERSCHED.ZIP 156295 04-29-95 PERSONAL SCHEDULE V1.02. ASP - Calendar,
| Schedule, Project Manager, PIM. MS-DOS. This
| powerful Personal Information Manager (PIM)
| manages personal, family, group, and project
| calendar schedules, reminding when tasks are
| due, and automatically calculating due dates
| for recurring tasks. Ideal for home or work.
| Runs in interactive mode or Autoexec.bat
| file. No hard drive required. Pull-down
| menus, dialog boxes, mouse control.
PHBOOK12.ZIP 37040 01-27-95 PH_BOOK.EXE v1.2- SME Phone Book
| The SME Phone Book maintains a list of
| names, addresses, phone numbers and
| notes. Its database management is
| simple and very thorough. The SME
| Phone Book will also dial your phone.
PHNACC11.ZIP 187730 10-17-94 PhoneAccess v1.1: PIM
| This "personal information manager" allows
| the user to store important and sometimes
| vital information, including phone numbers,
| addresses and appointments.
PHON2850.ZIP 101985 03-18-94 PhoneBook v2.850 is one solution for your
| business and home needs. Will save up to 1000
| PhoneBook files in one directory! Very
| efficient and easy to use.
PHONDIR.ZIP 154392 07-29-92 Phone Directory For Everyone's PC.
PHONE120.ZIP 7618 08-28-94 ╒═══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ * The Phone Number Utility v1.20 * │
| ╘═══════════════════════════════════════════╛
| ╒═══════════════════════════════════════════╕
| │ Prompt replacement utility that will keep │
| │ the correct phone format. Utility will │
| │ provide dashes (-) and parentheses (()) │
| │ for the user to keep the correct format. │
| │ Checks for phone number formats. Very │
| │ configurable and FREEWARE. │
PHONE1_2.ZIP 164130 06-21-94 PHONEBOOK 1.2. A rolodex-type system for
| personal or business use. It's special
| features include: 1. Context sensitive help.
| 2. Label printing. 3. Printing of a list of
| frequently called numbers. 4. A 256 line memo
| field for each entry. 5. A quick look-up for
| different classifications of entries.
PHONE205.ZIP 48964 05-24-93 POPPHONE v2.05 <ASP>
| PopPhone is a TSR pop-up phone and address
| book. You can access all of your important
| contact information instantly, from any DOS
| based program. Unlimited number of entries,
| automatically sorted by name, two search
| methods, modem dialing, print feature, easy
| editing of information as it changes. Loads
| itself high if EXT/EXP memory is available,
| using only 6-12k of DOS memory. $25 Reg.
PHONE310.ZIP 323156 01-02-95 Phone - Version 3.10 by Vision Computing.
| Personal Book and Dialer.
PHONEAT4.ZIP 24350 08-13-92 Phone dialing directory/ring notification w/
| Modula (???) source
PHONEBK.ZIP 44906 04-07-92 Phone Book v1.0. Manage lists of names, numbe
PHONEMST.ZIP 39274 10-24-92 Phone Master provides good estimate of your
| phone bill before you get it! 5 options. SW
PHONEPER.ZIP 27717 11-16-93 Get all the possible alpha permutations of a
| telephone number.
PHONES.ZIP 219558 07-08-95 PHONES: Phone and Address Database System
| Need an easy way to keep up with your
| phone numbers and addresses? Phones
| allows an easy method of managing
| this information. Label and Ad Hoc
| Report Generation also. Get it NOW!
PHONETLK.ZIP 55806 11-20-90 Talking phonebook
PHONEV10.ZIP 43055 12-22-93 A little program that will keep a nice organi
| all the VOICE phone numbers you call. Keeps t
| alphabetical order and even dials out the num
| the modem.
PHONEWIZ.ZIP 60193 09-02-93 PhoneWiz will convert your phone number to a
| feasible word-number combination. It has a
| dictionary of about 10,000 words. It also
| lets you add more words to the dictionary.
| Requirements: DOS 3.0 or higher
| At least 540 K available conventional memory
PHONMATE.ZIP 132851 10-21-94 PhoneMate 1.0 - Address Book for Windows
| Organizes phone and address information.
| Easy-to-use interface facilitates quick
| adding, editing, duplicating, & deleting
| of entries. Fully customizable screen
| colors, and fonts. Full On-Line help
| available. A must have for Cardfile
| users! Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
PHOWKS12.ZIP 147428 08-04-94 Phone Works(tm) v1.2
| Phone Works is a phone utility that
| organizes numbers in a menu structure.
| The menu structure is easy to set up.
| Using PhoneWorks you can automate voice
| response systems such as Bank by Phone,
| Phone Mail, and Stock Quotes eliminating
| the need to memorize all those different
PIM42B.ZIP 108906 04-25-95 New P.I.M. for Word 6.0 for Windows: <ASP>
| PHONE CALLS! Integrated with Word 6.0. Now
| stores up to 21,000 entries in two address
| books! Set alarms, schedule appointments.
| Works and looks like a real rolodex! Allows
| creation of FULL-COLOR reports, and business
| letters. Has its own phone dialer, automatic
| dialer, VOICE MAIL DIALER. Supports automatic
| BACKGROUND FAXING with Delrina WinFax Pro 4.
PIMFO10.ZIP 784254 03-19-94 PIMformation LITE v1.0. Personal Information
| Manager download utility.
PINKY3.ZIP 36161 11-11-93 PINKY 3.0 telephone message system.
| Good for receptionists and secretaries.
| Keeps track of incoming phone messages
| including status of calls, who called,
| when they called. Registered version
| prints out nice looking messages. $20
PLIB20.ZIP 158361 11-01-92 My Little Realm's Public Library v2.0/sa
| <ASP> - Tired of paying overdue fines? PL
| lets you find out at a glance which books are
| due and when at your public library. After
| you mark the outstanding books returned,
| those records are kept in an historical file
| that you can peruse, sort, print, and search.
| Lets you keep a record of your research. Runs
| from a floppy or a hard disk. Requires IBM
| compatible; 256K RAM. $15.
PLOG11.ZIP 132669 12-15-92 Phonelog: Tracks & Logs Phone Line Activity.
PMASTE31.ZIP 457199 04-09-94 Phone Master v3.1 - Organize your address
| book, dial your phone, pop up a terminal
| package for modem numbers! You can check
| reminder buttons to remember what to do (such
| as return a phone call). Now allows you to
| show Time Master tasks for each name in your
| address book! Includes editor, clock, more!
PMIS30.ZIP 217433 02-20-93 Personal Management Information System v3.0:
| complete home database mgmt system w/an
| extensive list of features
PMS123.ZIP 222412 06-18-92 KBS: People Management System version 1.23
| Windows nonprogrammable database contact
| mgr. Manage people and events as they
| relate to your organization. Multiple
| databases. User defined categories of
| people and events Mail merge and Autodial
| Shareware
PMSB12.ZIP 98576 03-31-93 32 bit graphical PIM for personal info and
| text files in a "tree" format. Shareware !
PMSYSTEM.ZIP 235549 11-01-93 PM System is a preventive maintenance program
| for equipment and/or property maintenance
| with work order generation and tracking.
| Suitable for private, commercial, government,
| medical, educational and residental situation
PNC.ZIP 159534 04-23-95 The Phone Number Cruncher v2.0.
| Want to check if a phone number is local
| REALLY fast? Want dozens of numbers to
| local bbses in SECONDS by scanning thru
| bbslists and captured files? If so, you
| must get the PNC. EASY to setup and use!
PNX10A.ZIP 950226 06-15-94 ProjectsNexus v1.0 [1/4]: ProjectsNexus
| for Windows: recordkeeping for professional,
| institutional or corporate collections of
| documents, binary objects (images, graphs,
| spreadsheets, documents, sound & video),
| and/or projects development records. OLE 2
| automation compliant; binary objects storage
| up to one gigabyte. Report writer. Req. Win
| 3.1+; 5MB disk space; 80386sx or greater.
PNX10B.ZIP 1200864 06-15-94 ProjectsNexus v1.0 [2/4]: ProjectsNexus
| for Windows: recordkeeping for professional,
| institutional or corporate collections of
| documents, binary objects (images, graphs,
| spreadsheets, documents, sound & video),
| and/or projects development records. OLE 2
| automation compliant; binary objects storage
| up to one gigabyte. Report writer. Req. Win
| 3.1+; 5MB disk space; 80386sx or greater.
PNX10C.ZIP 1150127 06-15-94 ProjectsNexus v1.0 [3/4]: ProjectsNexus
| for Windows: recordkeeping for professional,
| institutional or corporate collections of
| documents, binary objects (images, graphs,
| spreadsheets, documents, sound & video),
| and/or projects development records. OLE 2
| automation compliant; binary objects storage
| up to one gigabyte. Report writer. Req. Win
| 3.1+; 5MB disk space; 80386sx or greater.
PNX10D.ZIP 1116370 06-16-94 ProjectsNexus v1.0 [4/4]: ProjectsNexus
| for Windows: recordkeeping for professional,
| institutional or corporate collections of
| documents, binary objects (images, graphs,
| spreadsheets, documents, sound & video),
| and/or projects development records. OLE 2
| automation compliant; binary objects storage
| up to one gigabyte. Report writer. Req. Win
| 3.1+; 5MB disk space; 80386sx or greater.
POPDATE.ZIP 253852 02-11-94 PopDate - is a 20K memory resident
| appointment calendar. It keeps track of
| personal appointments and group
| meetings. It has a perpetual calendar
| and prints rints daily, weekly, and
| monthly appointments. Requires a hard disk.
POPITS12.ZIP 921469 07-10-93 POPIT SYSTEM v1.2, VITRON, Inc.
| Popit is a unique, easy-to-use, state-of-
| the-art PC data base application system in-
| tended for anyone looking for a cost-effec-
| tive, efficient method of storing and re-
| trieving business and personal information.
| The system consists of: Name & Address Book
| with Phone Numbers and Auto-Dial; Business
| Transactions & Billing with Invoice History,
| Aging and Statements; To-Do List Manager;
POSSESS.ZIP 185856 07-16-93 Personal Possessions v1.02. Helps organize
| you personal property. Tracks audio, video,
| and home inventory.
POST.ZIP 272769 04-17-95 ╔══════════════════════════════════════╕
| ║ ───> Postal window enhancer <─── │
| ╙──────────────────────────────────────┘
| // USA postal codes look-up [1/1] \\
| ────────────────────────────────
POSTCD83.ZIP 240168 08-02-92 FAST Phone Directory,Dialer,Mini-menu,zips.
| Great for Office/Home Record tracking.
POTEET.ZIP 123269 07-18-92 Red's Home Maintenance Program offers an
| invaluable guide to home care from the
| moment you move in, for anyone who wants to
| practice basic maintenance in order to save
| time, aggravation and money over the years
| of home ownership; covers such details as
| concrete, lumber, electrical systems & more.
PPBK11.ZIP 52476 04-10-93 Practical PhoneBook v1.1 with polished
PPC250.ZIP 258920 02-07-93 Professional Photo Catalog System v2.50.
PRL147.ZIP 337096 01-03-95 PAPER ROUTE LEDGER v1.47 <ASP> - Computerize
| your paper route bookkeeping with this unique
| program. Keeps track of customers, addresses,
| delivery order, route listing, collections,
| billings, tips, etc. Print reports on your
| customers, collections, route list, etc. Will
| handle multiple Delivery types, and handles
| both Weekly and Monthly collection schedules.
| Ver 1.47 corrects "Data Width" errors
| reported by some users. Shareware $19.
PROCON20.ZIP 513505 01-25-95 A personal contact management system.
PROPOS2A.ZIP 107843 03-08-93 Propose It! v2.0a Proposal templates
| complete with preformatted files in WP 5.1,
| MS Works, Winword 2.0. Close that sale, win
| that bid or get that pet project approved. A
| well written proposal can make the
| difference. Save hours of work. Author <ASP>.
PRPWIN10.ZIP 58576 12-25-92 PROPOSE IT! (Windows) v1.0. Close that
| sale, win that bid, or get that pet
| project approved. A well written and
| professional appearing proposal can mean
| the difference between success and
| failure. Files pre-formatted in
| WinWord 2.0 and ASCII
| text. Author member <ASP>.
PS20.ZIP 88253 02-26-94 PS20 Quick Phone Address Manager v2.0! Pro
| the easiest to use manager ever for the PC.
| environment is completely configurable to
| tastes. Allows virtually unlimited open re
| and multiple Databases. Context sensitive
| Help system is only a key away. Printable Dat
| Very unique and very smart make PS20 a
| addition for your personal or business n
| Free support and upgrades.
PSTAR10.ZIP 449262 02-04-95 ********** PlanStar v1.0 <ASP> ***********
| Manage any resource (people, places,
| things, activities) in one integrated
| system. Controls hours and dollars.
| Displays resource utilization in event log
| and calendar views. Warns of scheduling
| conflicts. Prints formatted schedules,
| calendars, and reports. Fully custom-
| izable. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
PVTS109.ZIP 115334 01-27-93 Private Secretary v1.09: monitors your
| phone/ answering machine via std modem then
| dials your pager or another phone to notify
| you of calls received, remind you of
| appointments, report power fail, etc; keep
| your pager/cel- lular phone numbers
| confidential or change them anytime;
| multiple pager/phone support; not intended
| for use with unattended receive
PWORD1A.ZIP 54100 09-11-94 P_Words v1.0a Compiles words from phone numbe
| This handy program will display over 2,100
| different letter combinations from any seven
| digit telephone number. In registered mode
| the user has the option of printing lists of
| letter combinations from the 7 digit number
| entered.
QCAL20.ZIP 48250 01-23-93 QUIKCAL - small, mouse supporting calendar,
| scheduler, events, todo program.
QDEX100F.ZIP 76009 07-27-94 QuickDex v1.00f - Personal address/phonebook
| database. Each card holds entry fields for
| storage and retrieval of: Name, Address,
| City, State, ZIP, Notes, and multiple phone
| numbers. Req. Windows 3.1
QENV242.ZIP 111026 04-22-93 QENV v2.41 ASP - A quick & easy envelope
| printer and letter writer. Mail merge, MORE!
QFILE51.ZIP 54398 09-21-93 QuikFile 5.1 [QF51] (James P. Guare;
| $10) - is an address and telephone
| directory program. It includes a
| full-featured text editor, phone dialing
| through a modem, mailing label printing,
| and more.
REGNX10.ZIP 348431 03-26-94 RegistryNexus 1.0 - RCCO Research
| Recordkeeping for tangible items, fixed
| assets, or other possessions. Well suited
| for personal, business or professional use.
| More extensive data options than similar
| programs. 6 sort command options. Visually-
| oriented environment; reports, on-line docs,
| calculator, searches. Mouse/EMS support;
| wide choice of printers. Any video; hard
| disk req. Registration fee: $15.00.
RELAY11.ZIP 41153 07-04-93 Beeper Relay 1.1 Notifies You of Messages.
REM10.ZIP 67781 06-17-93 Reminder program
REMI11.ZIP 52866 03-20-93 REMInder v1.1 ASP - a reminder (tickler)
| program to help you remember things. You
| provide messages and the dates to start.
| Easy editing. (c) 1992 Michael G. Bruckner.
REMIND55.ZIP 60260 09-02-91 REMIND v5.5 datebook/calendar. (9-2-91).
REMINDER.ZIP 143385 02-13-95 Reminder for DOS and Windows v1.01.
| Reminds you about the important events
| every time you turn your computer on,
| start Windows or at your request. Never
| miss an important event again.
REMNDER1.ZIP 14433 01-16-95 Reminder v1.0. Reminder is a personal
| event reminder designed to display a
| list of activities for the current day
| on your computer screen when your
| computer boots up. There are many uses
| for the program, to remind yourself of
| appointments, birthdays, anniversaries
| etc...
REMS_D20.ZIP 343342 04-01-94 REMINDER SYSTEM (DOS) v2.0 Never miss
| another important date again. Reminder's
| advance notification feature will alert you
| of important events long before they happen.
| End last minute scrambling. Excellent
| calendaring features make it easy to add,
| modify, view, or search your events. Over 20
| parameters let you set when and how you're
| notified. An absolute must for anyone with a
| busy schedule. Windows version available.
REMS_W20.ZIP 410066 04-01-94 REMINDER SYSTEM (Windows) v2.0 Never miss
| another important date again. Reminder's
| advance notification feature will alert you
| of important events long before they happen.
| End last minute scrambling. Excellent
| calendaring features make it easy to add,
| modify, view, or search your events. Over 20
| parameters let you set when and how you're
| notified. An absolute must for anyone with a
| busy schedule. DOS version available.
RHMP.ZIP 123261 07-31-92 Reds Home Maintenance Program
RIDE1.ZIP 119181 02-01-94 RIDE1.ZIP ridematch version 1.0
| Matches Employees to car or Van pool
| ASP Author. RideMatch is a complete
| Commute Trip Reduction Program. It has
| easy to use menus, will sort and match
| employees up for a Car or Van Pool
| to work. It will print a report on
| several fields or as it matches.
| Requires DOS 3.2+ 512K base memory.
RIP.ZIP 206869 04-05-92 Living Trust Builder - best of its kind!
RM221A.ZIP 193934 02-06-95 Windows Reminder (LED) - maintains a "to do"
| or task list of items that you want to be
| reminded of. This is suit- able for both home
| and business use.
RMNDME.ZIP 25842 10-31-91 Remind Me! Automatically reminds you of he
| important events in your life BEFORE they
| occur so you can prepare for them.
RNKLS102.ZIP 40006 12-14-91 Ranklist v1.02: prioritize the items (up to
| 200) in any list; provides direct, one time
| one-to-one comparison (pairing) of each item
| on the list with every other item, allowing
| more objective prioritization, especially of
| long lists of items.
ROLO20.ZIP 66485 11-21-94 ROLODECK FOR WINDOWS v1.0 <ASP> - A Windows
| 3.1 on screen roller of important information
| and addresses. Just like the roller card file
| on your desk except tree safe. The program
| has a maximum of 5000 cards each capable of
| 300 characters on 8 lines. The card file is
| automatically loaded and saved.
ROLODEX1.ZIP 142847 06-18-91 Name, address, phone no. Program
ROLODEZ.ZIP 149530 12-03-93 An ez good excellent rolodex.
ROLODSK1.ZIP 398981 04-12-94 R O L O D I S K S H A R E W A R E Rolodisk
| was BORN out of the need for a "Smarter
| Rolodex". If your business requires you to
| know the BEST PRICE and where you get it,
| THIS IS FOR YOU! "Hot Key" Cursor between
| fields on data screens (Alt "Hot Letter") 1
| keystroke and your at the field you need to
| be! FULL Mouse Support!
R_WNDS10.ZIP 139572 02-13-95 REMINDER for DOS and Windows 1.01 is a
| simple and easy to use software, even a kid
| can use
SAM_V32.ZIP 35322 07-09-91 Slick Answering Machine V3.2
SANITY.ZIP 19673 08-03-92 Popup reminder to take a break now and then
SAS.ZIP 662781 09-12-92 Simple Appointment System. Fully relational
| database application to track daily
| appointments. Reports to Screen/Printer.
| Unlimited appointments, attach 4K size notes
| to any event. Context-sensitive help.
SAYV20.ZIP 15914 01-06-94 search this ascii text database from the dos
| prompt. easy to use, fast to setup and
| learn makes a great rollodex or data save
| and retrieval system. nifty!
SCRAPS20.ZIP 282297 10-06-92 Excellent Personal Information Manager with
| an Elegant Interface
SFCONT.ZIP 76815 08-13-92 SureFire Contacts, Instant Information Access
SH30.ZIP 124875 11-17-94 Typing productivity tool for Windows 3.1
| applications. Just as a stenographer uses
| shorthand notation to represent words and
| phrases, Shorthand allows you to represent a
| string of text with a much shorter
| abbreviation or keyword. Instead of typing
| the text string, you type the shorter keyword
| and Shorthand takes care of typing the text
| string into your application. hw
SIMDXTF.ZIP 78600 07-07-92 Popup util keeps track of names/phones/ect..
SLY13C.ZIP 217292 12-10-93 SURVEY LAND YOURSELF ver 1.39 - ($10 to $100)
| You can survey it yourself, quickly,
| easily, & inexpensively. Get 98% of the
| information with 2% of the effort. You can
| find lost corners and lines, calculate
| acreage, & write land descriptions. You can
| establish test plots, subdivide property,
| layout building foundations & landscapes &
| gaming fields, hide & recover buried
| treasure, or even map a cave. No magic.
SMPLUS16.ZIP 366676 11-10-94 StartManager Plus 1.6 is a DOS graphical PIM.
| It offers an Appointment Calendar, a Phone
| Number Database, Reminder, Todo lists, Free
| Form Text Database, Dos Menu, and much more.
| It is perfect for home or small business use.
| Great for notebook computers. The point and
| click integrated user interface makes this
| program a joy to use.
SMPLYADR.ZIP 57660 10-04-93 An easy to use address program supports,
| sorting, searching and printing! Registered
| version has todo note pad and special events
| module.
SMRTEN21.ZIP 103872 10-02-94 Smart10 - X10 CP290 Home Automation scheduler
| system. Provides sophisticated scheduling.
| Extra features provided include Sunrise,
| Sunset as times, Date ranges for which event
| will be active, arbitrary conditions
| including Light and Dark to modify the
| schedule. Smart10 supports sending immediate
| commands including canceling sheduled events.
SOSCAL1.ZIP 187922 05-31-93 SOSCAL. 1..of..3
| Easy to use, colorful, calendar. Includes 12
| original high resolution, photo quality
| calendar screens. As a boot utility, pops up
| to display current month, easily flip
| through past/future months. Requires IBM PC
| or compatible, VGA capable of displaying
| 640x480 in 256 colors, HD.
SOSCAL2.ZIP 604492 05-31-93 SOSCAL. 2..of..3
| Easy to use, colorful, calendar. Includes 12
| original high resolution, photo quality
| calendar screens. As a boot utility, pops up
| to display current month, easily flip
| through past/future months. Requires IBM PC
| or compatible, VGA capable of displaying
| 640x480 in 256 colors, HD.
SOSCAL3.ZIP 608586 05-31-93 SOSCAL. 3..of..3
| Easy to use, colorful, calendar. Includes 12
| original high resolution, photo quality
| calendar screens. As a boot utility, pops up
| to display current month, easily flip
| through past/future months. Requires IBM PC
| or compatible, VGA capable of displaying
| 640x480 in 256 colors, HD.
SP130.ZIP 273445 01-07-94 SmartPhone v1.30 is a database that can save
| you time & money if you make or receive long
| distance phone calls, by helping you plan
| your calls to use lower phone rates. Includes
| database of area codes, zip codes, cities,
| towns, countries, time zones, population etc.
| Can pay for itself the first day you use it.
| More great shareware from Pinnacle Software!
SPHON133.ZIP 283336 12-10-94 Save plenty of $$$ when phoning long distance
| by using SmartPhone to plan your calls to use
| lower phone rates. Cross-reference data about
| area codes, zip codes, cities, towns, states,
| provinces, time zones, countries, population,
| etc. Can pay for itself the first day you use
| it. From Pinnacle Software
SPKR10U.ZIP 37838 02-20-95 The Phone Center Version 1.5! It's the first
| dialer that is fun to use. Includes: an Area
| Code Search, a Time Zone Search, a DOS Shell,
| Telephone Directory Printer, a Database Entry
| Finder, Quick Memo, Log Viewer, Multifunction
| Calculator, Sliding Windows, and Instructions
| that remain on-screen. It even has a Hangman
| Game! This update fixes all reported errors.
SPRPIM20.ZIP 281400 03-20-94 SPRPIM v2.0. Personal Information Manager
| includes calculator, phone database, notepad
| check register and clock.
SRVEYLAN.ZIP 168504 11-04-91 Survey land yourself!
SSN35.ZIP 60209 03-12-93 SSN v3.50: simple Social Security reference
| tool that accepts a SS# as input and
| provides the year/location that the SS# was
| issued
STAR.ZIP 774381 04-16-93 Star Personal Information Manager. The only
| PIM to combine to-do lists, an appointment
| book, daily diary, phone book, employee
| info, and task tracking. Follow reoccuring
| tasks as well as non-completed tasks.
STARTMAN.ZIP 94968 05-23-93 StartManager v9.1. Powerful personal
| information manager. Contains a calendar,
| todo list, phonebook, reminder, journal and
| more.
STARTRK.ZIP 781263 03-04-94 StarTrack is the most complete PIM progm For
| managers, sales people, folks who need to
| track and manage and schedule their time.
STRPIM71.ZIP 90529 06-23-92 Start Manager. Apointment scheduler and
STUFF.ZIP 320581 01-12-94 Stuff! - is a property inventory
| database for the home or a small
| office. It keeps track of any type of
| property including electronics, credit
| cards, cars, and important papers.
| Features include viewing and printing,
| a warranty list, user defined
| categories, owners, and locations for
| the pop up pick lists.
SUECO201.ZIP 277755 09-24-91 Complete Xmas Organizer, Gifts, Cards & More!
SURVCN10.ZIP 156382 05-24-95 Surveyor's Conversions 1.0
| Several useful conversions for use by
| land surveyors. Easy to use, works in
| the Windows 3.1 environment. Includes
| polar <-> rectangular, azimuth <-> bearing,
| feet <-> meters, angle computations and
| more. On-line help.
SURVEY.ZIP 170282 04-15-92 Survey Land Yourself. A do-it-yourself guide.
SURVEY2J.ZIP 162240 11-25-94 SURVEY POWER v2.10: Create, analyze, & print
| out demographic & correlation results to your
| surveys. Accepts single choice, multiple
| choice, rank order, text entry, and
| cumulative type questions. Up to 9 choices
| per question. Output to printer, ASCII, and
| Lotus 1-2-3 files. Requires 512K $39.95 +
SURVEY44.ZIP 177948 02-01-93 The Survey Program v4.4 - Analyses surveys
| including multiple choice answers. Full
| featured. reqs 640k. $10 registration.
SYCC1.ZIP 168658 07-01-92 Solicit Your Consumer Complaint Data Bases
| of Better Business Bureau's, Govt. Agencies
| and Manufactures. Generate letters.
SYCC2.ZIP 186636 07-01-92 Solicit Your Consumer Complaint 2 of 3.
SYCC3.ZIP 146556 07-01-92 Solicit Your Consumer Complaint, 3 of 3.
TABSTOLL.ZIP 262086 02-09-94 An Innovative Telephone System Controller
| Saves Big Money.
TASKIT.ZIP 121466 10-17-91 Task (things to do) filer. free no reg. fee.
| sample of easy runner software line offered
| by computer workshop for only $15 each.
TASKM40.ZIP 195318 07-16-92 Taskman Project Tracking w/ Gantt Charting
TASKMS10.ZIP 155726 04-07-93 Task Master v1.0 - versatile to-do list and
| simple project manager. Supports mouse, VGA
TASKR11.ZIP 37540 01-03-93 Tasker v1.1. Personal organizer.
TC46AMIN.ZIP 468755 04-19-95 TIME AND CHAOS v4.06a The Award Winning
| Windows PIM. Appointments, Calendar, ToDo's
| and Phonebook all in one screen. Standard or
| Custom reporting of your data. Fully Network
| capable. Supports Drag & Drop. Powerful
| features like Categories & Search. Multiple
| views of your appointments. Fully TAPI
| compliant. Easy mergeing to the latest
| Windows word processors. Requires
| VBRUN300.DLL. 21 Day Nag Free Evaluation.
TCF200.ZIP 616836 08-23-94 TreeChart v2.00 <ASP> - Win3.1 OrgCharting.
| No drawing skills required: box sizing,
| positioning and line routing all automatic.
| Numerous chart styles/box shapes. Layouts
| (style guides) for consistent appearance.
| Print preview, fit-to-page, titles+border.
| Outlining: view/print chart, management or
| single departments. Supports assistants and
| shared employees. Imports text, exports text
| and fully scaleable WMF pictures.
TDL_DRS.ZIP 50459 12-05-91 To Do List v1.0. Windows 3.0 utility to help
| you get your day organized. Includes a place
| to note the date and up to 10 locations for
| listing tasks to complete. Requires
TDO106.ZIP 132826 02-16-94 ToDoWin - is a to-do list manager with
| pop-up calendar and more.
TELEDEX.ZIP 87974 09-10-92 TeleDex v1.0: simple, fast and easy to use
| Rolodex-type database w/virtually unlimited
TELWHERE.ZIP 317551 03-31-95 V1.0 - Telephone Number Location Identifier.
TELWHR12.ZIP 352102 04-13-95 TELWHERE v1.2 Identify the Location of a
| Telephone Number
TESTPERS.ZIP 5113 08-19-93 Take the personality test. A fun, easy
| "test" to find out what kind of personality
| you have.
TF21.ZIP 165460 06-24-93 Time Frame v2.1 ! The BEST PIM (Personal
| Information Manager) 7 screens per contact
| 22 Search fields ! Pop-Up calendars; track
| your schedule past and future. Download for
THOUGHT.ZIP 59331 06-21-93 TurboThought 1.0 is a unique program designed
| to help you solve any problem. Utilize your
| mind's free associative abilities to view
| your problem in new ways. The result is a
| highly efficient "brainstorming" session on
| your computer. Use TurboThought anytime you
| need to generate fresh, new ideas. Requires
| VGA, Windows 3.x, or OS/2 2.x (with WIN-OS2
| installed), and file VBRUN200.DLL.
TICKLE11.ZIP 65485 01-21-95 "TICKLE FILE" Ver 1.10 - 01/21/95 - (PPL 3.0)
| "Tickle File" is a program that maintains a
| personal database which can contain up to 24
| filenames with a 15 character description.
| Users "Tickle" their memory by viewing their
| database, and flagging file(s) to download
| from the database. These are files they
| wanted during a previous session, but were
| unable to D/L due to not enough time/bytes.
| Other functions: Add, Edit, Delete, & List
TICKLE80.ZIP 87866 03-24-93 Latest Version of Lynn Canning's Tickler 8.0
| Great Appointment Scheduler, Reminder, Etc.
TICKLERF.ZIP 142907 06-04-94 1994 version of TomTron Software TICKLER
| FILE. A nice, clean, easy to use
| tickler-reminder program for DOS. Great for
| laptops and sales people on the go. VGA
| required - color or gray scale looks good.
| Room for comments on.
TIKLER.ZIP 78234 05-18-92 Contains a calender and an easy to use
| tickler program. not the most complex, but
| the easiest to use I have seen
TIKLER51.ZIP 68990 10-05-92 Version 5.1 of Dick Olsen's TIKLER. A FAST,
| easy to use tool to keep track of your busy
| schedule. Supports Passwords, File Encryption
| European Date Format, Event Duplication
| (weekly, monthly etc.) and time sorting. Runs
| as a TSR, if desired, using s little as 6k of
| memory. Also runs in conventional mode. For
| color, monochrome or Lap Tops. 256k. * ASP *
TIMEFLYS.ZIP 263937 04-28-94 >>> FANTASTIC <<< DATE REMINDER !!!
| No nagging or cumbersome calendars here.
| EASY interface with quality features for
| those who:
| - Only need a few timely reminders.
| - Don't have time to learn a bunch
| of new commands and procedures.
| - Prefer quick, clean, unobtrusive
| operation. (Set it and forget it.)
| TIMEFLYS reminds you of upcoming
TIMEMA32.ZIP 155943 03-06-95 Time Master V3.2
| The Time Master is an excellent
| program for tracking things you
| need to do. The Time Master will
| remind you when you need to do
| something. Type in a task you need
| to do using an easy to use interface
| and it will show you a list which
| you can print out. Now with more
| room to type in tasks. Needs VBRUN300.DLL
TIMETRAK.ZIP 269611 09-11-93 This is a program to allow you to trak time
| and tasks related to a project.
TIMEZ121.ZIP 92451 03-20-93 TimeZ v1.21: provides you w/the time in any
| of up to 54 places in the world at once, and
| an infinite number of places in total;
| supports Daylight Savings time
TIMEZN10.ZIP 31988 08-22-92 Timezone v1.0: program that enables you to
| look up a state, an area code, or specific
| cities; TSR option will allow it to be
| unloaded from memory
TIMFLY17.ZIP 252606 05-01-95 >> Excellent Pop-up Date Reminder - Free
| TIMEFLYS Date Reminder - Freeware v1.7
| * Selected by PC World (5/95) as one *
| * of the 30 Best low-cost shareware *
| * programs in cyberspace ! *
| No nagging or cumbersome calendars here.
| EASY interface with quality features for
| those who:
| - Only need a few timely reminders.
| - Don't have time to learn a bunch
TIMFLYC6.ZIP 252393 12-01-94 >> Excellent Pop-up Date Reminder - Free
| TIMEFLYS Date Reminder - Freeware v1.6
| - - - - - CANADIAN VERSION - - - - -
| No nagging or cumbersome calendars here.
| EASY interface with quality features for
| those who:
| - Only need a few timely reminders.
| - Don't have time to learn a bunch
| of new commands and procedures.
| - Prefer quick, clean, unobtrusive
TIMTRK11.ZIP 105459 02-05-94 Time Tracker 1.1: Helps You Keep Track of Tim
TMC24C.ZIP 339910 05-18-93 *SCHED* TASK MASTER v2.4 <ASP> -
| Easy-to-use project tracking program. Keep
| track of office assignments,
| correspondence, projects, tasks, and other
| work - easily. TM provides several report
| options, an appointment calendar, popup
| calculator, automatic status updates, and
| many other features to help your
| office stay organized. Network ready.
| $39.00.
TMKPR1.ZIP 308467 05-06-95 ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ ░░▒▒▓▓▒▒░░ TIME KEEPER V1.0 ░░▒▒▓▓▒▒░░ ║
| ╟─────────────────────────────────────────╢
| ║ TIME KEEPER for DOS is a quick ║
| ║ reference calendar/scheduler with full ║
| ║ mouse support. Full screen graphic ║
| ║ calendar displays appointments for the ║
| ║ month at a glance. A simple click on ║
| ║ the date displays more detailed info ║
| ║ and prints a daily planner. Great for ║
TMT20.ZIP 51264 12-14-93 Time and Money Tracker is a Windows program
| which will track the time spent for a project
| and calculate the cost based on an hourly
| rate. It will also add fixed costs when the
| timer is started. The program will track
| time even when the computer is shut off. This
| program is great for consultants who need to
| track their time for clients. This program
| won 3rd place in the Microsoft Windows NT
| Shareware Contest in the Business category.
TODO16.ZIP 81034 05-26-95 TODO List v1.6 - TODO is a program that adds
| organization to a list that you can fill with
| all the stuff that you may want to forget but
| can't. This is a very powerful and versatile
| program, but is still very easy to use, and
| guaranteed to free up some desk space.
TODO399D.ZIP 51152 08-25-92 TODO v3.99D: list manager and reminder pgm;
TODO9210.ZIP 5200 10-05-92 Appointment planner, telephone directory, etc
TODOAPP.ZIP 39368 04-27-91 A set of To Do list TSR's pick the best each
| is different.
TODOV2_0.ZIP 2369 03-15-92 To do List Version 2.0 Descriptive Text File.
TODO_.ZIP 573943 05-26-93 Task Tickler v1.0 - tracks your things-to-do!
TOP50.ZIP 145747 02-16-91 Input Data & Find What City Best Suits You
TP.ZIP 21645 02-25-93 A 'ticker-tape' message utility program.
| Leave a repeating message on your PC when
| you are away from your desk!
TPC15.ZIP 108299 12-20-94 The Phone Center Version 1.5! It's the first
| dialer that is fun to use. Includes: an Area
| Code Search, a Time Zone Search, a DOS Shell,
| Telephone Directory Printer, a Database Entry
| Finder, Quick Memo, Log Viewer, Multifunction
| Calculator, Sliding Windows, and Instructions
| that remain on-screen. It even has a Hangman
| Game! This update fixes all reported errors.
TPEPKG.ZIP 42574 06-14-91 Terminal Procedures Editor 1.0. Includes
| display module. VGA ONLY. Use to make
| Approach plates, Departure plates, etc.
TPP131.ZIP 820119 03-13-95 Tasks, Projects & People Executive PIM.
| V1.31 Not just another PIM but one oriented
| around tasks and subtasks instead of being a
| day planner or contact manager. W/Task list,
| Address Bk., Notebook, dialer and more. OVER
| 30 FIELDS FOR EACH TASK! (Start Date/Time,
| Prty., date/% complete, days left, resource,
| workarea, & more). Managers track tasks for
| people. A very Impressive business tool for
| busy people! New from Patri-Soft.
TRACKIT1.ZIP 57312 03-10-93 Domestic inventory program. Also tracks info
| such as insurance policies.
TREEMKR.ZIP 229330 06-22-92 Treemaker is great for flowcharting your work
| or any type of breakdown you are doing from
| recipes to job layouts.
TREPLN21.ZIP 191615 08-12-93 TREEPLAN for DOS v2.1 <ASP> - Decision tree
| software for structuring risky decisions.
| Show sequence of decisions and events over
| time. Print tree diagrams. Solve for optimal
| strategy. Perform sensitivity analysis of
| probability, value, and risk attitude. Find
| value of information. Shareware from Decision
| Support Services. Registration $29.
TSKMAN42.ZIP 195511 05-25-93 TASKMAN v4∙2: easy to use task/project
| tracking pgm w/online help, pop-up windows
| flexible printing, file mgmt, database
| verified resource and status codes, GANTT
| charts
TTDW14.ZIP 77214 02-26-95 ThingsToDo v1.4 for Windows. Designed to
| allow you to keep track of a wide range
| of items or information and organize
| them into schedules and lists of tasks.
TTHOT11.ZIP 65251 07-31-93 TurboThought; A mechanized logic program
| which allows you to input various rules and
| facts regarding a problem and assist in the
| determination of the "solution". A Sample
| problem is included!
TTHOUGHT.ZIP 59331 06-21-93 TurboThought 1.0 is a unique program designed
| to help you solve any problem. Utilize your
| mind's free associative abilities to view
| your problem in new ways. The result is a
| highly efficient "brainstorming" session on
| your computer. Use TurboThought anytime you
| need to generate fresh, new ideas. Requires
| VGA, Windows 3.x, or OS/2 2.x (with WIN-OS2
| installed), and file VBRUN200.DLL
TTPMP11.ZIP 12197 08-29-91 Tritel Personal Message Pager.
TTRAK11A.ZIP 260559 08-14-91 TimeTrak V1.1A - Personal time manager.
TTRAX.ZIP 459819 01-24-94 ToolTrax - helps track tools, vehicles,
| equipment and their locations. It
| allows you to keep a database of
| important information and memos with
| views of tool files, inventories by
| location, and value/condition.Other
| features include 2000 record capacity,
| transfer orders and loss reports, and
| more. VBRUN300 is included. Req.WIN31.
UDECIDEX.ZIP 97456 05-25-92 Aids In Decision Making For Most Any Purpose
USZC11.ZIP 186865 04-20-94 USZC V1.1, FAST US Zipcode information.
| City-level zipcode and areacode info.
| Instant access to all 42000+ zips.
| All data compacted into a small file.
| Version 1.10 Released 15 April, 1995.
| A simple yet powerful appointment calendar sp
| designed for laptop computers running MS-Wind
| you easily schedule 1-time and recurring even
| you before they become due. Included are many
| you can include in your own customized appoin
| features cut-and-paste of appointments from o
VALUES.ZIP 66145 07-30-91 A Program To Test Your Personal Values.
VARAPPS.ZIP 652775 04-20-93 Zip Area Code Program Plus More.
VBPHNE17.ZIP 281092 09-25-94 Complete phone book and address book for
| Windows 3.X New to this version is the
| answering machine assistant. VBPhone will
| call your pager or any number you wish when
| your answering maching records a message. Has
| same features as older versions but improved.
| Easy search, Quick dial pad, Automatic Dial
| with redial.
VCALVER1.ZIP 153024 07-20-92 VersaCal, Appointments At Your Fingertips TSR
VCP10.ZIP 351827 12-03-93 Visual Calendar Planner 1.0 - Easiest calenda
| planner program to use, virtually negligible
| learning curve. If you know how to use a text
| editor/word processor, you already know how
| to use Visual Calendar Planner. It allows you
| to customize the way you want, provides
| scheduling/events/memo/appoinments painlessly
| yet not restricted to the mundane scheduling
| found in most PIM/planner.
VCP22.ZIP 817133 02-06-95 Visual Calendar Planner 2.2 for Windows <ASP>
| An extremely powerful scheduler with no
| learning curve. Hightlights include setting
| calendar as Wallpaper, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color
| Printing, Word Search and many more! Multiple
| view with multi-color, multi-font capability.
| Visual on-line help provided. Utilizes
| Microsoft Access Database Engine. Real 3D
| look 'n feel with True ViSuAL editing.
| Registered user gets Windows 95 upgrade free!
VDEX135.ZIP 295184 05-15-92 VersaDex v1.35 Rolodex dialing database.
VERSACAL.ZIP 153024 07-20-92 Personal appointment/scheduler calendar.
VLT16.ZIP 300774 03-10-95 Vault for Windows 3.1 - Vault stores your
| information as an outline. Vault organizes
| your information into categories and
| sub-categories that you specify. Vault's
| search command finds the information you need
| instantly. You can also browse the outline by
| expanding and collapsing items.
VNOTES11.ZIP 271983 06-08-95 Vulcan Notes brings you one step closer to
| the paperless office/home. It lets you
| generate up to 100 virtual "sticky notes" on
| your screen. Additional features include an
| alarm for each note with repeat settings and
| find/replace. Very fast, handy and simple to
| use. It's the perfect reminding tool that
| will increase your productivity.
WALLCHRT.ZIP 21048 01-03-92 Create, edit, print large wall-charts,.
WAPS11OU.ZIP 405075 05-15-95 WAPS Statistics Calculator - assists military
| personnel in determining their current
| promotion standing.
WAZCAL2.ZIP 32245 03-29-94 *** WazCal2 V1.00 Calendar Utility ***
| An updated version of WazCal. View, Print,
| and save to file monthly, yearly or
| combination calendars. "Public Domain
| Software" ──══< WazWare (c) >══──
WCWAKEUP.ZIP 164323 05-13-93 Use your computer for your wakeup call.
WDATES12.ZIP 390306 05-15-95 WinDates - allows you to keep track of
| important dates to remember during the year.
| It automatically calculates and reminds you
| of many important holidays such as Mother's
| Day and Father's Day which can be hard to
| remember since they may fall on a different
| date each year.
WDX10.ZIP 109487 11-21-93 Willodex 1.0 Address Manager. Excellent
| phonebook database. Categorize and search
| using keywords as well as name & company.
| Nice screen graphics!
WGANG1.ZIP 1079036 02-03-95 Wolfgang v2.8 - RCCO Research. DISK 1 OF 3.
| WOLFGANG, Automotive Service Records for
| Windows 3.1+. Great-looking recordkeeping
| system for individual, business or
| professional automobile maintenance records.
| Reports, on-line docs. Requires Windows
| 3.1 or greater in Enhanced Mode; 3.2mb hard
| disk space; 80386sx or greater.
WGANG2.ZIP 930620 02-03-95 Wolfgang v2.8 - RCCO Research. DISK 2 OF 3.
| WOLFGANG, Automotive Service Records for
| Windows 3.1+. Great-looking recordkeeping
| system for individual, business or
| professional automobile maintenance records.
| Reports, on-line docs. Requires Windows
| 3.1 or greater in Enhanced Mode; 3.2mb hard
| disk space; 80386sx or greater.
WGANG3.ZIP 800452 02-03-95 Wolfgang v2.8 - RCCO Research. DISK 3 OF 3.
| WOLFGANG, Automotive Service Records for
| Windows 3.1+. Great-looking recordkeeping
| system for individual, business or
| professional automobile maintenance records.
| Reports, on-line docs. Requires Windows
| 3.1 or greater in Enhanced Mode; 3.2mb hard
| disk space; 80386sx or greater.
WHEN.ZIP 96313 10-11-90 Scheduler/calendar.
WHOZIT_1.ZIP 211488 02-07-93 A unique program to track people, bdays,
| addresses, phone numbers. Includes ICON and
| PIF if you want to run under Windows. Easy
| to use and powerful.
WHO_AM_I.ZIP 95710 10-01-92 Another personality checker-upper...
WILLS1_0.ZIP 100555 02-09-91 Wills V1.03 Write Your Own Will.
WINFLY.ZIP 23958 10-24-93 Windows program to keep track of your
| Frequent Flyer mileage. Requires
| VBRUN300.DLL, which is not included in the
| zipped program file.
WINFLY10.ZIP 116103 06-07-93 WinFly 1.0; This Windows app keeps track of
| you frequent flyer miles. Supports AMERICAN,
| airlines. Req. VBRUN200.DLL
WINPIM.ZIP 400048 06-24-93 WinPIM/3D v2.2. Personal information
| manager. Tracks phone #s, addresses,
| important dates, dials phone and more.
| Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
WLIF20.ZIP 90232 02-24-92 Capture History & Personality Of Your Life
WML25U.ZIP 437073 02-01-95 WHAT MAILING LIST? v2.5u
| Prints labels, envelopes, phone book, zip
| list on dot matrix or laser. Scalable & soft
| font support. Import & export. Dup checking.
| Smart Zip. Bar codes. Query. Int'l support.
| 11-digit U.S. zip. *NEW* Fixed return
| address label printing problem.
WPIM3.ZIP 1120336 02-05-95 This PIM is perhaps the easiest one you will
| ever use. A full drag and drop interface is
| included with a perpetual calendar & planner
| to the year 9000. Store up to 21,000
| entries in the Rolodex Style Phonebook. Dial,
| Fax Documents, Create business letters,
| schedule appointments, Edit, save, & print
| text files, Create beautiful reports of all.
| Fits the FiloFax standard. Create envelopes
| and labels & MORE <ASP> RUN SETUP.EXE to use.
WU132.ZIP 51616 02-23-92 What's Up v1.32: displays reminder messages
| on specified dates; supports wildcard dates,
| lookahead, months/weekdays in 5 languages,
| display of missed msgs.
WUK31.ZIP 318960 10-17-94 WHO-U-KNOW v3.1 <ASP> - The Ultimate Address
| Book, PIM, Date Reminder, and Mailing List.
| Features unlimited phone numbers for each
| name (FAX, CAR, etc), autodialing, laser and
| dot matrix labels, rolodex, unlimited notes,
| envelopes, variable size address books, 98
| reports, calendars, date/time scheduling,
| duplicate search, text search, export,
| import, mail merge, two-sided printing, user
| defined fields, unlimited names, much more.
WWW102.ZIP 192255 07-09-93 When, What, Where V1.02. Time Usage Monitor.
WYWA10.ZIP 184785 07-01-93 WYWA V1.0 July 1, 1993
| PC version of "While You Were Away"
| message pad for IBM compatable PC's
| ■ Messages encrypted to insure privacy
| ■ Sign out notice, modified with password
| ■ Auto-run at boot time if notice is active
| ■ Built-in Screen Saver
| ■ 2 Passwords with 3 levels of access
| ■ 20 characters "PassPhrase" capability
| ■ Password failure detection/evasive action
X10DC13.ZIP 221148 07-15-93 X10DC v1.3 - X10 Direct Control - Send
| commands to the X10 CP290 Controller.
| Point & Click DOS character interface.
| Supports: ON/OFF/DIM for multiple unit
| codes, Self-Test, Set BaseHouse Code,
| Set Time, Sync Time, & X10.DAT file
| GENERATOR. CIS Registration ID# 620.
X10FX1.ZIP 26219 11-11-93 FX-TW-523 Special Effects Interpreter v1.0
| DOS-Based X10 command interpreter for TW-523
| for CP-290 primarily - FX sends SIMULTANEOUS
| Bright and Dim commands to multiple X10
| modules - allowing you to create VERY
| interesting lighting effects. Use for
| Halloween and Christmas lighting!
X10_XA06.ZIP 76381 02-01-92 XA v1.06a Software for X-10 modules. CP-290
| computer interface.
YBAN206.ZIP 333224 08-10-93 YOUR BIRTHDAY ALMANAC - v2.06s for DOS; Makes
| commercial quality printouts of What Happened
| The Day You Were Born? A treasure of info
| about life and times on your birthday.
| Designed for the entrepreneur that wants to
| sell unique printouts at swap-meets, fairs,
| or in a small business setting. companion
| program - YOUR ANNIVERSARY ALMANAC, included.
| Requires Laser Printer/Deskjet
YDPOP23C.ZIP 217432 07-10-94 YDPOP is a TSR Personal Info Manager
| YDPOP store Address data, 3 phone
| numbers, 3 contact names, and up to
| 200 lines of memos for each record.
| YDPOP exports addresses into your word
| processing program. You will never
| type an address again. YDPOP has
| a calendar, calculator, phone dialer,
| phone call log. YDPOP sorts by
| Name, Zip code, Address and by the
YEARS.ZIP 159364 04-05-93 To-Do/Reminder/Calendar - says it's very good
YLWSTK40.ZIP 78381 11-15-94 YELLOW STICKY v3.09 <ASP> - A "To Do" manager
| for Windows 3.1. This is not a day planner,
| or scheduler but provides the user with an
| easy method for displaying tasks that need to
| be done and taking them from the list when
| they have been accomplished. A replacement
| for "Postit Notes" that are all over your
| desk. Features a current & previous month
| calendars. Uses Windows 3.1.
ZCB10.ZIP 485356 05-13-94 █ ZIP CODE BOOK for WINDOWS █
| █ A zip code (and city, state, area code) █
| █ lookup program. Enter a zip code to █
| █ instantly bring up the corresponding city,█
| █ state and area code. Or enter the city █
| █ name and state to find the zip code. █
| █ Copy/Paste to and from any Windows █
| █ application which supports the Windows █
| █ clipboard. A "Must-Have" Windows utility.█
| █ Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in ZIP file) █
ZCLD10.ZIP 479476 06-10-95 (v1.00) ZCLD - Zip Code Locator for DOS
| Displays the City and State when given a
| Zip Code. Also allows the first Zip Code
| in a region to be found when the City and
| State are specified.
ZCLW10.ZIP 475518 05-25-95 (v1.00) ZCLW - Zip Code Locator for Windows
| Displays the City and State when given a
| Zip Code. Also allows the first Zip Code
| in a region to be found when the City and
| State are specified.
| Requires VBRUN200.DLL
ZDD130A.ZIP 1114166 02-27-95 ZIPPIDY DO DA v1.30 <ASP> Zipcode Utility
| Looks up zipcodes, cities, areacodes. Very
| visual user interface with context sensitive
| help. Supports reporting and custom reports
| via SQL queries. Even shows the time at a
| selected city vs. your local time. Very
| useful program. Installs even faster than
| before.
ZDD130B.ZIP 826098 02-27-95 ZIPPIDY DO DA v1.30 <ASP> Zipcode Utility
| Looks up zipcodes, cities, areacodes. Very
| visual user interface with context sensitive
| help. Supports reporting and custom reports
| via SQL queries. Even shows the time at a
| selected city vs. your local time. Very
| useful program. Installs even faster than
| before.
ZIPKEY49.ZIP 224049 03-02-95 ZIPKEY zip,areacode dir V3.04e, 09/94
| City-level zipcode, area code and
| timezone directory. Will feed
| results as keystrokes to DOS apps.
| Instant access to 42000+ zips,
| 30000+ cities. Easy-to-use; now
| self-installing.
_1PCON.ZIP 137376 01-16-92 Personal Contact v2.0,Personal Contact
| Manager,stores addresses,phone numbers,etc.
_TIMESPE.ZIP 48486 09-01-94 NEW! ≡ TIMESPEEch - Multipurpose timer for
| speeches, presentations; includes NOTES to
| make changes in the speech. Outputtable.
| Accurate timing up to 100th of a sec.
| DOS Shell,multioutput w/ registration.
| ░▒▓ Copyright (C) 1994 TTW, Inc. ▓▒░ 9/94
| Better than any clock timer, get this!
█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ General Financial Section 1
█████ PATH: \MONEY_01
401KPLN.ZIP 25603 06-10-93 Spreadsheet to Figure Out the Return From A
| 401k Plan.
A4FINCAL.ZIP 26336 09-08-92 Alpha Four Pop-Up financial calculator
| handles all type of loans. US Canada
| European Produces loan table and will
| capture payment to a field.
AACREDIT.ZIP 107849 03-01-92 Fix your credit report.
ACE103.ZIP 154787 03-22-95 Annuity Ace v1.03 Now project your savings as
| never before! Professional illustrations for
| deferred, immediate and split annuities
| (Savings, IRA, 401K, etc). Flexible with
| variable deposits, withdraw- als, interest
| rates, and compound methods. Tax analysis,
| COLA, Loads, Inflation Factoring and more.
| Detail is monthly - annual, calendar or
| fiscal, whole dollars or cents, cumulative or
| non-cumulative.
AFFORD.ZIP 96981 08-22-91 Annuity Calculation Package (asp).
AFFORDIT.ZIP 96981 08-22-91 Monetary Calculator, Savings, Mortgages & Mor
AFFRD400.ZIP 193292 01-12-94 AFFORD IT??? v4.00 ASP - Annuity calcula-
| tion package with on screen hand calculator.
| Amortizes loans, calculates savings with
| steady or variable deposits, tracks your
| loans, calculates interest by two different
| methods. User defines screen colors. All
| new editing, menuing system while retaining
| old, familiar hot keys. From CleoSci, $30.
| Another excellent CleoSci porgram is the
| Why Do I (series) for elementary education.
AGB.ZIP 401596 07-15-93 ------------------------------------------
| AgBudget ver 1.7d - Projected Agricultural
| Budget. A complete farm budgeting program
| that allows you to get your operating loan
| request to your banker quickly. Tracks
| your farm operation. See what the bank is
| seeing!
| ------------------------------------------
ALEDGER.ZIP 144636 10-06-92 The Amazing Ledger/Amortization Vc.1.
ALI203.ZIP 93321 04-28-92 ALI 2.03: Your Analyzer of Life Insurance.
| Ali is a fair and friendly program which
| simplifies complex life insurance pricing.
| Six Money Sense commentaries provide useful
| knowledge on money matters. Here's your
| chance to save substantial amounts of money
| by selecting the most appropriate policy.
AMO292.ZIP 195698 10-06-93 Master Amortizer - an amortization
| program for Windows with a number of
| useful functions. It can calculate
| payments, create a comparative table of
| payments and, a variable amortization
| schedule with any start date and any
| year end.
AMOIT20.ZIP 415657 06-15-94 AmortizeIT! 2.0 <ASP> DOS/WIN a fast,
| flexible, easy to use loan analyzer. Includes
| a schedule + 6 calculators: loan, refinance,
| remaining balance, accelerated payments,
| interest due & balloon payment. 25 NEW
| FEATURES: custom payments, irregular 1st
| period, payment or due date schedules, tax
| consequences. Supports irregular, skipped &
| extra payments + adjustable rates;
| International Currencies & Dates!!
AMOR29.ZIP 207570 06-03-93 MS-Win Amortization Program.
AMORT.ZIP 97377 03-26-90 Loan Amortization Program.
AMORT1.ZIP 38856 01-31-92 A Lotus spreadsheet to calculate mortgage
| payments, including the showing of the
| effects of pre-paying your mortgage!.
AMORT21.ZIP 417849 06-12-95 AmortizeIT! 2.1 <ASP> a fast, flexible, easy
| use loan analyzer. Uses a fill-in-the-blank
| interface. Includes an amortization schedule,
| & 6 calculators: loan, refinance, remaining
| balance, accelerated payments, interest due &
| balloon payment. 25 new features: user can
| set payment, irregular length 1st periods,
| payment date/due date schedules, tax
| consequences of a loan. Supports irregular,
| skipped & extra payments; adjustable rates.
AMORT400.ZIP 236226 03-19-92 Canadian Mortgage & Loan Amortizer v4.00
AMORT41.ZIP 114937 09-09-92 Amortization calculator. Will work for any
| country or type of loans and mortgages.
| Friendly mouse interface and easy to use.
AMORTV5C.ZIP 49170 04-02-92 AMORT Version 5C - 4/03/1992 Release.
| Loans and Mortgage calculations and
| amortizations schedules. Prints to
| screen/printer/diskfile etc. Nice!
| Not crippled in any way! Fixed bug
| in screen from compiler on 3/22/92.
AMORTXLM.ZIP 38989 01-18-95 Amort.XLM - is an Excel macro that will
| generate fixed rate and variable rate loan
| schedules.
AMORTZ16.ZIP 123270 10-31-94 AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v1.60 <ASP>
| The EASY financial loan calculation system.
| AMORTZ is a very "user friendly" package that
| can calculate any of the loan variables
| (principal, interest, payment amount or # of
| payments), and can then generate amortization
| schedules by year. AMORTZ can also be used
| for "What If" calculations to see how changes
| in principal payments or interest rate can
| affect loan totals. Shareware $10.00
AMRT111.ZIP 116290 08-31-91 Amort by Micro Data V1.11 Amortization
| Calculate Mortgage Schedules Quick & Easy
AM_BB20.ZIP 264929 06-10-95 BANK BOOK for Windows: program for IBM-PC (MS
| Windows 3.1). It allows you to keep track of
| your bank accounts. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted by transaction
| date. You can filter your transactions by a
| time period or transaction type and display a
| summary of your income and expenses. A book-
| like format makes it very easy to use.
ANNUIT.ZIP 11142 10-27-93 Building your future with annuities a
| consumer's guide.
APCALC10.ZIP 64626 07-07-93 Arbitrary precision RPN line
| oriented calculator with
| virtual stack and memory
| registers, and financial and
| date functions. Usage is free.
| Source code available from author
| for $10 under GNU copying
| restrictions. This is a DOS
| program, can run in a window
| under Windows. Help function
APRCAL14.ZIP 169415 01-14-95 APRCALC.EXE v1.4 - Calculates loan variables,
| prints amortization tables, and allows you to
| save scenarios in files. Features: very fast
| amortizations, prepayment to principal,
| complete Help file, discount points breakeven
| analysis, multiple instances for side-by-side
| comparisons, export to ascii file.
ASA55D1.ZIP 296482 07-13-93 As-easy-as Ver. 5.50d Powerful Spreadsheet.
| File 1 of 2.
ASA55D2.ZIP 109021 07-07-93 As-easy-as Ver. 5.50d Powerful Spreadsheet.
| File 2 of 2.
AZA.ZIP 228770 10-29-93 The A-Z ACCOUNTING System is an integrated
| accounting system which handles checkbook
| & general ledger, billing & accounts
| receivable, disbursements & accounts payable,
| pricelist & inventory, invoicing, employees,
| and time clock. The system features full
| documentation of all program functions, an
| on-screen user manual, full integration of
| posting between all functions, and more.
BADCREDT.ZIP 33173 03-17-94 Leave Bad Credit v1.0 You Can Legally Get A
| New Credit File.
BANK27.ZIP 246784 06-15-95 Bank Investor (v2.7) maintains your bank
| accounts and budgets income/expenses.It will
| print checks in any desired format.
BANKPL30.ZIP 366724 07-01-95 BANK-PLAN r3.0 - Shareware. Reg fee:£50
| Helps small & mid-sized businesses to do
| monthly cashflow forecasts, plan cash
| requirements and manage their cash
| resources for 12 months ahead. Produces
| numerous reports and graphs. Ideal for
| "what-ifs" and "rolling forward". Suits
| any type of business. Very friendly.
| For new and experienced users. Lots of
| help & TXT files. Runs stand-alone.
BANKV1_2.ZIP 45070 01-25-92 Let you access your bank account using your
| computer.
BANK_V20.ZIP 138355 06-27-93 Touch Tone Bank Dialer v2.0 Use PC to Access
| Bank Account
BBC.ZIP 320193 09-09-93 Battling The Bill Collectors 1.0
| (InfoTek; $30) teaches you how to deal
| with bill collectors.
BBK40W.ZIP 519427 05-08-95 OWL Basic Bookkeeping 4.0w: Very easy to use
| bookkeeping system for small businesses and
| NEEDED. Tracks income and expenses using
| single entry bookkeeping as recommended by
| the IRS. Produces easy to understand income,
| expense, profit and general ledger reports.
| Supports accounting for multiple businesses,
| fiscal/calendar year accounting & more.
| REQUIRES: Windows 3.1 or above.
BBR48.ZIP 15749 01-19-93 January, 1993 issue, The Bell Business
| Report.
BBR9305.ZIP 16853 05-20-93 May 1993 Bell Business Report
BBR9306.ZIP 15970 06-20-93 June 1993 Bell Business Report.
BBR9307.ZIP 16161 07-20-93 July 1993 Bell Business Report.
BCALC22.ZIP 252780 07-19-93 Business Calculator v2.20 for Windows; Easily
| perform many advance business, financial, and
| statistical calculations, as well as basic
| calculations. It also provides multiple
| memory registers, a calculator tape that you
| can edit, and ability to be Always-On-Top.
BCBUD1.ZIP 76436 03-12-95 A budget manager for blue-collar workers.
BDGMACH.ZIP 188877 06-13-94 Budget Machine v1.30. Fantastic cash
| management system. Tracks income & payments
| and projects expendable income. Produces
| reports and analysis of expenditures.
| Requires VROBJ.DLL.
BDGTBI16.ZIP 190014 04-10-92 Budget v1.6. Budget Manager.
BDGTMO16.ZIP 185293 04-10-92 Budget v1.6. Budget Manager.
BDGTWK16.ZIP 188979 04-10-92 Budget v1.6: budget program for those with
| weekly incomes.
BDRAWER.ZIP 416805 10-21-93 The Bill Drawer - helps you organize
| and pay your bills in a timely manner.
BEFORE.ZIP 61609 01-28-94 Read this before divorcing.
BERICH2.ZIP 60759 12-06-90 How To Become Rich Easily (Work Required)
BESTPRC1.ZIP 37690 03-12-95 Best Price: Electronic Book For New Car
| Buyers. V01.
BF328G.ZIP 131079 09-02-94 Big Fin financial program v3.28
| Financial calculator par excellence
BFINANCE.ZIP 2741037 02-10-92 Collection of financial utilities from Bent T
BFPDEMO.ZIP 308365 02-23-94 BROKERING FOR PROFIT v2.0 - The highly rated
| source database for the graphic arts
| industry. This demo version is fully
| functional except it only includes one
| record where the registered version contains
| over 3,500 records. And you are limited to a
| maximum of 10 vendors and 20 product
| records. A relational database written in
| Clarion. A real profit maker if used.
BGTPL291.ZIP 73004 04-03-91 Home Budgets Template For 1-2-3 V2.91:
| Menudriven Worksheet To Track Your Monthly
| Expenses; Makes Extensive Use Of Macros And
| User Prompts; Allows For 5 Income Accounts &
| 30 Expense Accounts; Prints Several Reports;
| J. Sacco.
BILLDR3.ZIP 664923 05-28-94 The Bill Drawer - Organize Your Bills
| This program organizes your bills by due
| date, company and category, then gives you
| powerful features to pay and print checks
| for only the bills desired. Supports
| recurring and disputed bills, late payments,
| budgeting and statistics. Includes full
| check register functions with bank account
| reconcilation. Prints checks in any format.
BIMORT.ZIP 37696 09-24-93 Mortgage Reduction: Giant Savings for
| Homeowners and Big Profits for Agents, by
| Adam Starchild. American homeowners are being
| introduced to a new way of paying off their
| homes: the biweekly mortgage. A biweekly
| differs from conventional 30 year loans in
| that instead of paying one monthly payment,
| twelve times per year, a homeowner will make
| one half of the normal monthly payment every
| 2 weeks. Learn more in this electronic book.
BINMRKT.ZIP 485088 03-17-95 Binomial Market Model for options traders
BLDMONEY.ZIP 265420 09-01-93 Wealth Management System for Windows. Money
| Calculations for saving, investing, early
| retirement, networth, mortgages, record
| keeping and more.
BND213.ZIP 6533 02-15-95 Economic and monetary trends.
BNKBUD10.ZIP 956189 04-23-93 Banking Buddy 1.0 - is a comprehensive, gener
| system with the ability to track details of y
| card accounts.
BOOKKE38.ZIP 125818 04-17-93 Bookkeeping Made Painless - v2.8 Complete
| single entry accounting system Very EZ to
| use, menu driven.
BP21.ZIP 317384 09-07-94 Budget Planner 2.1 - A simple yet efficient
| budget plans. Features: o Pull-down menus o
| Mouse support o On-line help o EASY file
| maintenance (adding, changing, d o Database
| packing, optimizing the size of t o Routing
| of output to printer, COM port, or o
| Optimized to make the most of 286 and high
| Hardware requirements: o Minimum 64K RAM
| (overlay optimized for DOS o 80286 or higher
| processor o 560K hard disk space for program
BTU.ZIP 211007 09-18-91 Designed to analyze BTU needs of your home.
BUDBI4A.ZIP 185491 03-11-93 Budget Program, for Weekly Incomes. 1of2 For
| Bi-Weekly Incomes. Work within your budget.
| Need BUDBI4B.ZIP (Docs.)
BUDBI4B.ZIP 12329 03-11-93 Documentation for BUDBI4A.ZIP
BUDGET03.ZIP 113269 06-21-94 Budget Manager for controlling household
| expenses.
BUDGET10.ZIP 51038 03-29-94 BUDGET MINDER 1.0 <ASP>
| An easy way to make and track a budget-
| An easy way to make and track a budget.
| Keeps a running total of expenses on a
| month-to-month basis. Provides variances
| from budget on a monthly and yearly basis.
| Each month is in a separate file and may be
| viewed or printed. Should work on any IBM
BUDGET20.ZIP 13989 12-19-91 Home Budget V2.0: Helps You To Organize Your
| Monthly Expenses, See What You're Spending
| On What, How Much Went Out Each Month, Etc.;
| Ms-windows/toolbook Req
BUDGET95.ZIP 276243 02-02-94 Budget of the United States Government,
| Fiscal Year 1995.
BUDGETWK.ZIP 188866 04-08-92 Weekly budget planner
BUDWK4A.ZIP 185596 03-11-93 Budget Program, for Weekly Incomes. 1of2
| Work within your Budget. Need also
| Budwk4b.zip (Documentation) Shareware.
BUDWK4B.ZIP 12229 03-11-93 Documentation for BUDWK4A.ZIP file.
BUILD.ZIP 102961 01-30-92 Wealth Management System.
BUYAHOME.ZIP 101867 06-12-90 Figure Your Best Way To Buy A Home
BUYGOLD2.ZIP 51970 07-22-94 HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD, by Adam Starchild
| Gold has always been man's premier store of
| value, more trusted worldwide by individuals
| than any paper investment or currency. Gold
| cannot be inflated by printing more of it
| nor devalued by government decree and does
| not depend upon anyone's promise to repay.
| Many investors see it as the "ultimate asset"
| in their portfolios. Learn more from this
| informative electronic book.
BYHOME14.ZIP 101867 06-12-90 Analysis For Home You Can Afford.
CALC.ZIP 226969 05-28-94 ExpressCalc 4.10 <ASP> - Great spreadsheet
| from the creators of File Express. Great for
| home and office use. Matrix size can be set
| to any size totaling 16,384 cells. Functions
| include Absolute Value, Natural Log, Average,
| Rounding, Count,Standard Deviation, Principal
| Net Present Value, Amortization functions and
| more. Block commands to move, delete, etc.
| Many formatting options for optimal control.
CALLSAVE.ZIP 18291 09-16-90 Ways to save on your phone bill.
CAMP111.ZIP 127172 03-05-91 Charge Account Management Program
CASHC.ZIP 151267 11-29-90 Cash Control, Simplify Bookkeeping Chores
CASHF351.ZIP 492816 03-16-94 Up Your Cash Flow is a financial planning
| program that predicts a business' future
| profit/loss and cash flow requirements in
| both spreadsheet and graphic formats. UYCF is
| ideal for securing bank loans, writing
| business plans, and anticipating problems in
| advance. It is NOT a template - Fully menu
| driven. "Up Your Cash Flow provides sound
| financial planning advice." - Lotus Magazine
CASHFL15.ZIP 43026 12-10-91 CashFlow, Controls you personal expenses
CASHFLW3.ZIP 267041 01-10-95 Cash Flow Modeler - is a powerful Windows
| financial tool for cash flow analysis. It
| uses Net Present Value and Internal Rate of
| Return functions to analyze any income stream
| paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or
| annually. Work can be saved to a file and
| solved for partial amortization. Requires
| VBRUN300.
CCBASE.ZIP 60996 06-09-91 Credit Card Information Database Manager
CCC10.ZIP 25128 10-02-92 Credit card crunch-shows length of debt.
CCCALC10.ZIP 5289 02-15-94 Credit Card Calculator for Windows.
| Freeware by Patri-Soft. Simple program
| to determine how long it will take to
| pay off a credit card. Req. VBRUN300.DLL
CCMATH.ZIP 127261 06-28-94 Credit Card Math - Learn why it takes so
| long to pay off credit cards. Find out how
| to save thousands of dollars in credit card
| interest. Discover the clever scheme used
| by credit card issuers to keep your monthly
| payments low. Credit Card Math goes behind
| the scenes and uncovers the true hidden cost
| associated with credit cards. This program
| is ABSOLUTELY FREE! So, please pass it on.
CCMATH11.ZIP 153421 01-12-95 Credit Card Math v1.1 Learn why it takes so
| long to pay off credit cards. Find out how
| to save thousands of dollars in credit card
| interest. Discover the clever scheme used
| by credit card issuers to keep your monthly
| payments low. Credit Card Math goes behind
| the scenes and uncovers the true hidden cost
| associated with credit cards. This program
| helps people save money. Please pass it on.
CCPLUS20.ZIP 471906 02-18-95 Credit Card 2.0 for Windows will:
| 1) Save you interest by providing you with a
| 2) Help you manage all money involving credit
| 3) Generate various reports (print outs).
| 4) Notify you if payments will be due or are
| 5) Calculate and display individual (per card
| a) payments
| b) balances
| c) interest paid
| d) etc.
CCS32.ZIP 59989 10-24-90 Store & Keep Track Of Credit Card Information
CCSII.ZIP 87538 12-26-92 Credit Card, Written In Word Perfect Format,
| To Analyze The Effect Of Your Debt Position.
CDMTG123.ZIP 56833 10-29-93 Lotus 123 spreadsheet for canadian mortgage
| calculation, one for weekly, one for monthly
| and one for bi-monthly.
CHAP20.ZIP 26795 02-19-90 Lotus 123 Conventional Home Amortization WK1
CHARG111.ZIP 129668 08-16-92 Charge account manager v1.11 transactions,
| notes & reports.
CHARGE.ZIP 140849 04-05-92 Charge Card Account Management System
CHARGING.ZIP 175157 11-01-92 My Little Realm's Charging v2.0/sa <ASP> -
| Just what the doctor ordered if you need to
| monitor your credit card expenditures!
| Charging lets you see at a glance what you
| have outstanding on each card and the total
| outstanding. You can track tax deductions,
| home and business expenses, more. Runs
| from floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM
| compatible; 256K RAM. $15.
CHF111.ZIP 157319 03-22-95 Loan Chief v1.11 Loan calculating has never
| been this easy! Professional schedules with a
| multitude of options: Weekly - Annual,
| variable rates, loan acceleration, tax
| analysis, variable payments, cumulative/non-
| cumulative, variable compound methods and
| much more! Produces LOAN CHARTS, a new and
| novel concept in loan processing. Save and
| retrieve info. Solve for values.
CIO20C.ZIP 324906 03-25-91 Cheque-It-Out v2.0, Personal Bookkeeping
CLIP315.ZIP 169497 06-01-95 MONEYCLIP v3.15 - Personal Budget Manager.
| This is NOT another checkbook register
| program. Moneyclip helps you control your
| personal budget by projecting your income
| and expenses on a month to month basis.
| You set up your budget using a very user
| friendly interface and the program keeps
| you informed as to how you are doing.
| Use on any DOS computer with at least
| 640K. A very unique and useful program!
CLOSING.ZIP 3859 06-01-93 Mortgage Loan Closing Costs Spreadsheet
| (Excel0).
CMFILE_S.ZIP 193821 08-15-94 CMFiler v5.36s <ASP> -- Acclaimed by DOS 6
| SECRETS author Bob Ainsbury and PC Mag's
| Edward Mendelson. Split-screen file manager
| with full suite of file and dir services,
| including tree mode. Built-in file editor,
| floppy formatter/copier/filler, file and text
| finders, print spooler, notepad, app
| launcher, more. Small and fast. No special
| sys req'ments, supports 43/50-line EGA/VGA,
| DOS 3 or later. $30 shareware from NoVaSoft.
CNTINGNT.ZIP 2953 11-21-90 Text File Listing Various Contingencies That
| Arise In The Purchase Of A Home. Primarily
| Useful To The Buyer.
COLA401.ZIP 101788 12-19-90 Cola - The Cost Of Living Adjuster V4.01
| Calculates What A Dollar Amount In Earlier
| Years Is Worth In Today's Money Or You Can
| Find Out What An Amount In A Recent Year Was
| Worth Earlier
COLLEGE1.ZIP 130012 10-20-91 Establish Systematic Savings For Kids College
CPLAN3.ZIP 157661 08-12-91 Capitol Needs Planner v3.0
CPV20TM.ZIP 61461 01-01-90 Commerical Property Value: Calc Price To Pay
| For Non-residential Income-producing Props.
| Using Discounted Cash-flow Analysis
CRAMDOWN.ZIP 60042 12-28-91 CramDown Amortization, For Faster Payoffs
CRDRG10.ZIP 60127 04-22-95 A Credit repair guide for home-buyers
| Fantastic guide that will show you how to
| repair and rebuild your credit,learn where
| to get the best deals on a visa or mastercard
| purchase a home with the least amount of mone
| setup a portfolio for your golden years learn
| all about the Resolution Trust Corporation,a
| company desighned & setup to sell off all the
| real-estate the government acquired from the
| failed savings & loans.And much more!
CREDCARD.ZIP 77991 10-28-90 Organize your credit card purchases/billing.
CREDIT86.ZIP 6263 06-28-94 This file will tell you information
| about replacing your old credit file
| with a brand new file. This is not
| credit repair, but file replacement.
| Also, it will discuss "inserting"
| favorable credit information from a
| friend or relative into your file, and
| make it appear as your own. LEGALLY!
CREDITCD.ZIP 12936 03-26-94 Utility Checks Validity of Credit Card Number
CREDITFX.ZIP 117358 10-12-92 Credit repair program with forms
CREDITV1.ZIP 33525 05-25-94 LEAVE BAD CREDIT v1.0: Don't let the Credit B
| Now you can legally start a new credit file.
| By using a 4-Step Process and a simple form,
| Credit File in as little as 45 Days.
CREDREP.ZIP 1530 12-29-91 How To Get Information About Your Credit
CREDT.ZIP 120568 03-12-90 Handy Database To Keep Track Of Credit Cards
CRED_FIX.ZIP 2720 03-20-92 Repair your BAD CREDIT. Text file makes it
| easy to do it!
CREW10.ZIP 126002 07-19-93 CreditPerfect for Windows v1.0. Credit
| Repair and management software. Features
| quick access toolbar, automates creation of
| dispute letters and credit report requests.
CRGING.ZIP 175157 11-01-92 My Little Realm's Charging v2.0/sa <ASP> -
| Just what the doctor ordered if you need to
| monitor your credit card expenditures!
| Charging lets you see at a glance what you
| have outstanding on each card and the total
| outstanding. You can track tax deductions,
| home and business expenses, more. Runs
| from floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM
| compatible; 256K RAM. $15.
CRPTM.ZIP 50443 01-01-90 Calculate Credit Line Needed For
| Agricultural Prod
| Starchild: This special report will acquaint
| you with the near magical possibilities of a
| tax-saving, income-producing legal device
| known as a "charitable remainder trust" or
| "CRT." Although "CRT" is the currently
| popular term, these trusts are also known as
| "life income" and "wealth accumulation"
| trusts. Both descriptions are accurate--
| and therein lies the money magic.
CSAM22.ZIP 144704 05-11-95 CSAMORT version 2.20 <ASP> -
| Performs loan amortization schedules and
| automatic payment calculations.
| Contains a number of options for special
| mortgage loan calculations.
CSHFLOW.ZIP 43026 12-10-91 Cashflow 1.5. Controls Expenses And Monthly
| Income. Prints Total Expenses And Income And
| The Difference. Show All Items For A Given
| Payee Or Source Of Income.
CSHFLW35.ZIP 492947 05-23-94 Up Your Cash Flow is a financial planning
| program that predicts a business' future
| profit/loss and cash flow requirements in
| both spreadsheet and graphic formats. UYCF is
| ideal for securing bank loans, writing
| business plans, and anticipating problems in
| advance. It is NOT a template - Fully menu
| driven. "Up Your Cash Flow provides sound
| financial planning advice." - Lotus Magazine
DBT124.ZIP 128167 04-16-94 The Debt Analyzer v1.24 <ASP> Hopelessly in
| debt? A package designed to help reduce and
| eliminate debt and save you hundreds of
| dollars in the process. Debt reduction is
| illustrated through a debt elimination
| schedule or through loan consolidation. Up to
| 20 debts can be processed at one time. Use
| minimum payments, current payments or
| accelerated payments with elimination. Debts
| can be prioritized.
DCF2_4.ZIP 585022 01-10-95 Discounted Cash Flow Analyst for Windows - is
| a real estate analysis tool to ascertain
| value for incoming-producing properties. It
| uses the industry standard ten year present
| value income and reversion analysis. Requires
| VBRUN300.
DEBTFR30.ZIP 195674 03-24-93 DEBT-FREE 3.0: Promotes early payoff of
| your home mortgage. Includes a "What-If"
| calculator, a printing amortizer, and a
| "Payment Log" to calculate and date-record
| mortgage payments of various amounts and/or
| interest rates. Useful for recording mortgage
| receivables, automatically allocating the
| interest, principal, and current balances
| monthly. Shareware ($29.95) from Accutax.
DEBTMG13.ZIP 58469 03-21-93 Wipe out your credit card debt. A Complete
| do-it-yourself debt management software
| package that saves thousands of dollars in
| credit card interest penalties. Now you can
| take advantage of trade secrets used by many
| expert financial counselors in the privacy of
| your own home. Join the thousands that are
| already on their way to becoming debt free.
DEBTW200.ZIP 367241 05-27-95 Debt Analyzer for Windows v2.0d--Debt
| Elimination at its best! A package designed
| to help reduce and eliminate debt and save
| you hundreds of dollars in the process. Build
| debt reduction schedules or loan
| consolidation schedules. Handles up to 50
| debts at once. Use minimum payments
| (percentages too), current payments or
| accelerated payments with elimination. Nine
| priority methods or define your own.
DEPR.ZIP 38682 06-18-90 Will Compute, Store And Print Depreciation
| Schedules. This Update Includes New Irs Tax
| Tables And Vehicle Limitation Tables.
DIRCS.ZIP 191307 07-22-92 Interest rate calculator.
DIVORCE.ZIP 134207 07-26-92 Divorce Financial Analysis
DJ0730.ZIP 135199 08-01-93 Dow High Yield Magazine.
DMGR104A.ZIP 75612 12-04-93 Debt Manager(tm) v.104a - DOS w/Color Monitor
| Rapidly reduce your credit card debt and save
| thousands in unpaid interest penalties. Enter
| name, APR, balance and minimum payment for up
| to 30 creditors & Debt Manager does the rest.
| A monthly payment schedule forcasts when each
| debt will be paid off & shows you how much to
| pay each creditor. Now you can take advantage
| of trade secrets used by financial counselors
| in the privacy and comfort of your own home.
DOLLAR1.ZIP 310429 06-27-93 $Defender for Windows. Powerful Financial
| analysis tools. 1/2.
DOLLAR2.ZIP 334785 06-27-93 $Defender for Windows. 2/2.
DOSBANKS.ZIP 85295 11-29-94 DosBank is a Credit Card validation program
| developed for individuals and companies that
| take credit card orders over the telephone
| without any immediate means of verification.
| The program has a number of options from
| displaying a message telling you if the card
| is good or not, as well as telling you what
| type of card it is, MasterCard, Visa,
| American Express or Discover.
DOUGH.ZIP 359434 10-27-90 Easy To Use Asset Management For Individuals
DOWCAST.ZIP 392756 08-10-92 Dow Jones Forecasting System from UltraVision
DOWJONES.ZIP 140541 04-25-92 Dow Jones closing averages 01/02/30 - 11/15/9
DW107401.ZIP 31603 01-28-94 Dow-Jones Industrials by Yield Order from
| July 91 to Jan 94.
EASYATM.ZIP 169030 01-06-94 EasyATM v1.0. Allows for the quick, easy and
| error-free completion of Automated Teller
| Machine (ATM) deposit/payment envelopes.
EASYBANK.ZIP 335764 06-28-92 Menu driven utility manages Personal/Business
EASY_Q15.ZIP 153107 11-29-92 I QUALIFY 1.5 - Calculates payments, loan
| amounts, and Sales price using Income, Assets
| and Expenses. Uses FHA and conventional
| Loan qualifying ratios. Prints Asset, Income
| & Expense and Home Affordability reports.
| New User Interface! On-line Help! Amortize!
| Calculator! ARM payments! Balloon Notes!
| $20.00 Registration = Disk, Printed Manual,
| Unlimited Support and Upgrade Notification.
ECONNET.ZIP 22625 11-26-93 Internet Resources of interest to economists.
| Draft paper (3rd version) by Bill Goffe Univ.
| Of Southern Mississippi, Economics Dept.
EDENSFR2.ZIP 82104 03-19-94 Help with Retiring Relocation.
EFT93B.ZIP 72320 11-13-93 ETF93B.ZIP v1.2 - Electronic Tax Filing 93.
| Disk 2 of 2
| A full-featured software package for filing
| your tax returns electronically to the IRS.
| Handles all forms, schedules, statements
| and even comes with an 8453 form!
| From Electronic Filing Group $5.00
EGWS.ZIP 97898 10-20-93 The Entrepreneur's Guide to Wealth
| Secrets - is a book on disk about
| financial secrets, tips and loopholes.
EL23.ZIP 348782 09-06-94 ---------------------------------------------
| Expense Log 2.3 - An expense tracking pro
| Standard pull-down menus
| Mouse support
| Eight POWERFUL report generating options
| EASY file maintenance (adding, changing,
| Database packing, optimizing the size of
| Optimized to make the most of 386, 486, a
| Hardware requirements:
| Minimum 64K RAM (overlay optimized for DO
ENERGY.ZIP 412559 01-21-94 Energy Cost - produces total or
| comparison reports in cost kilowatt
| hours or demand charges.
ENTRESEC.ZIP 95930 09-24-93 The Entrepreneur's Guide To Wealth Secrets.
| One of the greatest strategies of all for
| financial success is a successful business.
| The 1986 tax reforms dulled some of the
| shine, but a small business is still one of
| the best tax shelters. And contrary to what
| you may have thought, you can start your own
| enterprise without a radical departure from
| your current income. This electronic book by
| Adam Starchild has many good tips.
EPAY21.ZIP 32604 02-03-93 Epay V2.1: Pgm Designed For Quicken Users
| Who Pay Their Bills Via Checkfree, It
| Provides A Means Of Generating Reports Of
| Electronic Payment Activity.
ETELR20A.ZIP 559373 10-12-94 ─────────────────────────────────────────
| E-Teller bank/ccard management utility
| Filename:- ETELR20a.ZIP
| -----------------------------------------
| Version 2.0a of E-Teller, a bank and
| credit card account management utility for
| OS/2.
| Refer to whats.new for new/fixed features.
| Refer to e-teller.inf for installation in-
| structions.
EXCHANGE.ZIP 113114 08-18-94 Exchange for Windows - is a currency
| converter for more than a dozen of the
| world's most commonly used currencies.
| Features include a fully adjustable exchange
| rate and a built-in calculator. Requires
| VBRUN300.
EXCHNG20.ZIP 218599 04-05-95 Calculate currency exchange rates.
EXPENSE.ZIP 99787 07-28-93 Easy-to-use Expense Filing Sorting Program.
EXPRES1A.ZIP 136260 02-04-95 Express Budget v1.0a for 1-2-3 for
| Windows. Helps you in keeping track of
| your personal finances. You can register
| your expenses, income, and payments
| using a very simple and user-friendly
| interface.
EZBIZ.ZIP 805307 09-09-94 Accounting Program for Non-Accountants
EZCREDIT.ZIP 156864 10-16-94 E-Z Credit Kit 1.0 menu driven credit
| counseling software for DOS
EZDP10.ZIP 138995 09-26-92 EZ Depreciation v1.0: manage your asset
| depreciation; includes ACRS, MACRS,
| non-recovery property, personal/real
| property, listed property, nondepreciable
| property, luxury autos, short years, mid
| year and mid quarter conventions, Federal
| form 4562 worksheet and many other reports;
| Millrose Enterprises.
EZF225.ZIP 303415 07-28-92 EZ Finance v2.25: personal finance program
| written by a CPA, w/context sensitive help;
| pull-down menus, pop-up windows, calculator,
| calendar, sound effects, & much more.
EZKIT20.ZIP 162771 02-01-95 E-Z Credit v2.0 - Credit information
FA2.ZIP 376802 07-26-92 The Fixed Asset Manager (FAM) is a set of
| pgms that track and depreciate fixed assets
| according to user-supplied parameters;
| menudriven; Sandra Harrison/ CEO Business
| Systems [.
FAP.ZIP 119042 10-18-93 Financial Analyzer Planner - is a money
| management program for pre- and post
| retirement planning.
FAPRO14.ZIP 494928 07-15-94 FAPRO14A v1.4: Fixed Asset Pro is a
| comprehensive fixed asset management system.
| Using pull down menus, the program calculates
| depreciation on multiple bases, applies tax
| limits, performs projections and comparisons
| and prints reports to screen, printer or
| file. Provides 38 U.S. Tax law depreciation
| methods with on-line help. Mouse support.
| Manual includes tutorial.
FAPRO21B.ZIP 176930 10-15-92 Fixed Asset Pro. Comprehensive fixed asset
FAST.ZIP 121293 07-01-92 Vehicle and maintenance log.
FASTCAL.ZIP 68517 09-01-94 ▒▓█ FastCalc ▓▒ -9/94- Versatile Calculator
| with mouse support! Does addition,division,
| subtraction, and multiplication. Also,
| percentage, decimals, memory save/recall,
| digit erase, & more!. Pops up w/LCD. Throw
| away that mechanical one, & get this. Put
| it in your Path & access it anytime! -=≡
| Now with Clock
FC110.ZIP 63696 02-02-94 FINCALC v1.09 [ASP] is a memory resident
| (TSR) Financial Calculator. When not being
| used, it takes about 6.5K of memory. It
| consists of 3 calculators. They are a 4
| function calculator, a present value /
| future value / solve for missing value
| calculator, and a loan / solve for missing
| calculator.
FC5000.ZIP 154855 04-15-94 Fred's Checkbook! & Financial
| Consultant - is a checkbook and home
| accounting program in the style of a
| checkbook register. It includes modules
| for accounting, budgeting, tracking
| expenses, and more.
FFGOLD20.ZIP 441608 04-12-95 Financial Freedom GOLD v2.00 <ASP> Complete
| money management program for Windows.
| Features include unlimited accounts,
| budgeting, check printing, loan analysis and
| amortization, password protection, bill
| reminder utility, backup feature, powerful
| reporting options with export features,
| automated account reconciliations and more.
FINAN10.ZIP 157021 10-08-91 The Financial Analyzer, v1.00
FINANC10.ZIP 29639 03-03-92 Home Mortgage helper v1.0: Assists in saving
| big $ on mortgages.
FINANCE.ZIP 134614 10-10-90 Home Financial Planning System v2.50
FINMAN.ZIP 507209 05-14-95 Financial Manager for Windows - helps you
| evaluate the performance of your company and
| to valuate its shares. Using financial
| statements and other mgmt. ratios from top
| international companies, it helps you plan
| your company's need for cash in the near
| future and how to identify sources from where
| cash can be raised.
FINMAN32.ZIP 114902 07-18-92 Financial Manager with EZ Budget 3.2: This
| personal and small business financial program
| rivals the best commercial programs. It
| accounts for all checkbook transactions and
| prepares monthly and yearly reports. It has
| unique search and bank reconciliation
| procedures. Financial planning is easy with
| EZ Budget. This upgrade adds colorful graphic
| bar charts and sample data files.
FINWIZ.ZIP 87905 12-02-90 Finance Wizard, Many Features, Easy!
FINWIZ10.ZIP 50293 11-11-92 Financial Wizard v1.0: collection of tools
| to analyze loan repayment; computes the
| amount of a payment, the # of periods to
| repay a loan, the amount that can be
| borrowed, or the remaining balance on a
| loan; displays/prints a complete
| amortization table; Winston Scott Jones.
FLAP201.ZIP 182426 03-16-94 Maintenance upgrade of Flap 2.0 mortgage
| manager as result of user input.
FMIIACCR.ZIP 186568 12-01-92 Finance Manager Plus II; complete business
| accounting; accounts receivable module.
| Fast Subject/Total Per Financial Planner-
| Personal Financial Planner for Budget,
| Education, Retirement, Taxes , Life Insc,
| Estate, Disability, etc. Planning. Auto
| Install Prog, HD 1MB+ Reqd, Color & Mouse
| Recommended
FPLAN40A.ZIP 311534 02-06-94 FPLAN Personal Financial Planner v4.0 [1/2]
| Comprehensive menu driven program with full
| mouse support to develop and plan for all
| your important financial goals. Available
| tutorial check-list, on-screen help, and
| detailed Data Guides assist you. Option of US
| or International type planning details.
FPLAN40B.ZIP 376731 02-06-94 FPLAN Personal Financial Planner v4.0 [2/2]
| Comprehensive menu driven program with full
| mouse support to develop and plan for all
| your important financial goals. Available
| tutorial check-list, on-screen help, and
| detailed Data Guides assist you. Option of US
| or International type planning details.
FPLAN90.ZIP 148775 04-19-90 Financial Planning System;w/bas Source; 4/90.
FREE111.ZIP 359834 08-26-92 What-if Financial Analysis.
GDE757_1.ZIP 312743 01-06-93 Home and Business Legal Guide and Forms
| Generator, Version 7.57. The ultimate legal
| self-help program. Over 260 legal forms
| prepared from menu driven programs valid in
| all 50 states; annotated court cases,
| statutes and regulations. Tutorials. Diverse
| topics. Shareware. This is disk 1 of 3. You
| must have all disks for program to function.
| Topics include estate planning, real estate,
| family law and much more.
GDE757_2.ZIP 362207 01-06-93 Home and Business Legal Guide Version 7.57,
| DISK 2 of 3. You must have all 3 disks!
| Legal forms generator, tutorials, statutes,
| on line note pad, DOS shell, on line help.
| Perennial shareware best seller.
GDE757_3.ZIP 331878 01-06-93 Home and Business Legal Guide and Forms
| Generator, Version 7.57. DISK 3 of 3. (Must
| have all 3 disks). New benefits for
| registered users include audio cassette
| course on legal self help and hints on using
| the program. Support shareware.
GEN7AC15.ZIP 392951 02-15-94 Gen7 Accounting Module - keeps track of
| up to four banking accounts. It will
| also keep track of debts and alert you
| when the program is started if you are
| about to be late with a payment.
GENCOMP.ZIP 29895 06-30-95 COMPOUND.ZIP v1.0 - A simple to use program
| to calculate compound interest over various
| periods. Produced by The Safety Shoppe BBS
| FREE Loan Calculator, professional quality.
| Calculates payments, total interest, prints
| amortization tables. Fast, easy to use, no
| install procedure, supports mouse. For
| mortgages, car loans, business, personal,
| etc. No registration needed, no time limit.
| International currency support.
GENINT.ZIP 31392 06-30-95 INTEREST.ZIP v1.0 - An easy to use general
| interest calculations program. Nothing fancy
| but gets the job done.
HA414.ZIP 187371 01-27-91 Home Accounts V4.14: Check/budget/acctg Mgr,
| With Passwords, Keyboard Macros, Calculator
| & Online Help
HBMS431.ZIP 212364 07-04-92 Home Budget Management System v4.31:
| utilizing a double-entry ledger system, HBMS
| provides the means to record your daily
| transactions and create reports; allows you
| to compare budget goals, & reconcile your
| checkbook or credit card purchases; print
| checks; w/pop-up calculator, macros and
| support for foreign dates and currency
HBR.ZIP 144869 04-15-92 Home Buyers and Refinancing Utility
HBR20.ZIP 144869 04-15-92 Homebuying and refinancing v2.0: formerly
| buyahome, its a loan amortization pgm with
| comprehensive financial analysis of buying
| or refinancing a home, or prepaying an
| existing mortgage, etc.; analysis of buying
| a home versus renting; menu-driven with
| pop-up pick lists, context sensitive help
| and an online users guide. byers software.
HBRM15.ZIP 91176 03-10-94 Home Basis Record Manager: Version 1.5
| Every homeowner needs to keep track of the
| basis (cost) of a house or condo. This
| program will do it for you. It identifies
| more than 40 events that raise or lower
| basis. Keeping this information will lower
| your tax bill someday. Supports dot matrix
| and laser printers. March 1994 release.
HLDIARY.ZIP 63319 07-14-92 Home mortgage diary and amort schedule calc.
HMBUD91.ZIP 118499 11-19-90 Home Budget For 1991.
HMEOWN10.ZIP 73498 01-01-90 Home Ownership Cost: 5-year Holding Calc.
HMLOAN20.ZIP 72152 08-17-93 HOME LOAN DIARY 2.0 - Mortgage diary.
| Calculates how much $$$ you can save by
| paying a loan off early. Like a Lotus
| spreadsheet but scrollable! Additional
| principal payments and notes can be
| entered and saved to disk. Printouts &
| calculator available. Simple to use!
HOME100.ZIP 233228 01-18-93 THE SMART HOMEOWNER Shareware Version1.0
| Save money by reaching the right home-
| buying, selling or renting decision. Buy-
| or-rent, sell-or-rent, smart prepayment,
| PMI removal, home-equity options, loan
| choices, home affordability, reverse
| mortgage etc. and more...presented in an
| intuitive, easy-to-use manner with full
| on-line help! Adjustable rates and data
| saving features built-in to the program.
HOMEAC24.ZIP 203389 06-19-93 MS-Win Program: Keep Track of Your Household
| Expenses.
HOMEACCT.ZIP 524481 01-27-95 Home Accountant for Windows - allows you to
| keep track of your household expenses,
| budgets, bank accounts, and credit cards.
| Expenses and incomes are categorized, and
| several types of reports can be sent to
| screen or to printer. Bar charts and Pie
| charts can easily be created. Requires WIN31.
HOMEBUY.ZIP 145602 10-01-93 Homebuying & Refinancing 2.0 Comprehensive
| financial analysis - includes prepayment
| calculations
HOMECOST.ZIP 40283 04-23-91 Evaluate mortgages to find best for you
HOMESHOP.ZIP 339659 11-11-90 Smart Home Shopper v1.1
HOMEWO12.ZIP 6812 10-01-94 Version 1.2 of icon software's homework
| organizer. New weekend shutoff.
HOMINSP.ZIP 59274 10-01-91 Aids a prospective home buyer in evaluating
| a house's condition in many categories.
HOMR101A.ZIP 311166 12-03-93 HOME REFINANCING V1.01 <ASP> - File 1 of 2.
| Computes actual and time value adjusted
| savings from refinancing. Points may be
| optionally capitalized. Bonus calculators
| show alternative payment options (any number
| of periods per year, payment in advance or
| arrears) and payment schedules with amounts
| of interest and principal accumulated for
| each year. Print multiple options. Mouse
| support, DOS GUI or Text mode. ProDomus $30
HOMR101B.ZIP 253451 12-03-93 HOME REFINANCING V1.01 <ASP> - File 2 of 2.
| Computes actual and time value adjusted
| savings from refinancing. Points may be
| optionally capitalized. Bonus calculators
| show alternative payment options (any number
| of periods per year, payment in advance or
| arrears) and payment schedules with amounts
| of interest and principal accumulated for
| each year. Print multiple options. Mouse
| support, DOS GUI or Text mode. ProDomus $30
| Contains six money-making small
| business reports by Pat Flanagan,
| noted computer/mail order writer
| and columnist. Unzip, type GO,
| and follow the menu!
HR3261.ZIP 17985 07-26-94 Amendment to 1986 IRS Code /X
HSS.ZIP 223388 07-12-93 Home Sales System V3.21.
INSPECT.ZIP 58873 10-01-91 Aids Buyer In House Hunting & Evaluation
INSURANC.ZIP 161423 10-30-90 Home Insurance v4.0, Insurance Planning Tool
INSURMRT.ZIP 184770 05-14-92 InsureMart Insurance Shopper Utility. MAY
| 14th 1992. Shop for Home, Condo or Tenants
| Insurance from your home using your own
| computer. NO CHARGES!!! You can even access
| your policy AFTER you purchase and become a
| client of the Insurance Company. Voila
| Software/Insuremart.
INS_COST.ZIP 5477 04-14-91 Project Life Insureance Costs Over 10 Years.
INT234.ZIP 163958 04-15-94 The Interest Analyzer v2.34 <ASP> produces
| professional schedules and illustrations for
| savings, annuities, loans, mortgages and
| depreciation. Flexible with variable depos-
| its, withdrawals, payments, interest rates,
| and compound methods. Tax analysis, COLA,
| loan acceleration. Solve for calculators.
| Save and restore multiple clients. Side by
| Side comparisons. Illustration detail is
| monthly - annual, calendar or fiscal.
IPPLAN30.ZIP 147933 07-24-91 Income Protection Planner V3.0 - Insurance
| Fplan Financial Planner Series. Asp.
IRA_V10.ZIP 106711 05-22-95 This very simple to use program is about to i
| Financial Wizards have termed, "The Eighth Wo
| wonder is not this software, but rather the f
| "Compound Interest". It is this wonder, which
| Interest rate, allows you to turn an $ 80,000
| fortune of $ 31,000,000 !!!! That is correct
| This program will display to you in black
| principle. It will allow you to experiment wi
| Amounts, Interest Rates, and Terms. The Scree
| However, you have the option to Print a repor
JAMORT13.ZIP 25333 11-07-94 JA Amortization Program v1.3 for windows 3.1
| Mouse your way from 1 to 1200 months or from
| 0% to 25%. Simple, but well made, intuitive
| interface. On line help. Fully functional.
| $15 reg fee. VBRUN300 & MSAFINX.DLL required
JERWARE1.ZIP 20196 05-03-92 Jerware's loan amortization program.
JOUR166.ZIP 163995 06-12-94 I'M NO ACCOUNTANT (TM) Templates for Lotus 1-
| 2-3 v2.3 or later perform single entry
| accounting with dialog screens for payments,
| income, and salaries. Transactions may be
| queried by account name and/or date range.
| Dialog screens coordinate account management,
| checkbook reconciliation, and report
| printing. Transactions are summarized by
| category. Help screens are provided.
LA27.ZIP 45193 04-16-90 Loan Analysis, Cost, Repayment & More
| Calculates & compares loans for dec. making-
| LAPC calculates fixed rate loans up to 50
| year term allowing the us er to compare
| rates, principle amounts, terms as well as
| principle prepayments and comparative
| ranges. Output to file, Lotus 123 comp
| atible spreadsheet and numerous printers.
LAWSUIT2.ZIP 78235 07-21-94 ASSET PROTECTION, by Adam Starchild: One of
| the unhappy facts of life in our lawsuit-
| happy society is the growing danger of being
| sued. If you should suffer this misfortune,
| it could easily cost you your life savings,
| even if you win. One of the best ways to
| protect yourself against such a calamity is
| to have a professional prepare an asset
| protection plan before problems arise. Learn
| more in this informative electronic book.
LDBM50W.ZIP 84720 09-09-93 LdbM for Windows v5.0w, Windows Loan and PreP
| This application is one of the finest availab
| provides a hugh variety of capabilities and f
| - Multiple Loan Management - Customizable
| - Yearly Summarys - Equity vs. B
| - Rate Comparisons - PrePayment A
| - Multiple Graphs - Finance "Wha
| - etc...
| This program will easily save money off of yo
| mortgage or loan. Discover the value of Prep
LEDGER.ZIP 156941 10-06-92 Amazing Ledger / Amortization by Drew
LINPR2.ZIP 2797 01-19-93 TAS (Technical Analsis Scanner) Financial
| analysis script - based on two (2) moving
| averages of linear progressions.
LLC.ZIP 40814 10-09-94 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES by Adam Starchild
| The limited liability company (also called an
| LLC) is a form of business entity now gaining
| popularity in the U.S. The LLC is a hybrid of
| the partnership and the corporation. It has
| the flexibility of a partnership and the
| limited liability typical of a corporation.
| The LLC also offers many advantages over the
| Subchapter S corporation. Learn more from
| this electronic book.
LM153A.ZIP 346998 11-16-94 LOAN MASTER LOAN ACCOUNTING, 1.53 <ASP>
| Archive 3 of 3 (lma, lmb, lmc)
| Loan Tracking, Accounting and Billing-
| Loan tracking and accounting database.
| Computes accruals and late charges. Prints
| Statements, bills, and past due notices.
| Prints trial balance, and past due reports,
| and past due ageing. Also tracks escrow
| payments/disbursements.
LM153B.ZIP 333973 11-16-94 LOAN MASTER LOAN ACCOUNTING, 1.53 <ASP>
| Archive 2 of 3 (lma, lmb, lmc)
| Loan Tracking, Accounting and Billing-
| Loan tracking and accounting database.
| Computes accruals and late charges. Prints
| Statements, bills, and past due notices.
| Prints trial balance, and past due reports,
| and past due ageing. Also tracks escrow
| payments/disbursements.
LM153C.ZIP 356417 11-16-94 LOAN MASTER LOAN ACCOUNTING, 1.53 <ASP>
| Archive 3 of 3 (lma, lmb, lmc)
| Loan Tracking, Accounting and Billing-
| Loan tracking and accounting database.
| Computes accruals and late charges. Prints
| Statements, bills, and past due notices.
| Prints trial balance, and past due reports,
| and past due ageing. Also tracks escrow
| payments/disbursements.
LMATE20.ZIP 239394 01-24-92 Easy loan payment calculator, figures payment
LNCALC12.ZIP 48473 07-06-93 The Loan Calculator v1.2 for Windows. Loan
| amortization and analysis program.
LNTRK1_5.ZIP 369927 06-13-95 (v1.5) The Loan Tracker Plus - multiple docum
| package that allows the tracking of both fixe
| rate mortgages. Review interest paid and save
| payment histories. Program supports numerous
| defaults for initial loan setup. Save client
| information to file. Good on-line help file.
LOAN210.ZIP 72148 02-18-95 HOME LOAN DIARY 2.10 - Mortgage diary.
| Calculates how much $$$ you can save by
| paying a loan off early. Like a Lotus
| spreadsheet yet this is a complete
| program, not a macro. Scrollable!
| Additional principal payments and notes
| can be entered and saved to disk. Print
| outs & calculator available. Simple to
| use! Records monthly escrow payments also.
LOAN24C.ZIP 88070 02-12-94 Loansmgr V2.4 - it is A Powerful But Easy to
| Use Program For Dealing With Most Consumer
| Loan Situations. Use The -D Option When
| Unarchiving With PkunZIP to Properly Process.
LOAN45.ZIP 47823 09-16-93 Loan Valu - Uses fill-in the blanks entry
| form to enter all loan elements up to 1
| Billion, compound periods 1 day to 1 year,
| finds missing loan elements, ALSO enter
| extra payments & interest payments.
LOANACE5.ZIP 153148 04-26-94 The Loan Accelerator Trial Version 1.O5
| * Powerful Loan Program For Borrowers *
| How many interest dollars and payments
| could you save by adding $25.00 to your
| monthly payment?, or $50, or $2500 once,
| or $1260 every April? Runs balloon loans
| interest-only loans, biweeklys, & more!!
LOANAN.ZIP 503893 07-09-93 The Loan Analyzer.
LOANANLY.ZIP 27004 06-03-92 Loan Analysis Program. Generates Two
| Reports: (1) Loan Table of Monthly Payments
| Over A Range of Interest Rates And (2)
| Payment Schedule For A Given Fixed or
| Variable.
LOANARR3.ZIP 72502 01-03-93 Great loan database. Computes your monthly
| payments, tracks the payments made, and make
| comparisons between interest rates. Also
| helps compute refinance savings. Great for
| all personal loans. Computes payments
| needed for early payoff.
LOANBK.ZIP 342309 05-31-95 Visual Loan Book for Windows.
LOANBR60.ZIP 73443 07-12-91 Loan calculations and amortization.
| FREE Loan Calculator, professional quality.
| Calculates payments, total interest, prints
| amortization tables. Fast, easy to use, no
| install procedure, supports mouse. For
| mortgages, car loans, business, personal,
| etc. No registration needed, no time limit.
| International currency support.
LOANL200.ZIP 106075 01-03-94 GENEBIT LOAN CALCULATOR v2.00 -
| Loan Calculator, full featured pro quality.
| Calculates payments, total interest, prints
| amortization tables. Variable rate loans,
| excess payments, actual dates. Fast,
| easy to use, no install procedure, supports
| mouse. For mortgages, car loans, business,
| etc. International currency support.
LOANMATE.ZIP 197251 01-24-94 Great loan calulation program for Windows 3.1
LOANMGR2.ZIP 93422 03-25-90 Loan_db_manager V2.0, A Database Approach To
| Loan And Mortgage Comparision Calculations.
| Enter All Loans You Wish To Analyze Or
| Compare Into The Database Where They Can Be
| Edited, Compared, Subjected To Missing
| Variable Calculations, Etc. Menu Driven.
LOANPLS1.ZIP 545862 05-24-95 Loan*Calculator! Plus 1.0s <ASP> [MS Windows
| 3.x] 6 easy to use calculators in 1 program:
| Loan, Interest Due/Calendar Math, Remaining
| Balance, Accelerated Payment, Balloon Payment
| & Refinance. Run multiple copies of a
| calculator for fast side-by-side comparisons.
| Just fill-in-the-blanks, & press 'CALC'
| button. Copy & Print results. Shareware.
| $24.95 By the author of SolveIT! AmortizeIT!.
| With easy UnInstall option.
LOANPLUS.ZIP 150121 03-31-92 Loan processing software.
LOANPRT.ZIP 30437 01-13-95 Loan Partner - is an easy-to-use program for
| calculating the monthly payments and total
| payment amount of a loan. Requires VBRUN200.
LOANRS11.ZIP 35748 05-24-93 Loans-r-us v1∙1: loan finance pgm to
| calculate loans; does amortization, and more
LOANS204.ZIP 65797 02-27-92 Loan Saver v2.04 five ways to save amort.
LOANSAV2.ZIP 62072 03-17-91 Loan Saver Version 2.0 - Five Ways To Save
| On Mortgage Interes- Works On Fixed Interest
| And Arms. Also Does Qualifying Analysis And
| Closing Estimate.
LOANVALU.ZIP 45699 06-12-93 Loan Value: Do Loan Amortizations like a
| Bank Value contract verus market∙ Canada/US
| Prepayments, Single, continuous
LOANXLS.ZIP 50778 04-27-93 Excel Spreadsheet For Loans
LOTINC.ZIP 2202 06-26-93 Sample Lotus 123 year-end income statement.
LPMT21.ZIP 173412 02-01-93 LoanPmt v2.1 Loan Calculation Program
LTBDOS20.ZIP 195900 02-13-95 LENDER'S TOOLBOX 2.0 (DOS): Essential tools
| for lenders OR borrowers. Use the Loan
| Calculator for 'what if' scenarios. Amortize
| with normal P&I or fixed principal payments
| on a bi-weekly*, semi- monthly*, monthly,
| quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis
| using 30 day months or exact days* between
| dates. Easy to use with on-line help.
| Version 2.0, with many new [*] features and
| user customizable defaults.
LVALU001.ZIP 45790 06-14-93 Loan Value v0.01: Do Loan amortizations like
| a bank.
LWM2.ZIP 183772 01-04-93 How to get Rich and Stay Rich for DOS.
L_BRKR60.ZIP 75944 11-08-91 Loan Broker v6.0 - figure out loan
| amortizations, rates, etc. Flexible.
█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ General Money Management Section 2
█████ PATH: \MONEY_02
MA10.ZIP 178983 10-10-91 Money Advisor V1.0: Complete Personal
| Financial Planning Tool; Assists In Budget
| And Net Worth Statement Preparation, Savings
| Values, Loan Payment Calculations, Insurance
| Analysis Effects Of Inflation Calculations &
| Mortgage Amortization Schedules; W/pull-down
| Menus & Help; Cu Financial Info Services.
MADEEA.ZIP 86841 05-29-91 Personal financial planning 123
MARGCAL.ZIP 79715 10-14-93 Margin Calculator - is a dedicated
| financial calculator which determines
| margins, cost, or sell price. You enter
| any two of the variables, and it
| provides the third. An Enhanced
| Calculator mode adds optional fields
| for discount and list price. Requires
| VBRUN300.
MBNK16.ZIP 358922 01-16-95 Money & Banks v1.6 - RCCO Research.
| Personal Banking Manager with attractive
| DOS interface. Personal, professional or
| business banking. Pop-up calculator,
| calendar, scheduler; printing on regular
| checks; reports & labels; credit cards,
| securities; mouse support. REVIEWERS:
| "5-stars" "Best program of its kind!"
MCAMORT.ZIP 55748 12-24-91 Amortization program.
MCBUSA.ZIP 298317 07-01-93 Upgrade From MoneyCounts Business 7.0 to 7.0a
MCLIP30.ZIP 163212 10-04-92 MoneyClip v3.0. Budget manager.
MD.ZIP 89546 07-15-92 Mortgage Designer v1.3 - Performs mortgage
| calculations complete with amortization
| schedules! Supports easy to use "What IF?"
| calculations. Context sensitive help and
| on-line manual. Requires MS Windows v3.0 or
| higher.
MDW21.ZIP 141453 02-01-94 Mortgage Designer for Windows -
| performs fast and easy mortgage
| calculations. NEW: added an interest
| rate conversion function.
MEDTR0_4.ZIP 57978 03-04-95 MED TRAC - organizes your Medicare bills
| and payments.
MEDTRK3P.ZIP 36130 08-09-94 MEDITRAK is a medical/dental bill
| and payment tracker. It also records
| your insurance payments and your own
| payments. Keeps track of all of your
| prescription costs too! Prevents in-
| advertent over-payments. Spot errors
| from your providers. Organizes your
| record-keeping. Produces reports. Get
| all your medical costs for Tax time!
MFV20TM.ZIP 59380 01-01-90 Mult-family Value V2.0: Appraisal Pgm For
| The Valuation Of Various Multi-family
| Properties;.
MI1294.ZIP 25043 12-13-94 MoneyPower Interaction December, 1994
| A quarterly newsletter about financial
| planning for individuals and small
| businesses. In this issue: 'Twas The
| Month Before New Year; Items To Watch
| For; Check Out These Year End Tax
| Planning Tips; Capital Gains; About
| Electronic Publishing; How To Reach Us.
| Contains reader.com for offline viewing.
| In RoomRoom 3.0 format.
MILPAY35.ZIP 835200 01-10-95 Military Pay Calculator (v3.5). A Windows 3.1
| Regular and Reserve retirement pay, Active Du
| pay, Annual Training and ADT. Calculates fede
| security (FICA) taxes, BAQ, BAS, VHA and prin
| complete pay reports of Active Duty, Annual T
| retirement pay. Includes the new DOD early r
| inflation adjustment options, 1995 pay and ta
| to update the paytable and taxtable as they c
| (Requires vbrun300.dll to run.)
MISER_13.ZIP 105065 01-16-92 The Mortgage Miser. Version 1.3.
MKTMAS50.ZIP 355504 03-07-95 Market Master 5.0
| Adam Starchild: MLM has both risks and
| rewards: You can make big money, if you're
| in the right place at the right time, but
| unless you're careful as well as diligent,
| you can suffer heavy losses. As many as 90%
| of all MLM companies fold after less than
| 18 months of operations. Learn how to put
| multi-level marketing to work for you in
| this electronic book.
MLRCRG30.ZIP 175881 04-20-94 My Little Realm's Charging v3.0 <ASP> - Just
| what the doctor ordered if you need to watch
| your credit card expenditures! If you're
| using Ford's or GM's credit cards, Charging
| is a great way to keep tabs on what you have
| outstanding on each card as well as on all of
| your cards. You can track tax deductions,
| home and business expenses, more. Runs from
| floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM
| compatible; 640K RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
| <ASP> - remembers when you can't. Can't
| recall where you put the mortgage papers?
| How about the kids' birth certificates? Find
| it all in Records of the Realm. Records even
| helps you when your credit cards are lost or
| stolen. It prints your lost/stolen letters,
| and the phone numbers you have to call. Runs
| from a floppy or hard disk. Req. IBM comp.
MM40.ZIP 187115 02-15-92 Money Master v4.0 loan & mortgage calculator
| & assistant.
MMARVE12.ZIP 96054 07-21-92 Money Marvel v1.20 Personal finance manager
MNYCTUT.ZIP 6159 02-04-92 Money Count's Utilities. Utilities and icons
| for Money Counts software.
MNYTERMS.ZIP 278916 08-17-93 MoneyWords - Online Business Reference
MOCOST50.ZIP 106046 01-30-95 MortCost v5.0: compares the TOTAL costs of
| different mortgages, calculates loan costs
| for "flexible" mortgages, estimates how much
| tax benefit is provided by a mortgage, MORE
MODFIN91.ZIP 151120 04-01-92 Mortgage, lease-purchase, W-2, 1099, programs
MONEY1.ZIP 31375 05-01-95 Money Tracker
MONEY10.ZIP 157021 10-08-91 Program Has 14 Different Financial Functions
MONEY401.ZIP 182214 01-05-93 Money V4.01: A Multimedia Tutorial
| Explaining Several Easy-To-Start,
| Interesting Home Businesses, Which Cost
| Little Or Nothing To Start; This Gives
| Sufficient Details About Each Business That
| You Can Start Right Away, Plus Sources For
| Optional, Add. Materials Are Cited;
| Requires Vga. Another Co.
MONEYBIZ.ZIP 15236 08-08-93 An Excelent Home Based "P.C. Based Cashflow
| System. Easy To Do Easy To Follow
| Instructions. Leagle And Free Program.
MONEYC.ZIP 452887 06-21-93 ▒MONEY is the quality personal accounts ▒
| ▒program. Standing orders, monthly/weekly/ ▒
| ▒quarterly bills, full reports, line/pie/bar▒
| ▒charts, assets list, credit cards, savings ▒
| ▒I can't put it all here. Try it out. ▒
| ▒Not restricted to Dollars or Pounds, only ▒
| ▒feature removed is the ability to enter ▒
| ▒more than 50 transactions. Mouse support. ▒
MONEYIRA.ZIP 227590 02-11-94 ~~~FREE~~~ E-BOOK The Vesting of America
| How vested interests pick your pocket and
| dull America's competitive edge. Things
| your bank and insurance company won't tell
| you that cost you money! Why you should
| have a little gold for security and how
| to get it for 40 cents on the dollar.
MONEYTR3.ZIP 692068 05-07-95 Money Tree 3.0 A freeware digizine for
| entrepreneurs, small business
MONEYTR4.ZIP 487318 05-20-95 Money Tree 4.0 A Freeware Digizine for
| Entrepreneurs, Small Business
MONYGROW.ZIP 196968 07-29-93 Money is the Seed of Money.
MORCOMP.ZIP 267018 12-03-93 Mortgage Curtailment Strategies - compare
| cost of mortgages with biweekly or other
| reduction features. Professional features.
MORT.ZIP 11047 11-19-90 Home mortgage calculator utility.
MORT21E.ZIP 131754 01-18-94 MortgageCalc v2.1e is a mortgage/loan
| amortization calculator. Handles fixed,
| adjustable, and balloon loans. Accounts for
| additional principal, various payment period
| variations. Exports to text file, Excel,
| Lotus, and Quattro Pro as well as printers.
| Shareware.
MORTACCL.ZIP 108352 11-10-91 Mortgage Accelerator Pay Mortgage Off Faster.
MORTANAL.ZIP 43200 12-29-93 Mortgage Analyst 1.0: Analyze "what if"
| scenarios in selecting loans and reducing
| their costs by various accelerated payment
| methods. Mortgage Analyst is an MS-Windows
| Shareware loan amortization program featuring
| calculations for ARMs, tax refunds, several
| types of accelerated payment methods, and
| lifetime gross and net loan costs. Payments
| are shown both on a graph and as a list.
| Shareware ($10) from Stiles' Software.
MORTCAL1.ZIP 35287 01-16-92 Mortgage calculator solves for interest,
| principle, loan amount, payment.
MORTCAL2.ZIP 20573 02-07-92 Computes mortgage rates, payments schedules
MORTGAGE.ZIP 37619 09-28-93 Mortgage Reduction
| (Adam Starchild; $donations) shows
| homeowners how to take advantage of the
| Equity Acceleration Program. It also
| contains information on becoming a
| Mortgage Consultant. The text reader
| included with this information will
| allow you to perform word searches and
| send information to a printer.
MORTGAGZ.ZIP 4655 08-22-90 Basic Program Caculates Monthly Mortgage
| Payment. Change Rate And Term And See What
| Effect That Has On Your Payment.
MORTGDOC.ZIP 63657 08-14-93 Mortgage Doctor 1.1 for Windows.
MORTIME.ZIP 45636 04-13-90 Time Conversion & Calculation Program
MORTOPT.ZIP 59522 08-24-90 Mortgage Prepayment System, Shows Roi For
| Prepayment.
MORTPLAN.ZIP 74811 08-02-90 Mortgage/loan calculations. Prints
| amortization schedule.
MORT_REF.ZIP 94446 01-13-92 Determines if you should remortgage or not. 1
MOTORHOM.ZIP 143284 11-18-90 Track & Control Motorhome, Expenses & Trips
MRKMST70.ZIP 278304 03-18-95 MARKET-MASTER 7.0 Multi-Level Marketing Manag
| Market-Master will generate invoices, tra
| generate and print Bonus Checks, generate var
| maintain Prime Distributor Bonus Level, and t
| usage. It comes with a Master Product Data Fi
| The system is VERY simple to operate, use
MRT203.ZIP 255774 03-22-95 The Mortgage Analyzer v2.03 contains options
| for amortization schedules, loan
| qualification, refinancing, mortgage accel-
| eration, side by side mortgage comparisons,
| Buy vs. Rent, Lease vs. Sell, and mortgage
| related calculators. Tax Analysis, Daily
| Interest, Points, etc. Save and retrieve
| multiple clients. Fixed, Stepped, ARM.
| Calculates Mortgage Insurance, FHA MIP, VA
| Funding Fees. Caps & Margins for ARMs. MORE!
MSCALC1.ZIP 78326 02-05-93 Money Smith Financial Calculator 1.0 <ASP>
| Professional financial calculator for
| Windows 3.X. Pop-up easy to understand
| dialogs make it a snap to use. Supports all
| popular financial functions in both infix
| and postfix mode. Results are calculated
| as you type. Featured in cover disk of
| WindowsUser magazine!
MT.ZIP 239599 04-13-94 Moneytalks - recognizes paper money using a
| scanner
MTGEM2_5.ZIP 378332 06-13-95 (v2.5) Mortgage Modeler - multiple document i
| mortgage analysis package. Calculates differi
| payment ranges and accompanying amortization
| Allows comparison of differing loan scenarios
| the best available choice. Solve for unknown
| interest rate and payment number. Program sup
| numerous user defined defaults for categories
| also ships with a conventional loan qualifier
| Front and back end ratios. Save client inform
| and amortization tables to file. Good on-line
MTGLOANS.ZIP 31718 06-01-93 Mortgage loans work sheet.
MTGPLUS.ZIP 772134 09-27-93 MortgagePlus and MortgageTracker 1.0b for Win
| Plus($25) is very detailed mortgage analysis
| including itemized closing cost details,
| Fixed or ARM, monthly or bi-weekly. Pre-
| qual analysis, most detailed refinance
| analysis on the market. Professional printed
| reports. Tracker($15) keeps you in touch
| w/your mortgage payments. Analysis of making
| extra payments + more. Self-extracting file,
| Setup.exe for Windows 3.1 or higher install.
MWSE_21.ZIP 627508 05-08-95 This nice intuitive Program can calculate pay
| balance and amortization period. Amortization
| scrollable spreadsheet format with screen spl
| formatting capabilities. Payment distribution
| tabular and pie chart form. Does Canadian and
| Includes Help and manual. Nice screen display
| The Registration fee is $0.00. Program requir
MXF2Q101.ZIP 398100 04-13-94 MXF to QIF v1.01 - CA-Simply Money to
| Quicken conversion utility converts the data
| formats from one software package to the
| other.
MYBUDGT.ZIP 7728 04-15-93 Lotus 123 budget template.
MYM2QKN.ZIP 38042 09-15-93 MYM2QKN 2.01
| (Charles E. Jackson III; $10-$15)
| converts data from Managing Your Money
| (versions7.1 or higer) to Quicken for Win.
MYQ200.ZIP 202559 07-04-93 Interface Between Managing Your Money V9 and
| Prodigy.
M_B150.ZIP 357787 06-02-94 Money & Banks V1.5 RCCO Research
| Personal Banking Manager with unusually
| attractive DOS interface. Personal, profes-
| sional or business banking. On-line docs,
| context help; pop-up calculator, calendar,
| appointments scheduler; printing on regular
| checks; reports & labels; credit cards,
| securities; mouse support. REVIEWERS:
| "5-stars" "Best program of its kind!"
NEEDS2.ZIP 229336 04-01-95 NEEDS2.ZIP v2.1 <ASP> A Motivational &
| Inspirational Turorial which is seeking to
| motivate more people towards financial
| freedom. This Interactive Share-ware is a DOS
| Program for IBM & Compatibles and is an easy-
| to-use Tutorial which runs better on the Hard
| Drive. Mouse is supported but there are
| automated commands which only need one key
| stroke to work. Registered version is only
| US$11.95
NETW10A.ZIP 292452 01-17-92 Program To Figure Financial Net Worth [1/2]
NETW10B.ZIP 297138 01-02-92 Program To Figure Financial Net Worth [2/2]
NLOANS21.ZIP 68812 08-23-92 NEWLOANS v2.1: program to calculate various
| types of loans including fixed/variable rate
| mortgages, 30-60-90-180 day loans, &
| installment loans such as
| automobile/personal loans; includes versions
| for Epson or IBM Proprinter compat printers.
NOTES200.ZIP 85983 01-31-94 Promissory Notes: make, buy, sell, and
| renew. Mono or color. Version 2.00
NSDQTKR.ZIP 8369 03-18-91 Listing Of Nasdaq Ticker Symbols.
NTWRTH_1.ZIP 295213 01-17-92 Calculate Your Networth [1/2].
NTWRTH_2.ZIP 300046 01-02-92 Calculate Your Networth [2/2].
NUCREDIT.ZIP 114161 05-01-92 Remove negative items from credit report.
NW24.ZIP 51290 03-19-91 Net Worth Analyzer, Version 2.4.
OBBK30.ZIP 230180 11-08-94 OWL Basic Bookkeeping 3.0: Very easy to use
| bookkeeping system for small businesses and
| NEEDED. Tracks income and expenses using
| single entry bookkeeping as recommended by
| the IRS. Produces easy to understand income,
| expense, profit and general ledger reports.
| Supports fiscal or calendar year accounting.
| Intuitive mousable menus, on-line help &
| user's guide make this program a joy to use.
OPNHM300.ZIP 317452 09-07-95 OpenHome <ASP> is an open home announcement
| generator designed for Mortgage Bankers and
| Realtors. It provides a one-sheet infomation
| packet for prospective home buyers, listing
| important information in an attractive way.
| The user provides key information about the
| property for sale and OpenHome produces a
| simple table showing the perspective buyer
| the financial requirements for purchasing the
| property in a straightfoward fashion.
PAC610_1.ZIP 356576 07-22-93 Painless Accounting Ver. 6.10. File 1 of 4.
PAC610_2.ZIP 361581 07-19-93 Painless Accounting Ver. 6.10. File 2 of 4.
PAC610_3.ZIP 361581 07-01-93 Painless Accounting Ver. 6.10. File 3 of 4.
PAC610_4.ZIP 361581 07-24-93 Painless Accounting Ver. 6.10. File 4 of 4.
PAYCHECK.ZIP 145527 02-14-90 Make Your Paycheck Last With This Handy Tool
PAYHOME.ZIP 164725 11-30-90 Take Home Pay Calculator For 1992.
PAYOFF.ZIP 157764 05-16-93 Shareware, financial, no fee. Loan
| amortization (mortgages, auto/student loans,
| other direct reduction loans). Includes
| variable rates, accelerations, skip
| payments, balloon pmts, much more!
PAYTABLE.ZIP 33192 05-25-90 Paytable Will Produce An Anaylsis Of Various
| Loan Amounts, Interest Rates & Time Periods
| Very Useful For Car And Home Loans.
PAYTAX.ZIP 202564 06-19-92 Payroll Withholding Checkup: Track taxes
PBTPAC16.ZIP 110676 05-28-90 Friendly Tool That Provides Detailed
| Analysis Of Your Cash Flow. Hypertext Help
| Available.
PCBG26A1.ZIP 150478 11-25-92 PCBudget v2.60A: complete, menu-driven home
| financial management pgm; payment reminders,
| automatic transactions, net worth,
| income/ex- pense, taxable items, VGA/EGA/CGA
| bar graphs, print checks, on-line help,
| mouse support. [1/2]
PCBG26A2.ZIP 162667 11-24-92 PCBudget v2.60A: [2/2]
PCDEAL26.ZIP 164669 12-01-93 PC-DEAL v2.61 <ASP> - Double Entry Accounts
| Ledger. Personal accounting & bookkeeping
| for a small business or organization.
| Combines simplicity and versatility. Many
| reports. Entries over 12 month period.
| Sub-accounts; user defined year end date;
| output to screen, printer, or disk file;
| bar graphs; immediate updating of accounts;
| export data; scrolled browsing of reports.
| Sixty day trial period. ASP Shareware ($15)
PCFA.ZIP 82145 09-30-93 PC Financial Advisor for personal finance
| planning.
PCFL202A.ZIP 293686 03-14-93 PC-Flow v2.02A: personal cash flow
| forecasting & budgeting system, lets you
| forecast/analyze your budget's cash flow;
PCLOAN5.ZIP 266879 09-14-93 PCLOAN5 5.09 (Bottom Line Software)
| is a loan and mortgage amortization
| application for invividuals with auto
| or real estate debt, small businesses,
| retailers or anyone who borrows or
| lends money.
PF2_20_A.ZIP 305519 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i <ASP>
| PF2 is a full function personal and small
| business financial system. Supports all types
| of accounts-checking, credit card, margin,
| etc. Integrated subsystems for budgets,
| accounts pay/rcv, fixed assets, financial
| investments. Prints checks, interfaces to
| TurboTax, imports stock quotes from Prodigy.
| On-line user's guide and extensive context
| senistive help. Fully supported. File 1 of 3.
PF2_20_B.ZIP 364565 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i <ASP>
| PF2 is a full function personal and small
| business financial system. Supports all types
| of accounts-checking, credit card, margin,
| etc. Integrated subsystems for budgets,
| accounts pay/rcv, fixed assets, financial
| investments. Prints checks, interfaces to
| TurboTax, imports stock quotes from Prodigy.
| On-line user's guide and extensive context
| senistive help. Fully supported. File 2 of 3.
PF2_20_C.ZIP 395341 02-18-94 PERSONAL FINANCES 2 v4.02i <ASP>
| PF2 is a full function personal and small
| business financial system. Supports all types
| of accounts-checking, credit card, margin,
| etc. Integrated subsystems for budgets,
| accounts pay/rcv, fixed assets, financial
| investments. Prints checks, interfaces to
| TurboTax, imports stock quotes from Prodigy.
| On-line user's guide and extensive context
| senistive help. Fully supported. File 3 of 3.
| Financial planning and calculation pgms-
| Mortgage w/ points, retire calcs, savings w/
| accts/mutual funds, debt analysis,
| distributions, money growth, IRA's, broker's
| acct rate of return, profit-share calc,
| simple/complex loans, prof- look scheds,
| mortg. w/ actual interest between dates.
PFU20B.ZIP 313217 06-15-94 Pelton's Financial Utilities v2.0. 2/3.
PFU20C.ZIP 302738 06-15-94 Pelton's Financial Utilities v2.0. 3/3.
PIW10.ZIP 109396 07-27-93 Pipe-It for Windows v1.0: Quicken for Windows
| utility that will let you extract your
| security names, symbols and prices for a date
| or range of dates, and generate a Lotus 123
| .WK3 spreadsheet out of them. will also
| linkup to CompuServe and update your Quicken
| for Windows securities data with current
| quotes. Req VBRUN300.DLL
PLANNER.ZIP 154656 02-27-92 The T. Rowe Price Retirement Planning Kit.
PMHCSMNY.ZIP 1432912 09-21-94 PMHCS MONEY V2.0 <ASP>
| Personal Finance Manager-
| Windows based personal finance manager to
| keep track of ALL your accounts (check,
| credit card etc) with the ability to
| automate the entering of regular payments.
| The use of Categories & Sub Cats allow for
| printed reports to fit your requirements.
PROFITKR.ZIP 77851 02-01-91 Demo Of Profittaker--futures Trading System.
PROSPANS.ZIP 664942 06-21-94 PRO:SPANS = FINANCIAL SUCCESS! A "must-have"
| for all Sellers, Buyers & Negotiators, plus
| anyone involved in FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE
| JUSTIFICATION. Unique, user-friendly SYSTEM
| integrates SIX major programs to reduce your
| workload and "Get the Right Things Done
| Right". Provides both the power and training
PTA47.ZIP 98386 01-23-94 PTA treasurer's software v4.7: Includes BUDDY
| v4.7 for cash flow management, tracking
| transactions, and generating reports; and
| SLIP v2.9 for help in preparing bank deposit
| slips.
| VEHICLE: This electronic book explores
| the use of the Pure Trust to preserve
| assets and maintian privacy. Topics
| covered include: how to set up
| and run a trust, can a trust operate a
| business?, and exhibits showing the
| financial advantage of the Pure Trust
| verses a will. It is must reading for
| the individual who wants to minimize
PWSNET7A.ZIP 580190 04-30-94 PWSNET7a: Personal Wealth Systems Network
| Multimedia Report V7a, March 1994. "Tap
| into a national network of 250,700+ products
| and services that bring items directly from
| the manufacturer to your door, all at about
| 50% off." Includes optional CyberWealth (tm)
| opportunity for BBS sysops wishing to make
| the PWS Network available via their BBS and
| for entrepreneurial-minded computer users.
QAEF2.ZIP 105416 03-17-92 Quick & Easy Finance v2.0 Capital budgeting,
| loan amort.,schedules, depreciation, stock
| analysis, etc.
QMU320.ZIP 123652 07-04-93 Qmu V3. 20: Interface Between Prodigy and
| Quicken 5.
QPACS32.ZIP 69452 01-22-92 Tracks You Personal Finances.
QUALIFYR.ZIP 152695 12-16-94 QualifyR v1.0 Home Buyer's Residential
| Financing Qualification Program - Unlike
| other mortgage programs, QualifyR accurately
| computes and itemizes Closing Costs, Monthly
| Income Required and all other mortgage
| variables using current Fannie Mae
| Guidelines. Computations performed instantly
| on screen and results displayed to Financing
| Estimate screen in the same format as the
| Good Faith Estimate banks use.
QURESP.ZIP 66152 08-26-91 Quattro Pro 3.0 File That Automates Real
| Estate Closing Settlements With Final
| Printouts, Calculations, 1099 Request,
| Exports Checks To Quicken.
RATE11A.ZIP 24092 01-02-93 Rate V1.1a: Personal Financial Calculator
| That Will Compute Future Value Of A Sum, #
| Of Years Needed To Reach A Goal, Future
| Value Of A Series Of Payments (E.G.
| Annuity), And The Size Of A Payment Needed
| To Reach A Goal.
RAWIN23.ZIP 240275 02-18-94 Retirement Analysis for Windows v2.3. Helps
| the user plan his/her financial future and to
| offer assistance in using available incomes
| at optimum times.
REALTOR1.ZIP 1010255 11-04-94 Odyssey's line of Realtor Graphics for the
| Real Estate Person that creates thier brochue
| and flyers. All graphice are TIF,PCX, EPS for
| All of the logo's the law requires. 117 peice
| FREE phone card with every registration......
REALTY1.ZIP 333670 01-03-93 RealView - a 25real estate display/
| retrieval system. Showcase property listing
| with photos. Quick retrieval using customer
| defined selection criteria: cost, bedrooms,
| bath, amenities. Requires SuperVGA display.
| Ward Mundy Software, PO Box 1169, ATL 30301.
REALTY11.ZIP 60563 07-29-91 Real Estate Pgm For Buyers/sellers W/topical
| Explanations And Qualification Section.
REALTY3.ZIP 367189 01-03-93 RealView - a 25real estate display/
| retrieval system. Showcase property listing
| with photos. Quick retrieval using customer
| defined selection criteria: cost, bedrooms,
| bath, amenities. Requires SuperVGA display.
REAPPRV1.ZIP 9720 04-19-91 How to Appraise your Home & Save Money!
REMODEST.ZIP 214529 06-15-92 Remodelling Estimator - Home/Business/Work.
RENTMIND.ZIP 28176 11-01-91 Reminds you to pay the monthly rent!
RETIRE40.ZIP 125232 07-23-93 Csrs Federal Retirement Calculator V4.0.
RETIRE65.ZIP 31666 07-03-90 Lotus .wk1 File Will Calculate The Assets
| Needed At Retirement In Order To Provide An
| Ever Increasing/inflation Adjusted Income
| Stream After Retirement.
RETIREA1.ZIP 253361 06-22-93 RetireA v1.0 for Windows. Retirement
| planning tool. Enter your income and
| expenses, plus one of the following for
| each: starting year, monthly dollar amount,
| forecasted annual % change and number of
| years in effect.
RETIRECW.ZIP 14943 05-29-94 Retirement planning spreadsheet template for
| Claris Works for Windows.
RETIREEX.ZIP 8738 05-29-94 Retirement planning spreadsheet template for
| Microsoft Excel for Windows.
RETIREMW.ZIP 7902 05-29-94 Retirement planning spreadsheet template for
| Microsoft Works for Windows.
RETIREQP.ZIP 18125 05-29-94 Retirement planning spreadsheet template for
| Quattro Pro 5 for Windows.
RETPLAN.ZIP 4550 04-27-93 Excel Spreadsheet For Retirement Planning
RETQUIK.ZIP 140403 01-17-93 Retirement planning.
RICH23.ZIP 152513 06-17-92 Rich Money System v2.3; Budget manager
RIFF.ZIP 329829 01-05-94 R. I. F. F. - will forecast future
| retirement income. It makes a financial
| model reflecting various assets,
| incomes and desired requirements in the
| way of gross yearly income.
RPLAN3.ZIP 159572 08-12-91 Retirement Old-Age Planner v3.0
RQM.ZIP 125410 02-15-91 Calculate Savings So You Can Retire Any Age!
RQM121.ZIP 125410 02-15-91 Retirement Quick-monitor 1.21 Calculates And
| Displays The Savings Necessary For You To
| Retire At Every Age Between 30 And 90 For
| Any Interest And Inflation Rate Combination.
| Ideal For Laptop Use By Financial Planners
| In Front Of Clients.
RRSPLN01.ZIP 9481 03-11-93 A program to help determine what RRSP
| contributions are necessary to generate a
| specified annual income at retirement.
RS91F.ZIP 98706 04-03-91 Realshare Market Analysis Program.
RTL211.ZIP 108330 05-02-93 RT-Loans v2∙11: a DOS loan/savings/annuity
| calculator for use in analyzing various
| mortgage, loan or savings options; it can
| print full amortization schedules as well as
| short summaries of the data being analyzed;
RULE78.ZIP 13383 12-06-92 Amortization program using rule of 78's it
| will show you the true annual % rate if paid
| off earlier than full term. tutuorial is
| included. This is an Excel template. Good!!.
SALARY11.ZIP 24908 11-02-93 Salary vs Hourly v1.1. Calculate how much
| you make an hour.
SAMP_10.ZIP 142458 04-05-92 Savings Account Manager v1.0 Transactions,
| running balance, corrections & reports.
SAVE10.ZIP 129554 04-05-92 The savings account management program v1.0
| is a full-featured savings account manager.
| Enter, edit, or delete transactions.
| Numerous reports including income and
| expenditure summaries. Up to 50 budget
| categories allowed. 256K RAM required. Color
| monitor, hard disk, printer supported. Can
| be run on a floppy disk. M. P. Data <ASP>.
SAVINGS.ZIP 142458 04-05-92 Savings Account Management System
SBUD.ZIP 131042 07-06-91 Finally, A Budget System For The Rest Of Us!.
SCHEDU.ZIP 256604 06-06-93 Item Scheduler v1.0 for Windows. Keeps track
| o when bills need to be paid.
SCHWB260.ZIP 36539 04-05-94 Schwab v2.60: Calculate brokerage
| commissions at Charles Schwab. Easy to use
| & helpful in comparing costs on various
| transactions. Supports 5/20/91 Schwab
| commission schedule (still current as of
| 4/94)
SERVICES.ZIP 23415 04-26-92 Beneficial information, help, tips,
| strategies and services which can be used to
| save time, effort and MONEY in such
| important areas as financing for college,
| buying a new car, mortgages & other loans,
| and travel.
SFLAPPS.ZIP 1081553 05-11-95 Systematic Finance Applications v2.20. Suite
| of financial templates for Excel. Provides
| company accounts and performance ratios
| analysis, lessor lease evaluation, lease vs.
| purchase and lease purchase analysis, a
| finance calculator, more.
SHARP110.ZIP 105118 12-09-91 Personal Budget Spreadsheets For 123/Quatro
SLV4DOCB.ZIP 155697 08-15-92 Docs for solve-it financial do-all calculator
SLVIT43.ZIP 483458 06-12-95 SolveIT! 4.3s <ASP> [DOS/WIN] 32 easy-to-use
| financial calculators, among them: Future
| Value, Loan, Amortization, Present Value,
| Time-to-Withdrawal, Accelerated Payments,
| Budget, Net Worth, IRR, NPV many, many more.
| Just fill-in-the-blanks and press [F9] to
| solve. Detail on-line help & 100 plus page
| manual. Flexible, pick different frequencies,
| adjust rates & cash flows.
SMHO10.ZIP 233228 01-18-93 THE SMART HOMEOWNER Shareware Version1.0
| Save money by reaching the right home-
| buying, selling or renting decision. Buy-
| or-rent, sell-or-rent, smart prepayment,
| PMI removal, home-equity options, loan
| choices, home affordability, reverse
| mortgage etc. and more...presented in an
| intuitive, easy-to-use manner with full
| on-line help! Adjustable rates and data
| saving features built-in to the program.
SMORT_14.ZIP 103243 05-27-92 ShortMort v1.4: Money-saving and informa-
| tional tool for mortgage acceleration and
| comparison modeling. (ASP)
SNOTES40.ZIP 45285 11-11-91 Snotes V4.0: U.s. Savings Notes Valuation
| Program; Quantity Of Savings Notes In
| Database Limited Only By Size Of Your Hard
| Disk; Windows/graphics; Prints Out Savings
| Notes Report Sorted On Date Of Note
SOCSEC10.ZIP 188329 01-14-95 SOCSEC v1.00
| DOS based, Simple, easy to use
| retirement decision program. All
| available functions documented
| in the program screens - visible
| at all times.
STBGT17.ZIP 407248 08-06-92 ST-Budget, Powerful Home/Business Manager
STP30TM.ZIP 57866 10-05-90 Calculates Yield/price For Stripped Mortgage
| Securities Under Different Prepay
| Assumptions. Handles Pos And Ios.
TAKEHOME.ZIP 170235 01-20-94 Takehome Pay Calculation - lets you
| analyze the effects on your take-home
| pay of varying different factors in
| your payroll deductions. NEW: tax
| tables updated to reflect changes for 1994
TBM122.ZIP 86490 04-22-91 The Budget Manager V1.22: A Complete Money
| Manager For The Home; Includes A 53 Category
| Budget Divided Inot 5 Main Sections And An
| Account Module, A Note-calendar, Full Report
| Section And A Debt Manager That Allows You
| To Find The Length, Amount, Or Payment Of A
| Loan Lysoft.
TICKTRAC.ZIP 26895 01-04-94 A Short Term Market Indicator Using the NYSE
| Closing Tick.
TIKR101U.ZIP 33949 06-11-91 Upgrade Stokk Tikker V1.00 To V1.01.
TISCOMP.ZIP 77277 11-09-92 US Federal Truth-In-Savings calculations
| Performs the mathematical calculations
| required by Federal Truth-in-Savings
| regulation DD, approved in late Sept. 1992.
| Compliance is required by June 1993.
TLA_FM.ZIP 162702 07-02-93 The Living Assistant Financial Module.
TMONY312.ZIP 155819 07-29-92 TMONEY v3.12: professional financial
| planning tool; calculates loans, savings
| planning, retirement planning, college
| funds, life insurance, etc
TPSBUD.ZIP 514541 01-14-94 TPSBud - is a monthly budget program
| for the home. It allows 45 different
| expense categories and five income
| categories. It is set up like a
| spreadsheet grid. You can add to and
| subtract from any of the cells of an
| expense income category.
TSAMORT.ZIP 57716 08-25-92 Completely customizable amortization program
| to help you see how much you would pay each
| payment to pay off a loan; the amount of
| interest paid, the interest saved if you pay
| 'extra' and provides an amortization table
| printer.
TSGRAF10.ZIP 45570 01-05-93 Easy To Use Program Which Can Give Line
| Graphs For One Or More Years To Compare
| Yearly Data Such As Utility Bills, Business
| Income, Etc.
UMC1.ZIP 21157 10-20-90 The Ugly Mortgage Calculator - Simple
| Mortgage Program. Written In Turbo Pascal.
UTILBILL.ZIP 167328 03-25-92 Utility Bill Management Program Very Good.
W4922.ZIP 152672 04-02-92 Calculate # of Federal withholding
| allowances (like W-4 worksheet) and amount
| to be withheld V492.2 for 1992.
WAGES101.ZIP 22949 12-01-93 █▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█
| █ Wages v1.01 FREE Wage Calculator █
| █■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■█
| █ Calculate Hourly, Weekly, Monthly or █
| █ Yearly wages with this DOS program. █
| █ Written by William L. Gerrard and █
| █ released by Digital Daze Software. █
| █▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
WAMORT11.ZIP 44845 03-10-94 Windows! Fast loan amortization calculator.
WBANK441.ZIP 228065 09-30-94 BankExpert (ver 4.41) - maintenance update of
| this popular home accounting program.
WBANK5.ZIP 188048 03-15-94 Bank Expert for Windows Ver2.5. Home
| Accounting.
WCAL160.ZIP 138186 05-09-95 Win Calculator 1.60
| Loan Calculator
| Extended memory function for drag and
| drop operation during calculations, stay
| on top clock with
| date and time, operations trace and save
| ability. requires vbrun300.dll
WDT103.ZIP 381072 05-10-94 Debt Analyzer for Windows v1.03 <ASP>
| Hopelessly in debt? A package designed to
| help reduce and eliminate debt and save you
| hundreds of dollars in the process. Debt
| reduction is illustrated through a debt
| elimination schedule or through loan
| consolidation. Up to 20 debts can be
| processed at one time. Use minimum payments,
| current payments or accelerated payments with
| elimination. Debts can be prioritized.
WHYSWIS2.ZIP 59520 07-21-94 THE SWISS MONEY BOOK, by Adam Starchild:
| Switzerland has long served as a magnet for
| the money of wealthy foreigners who perceive
| the world as buffeted by over-taxation,
| over-regulation and political turmoil. They
| are attracted, of course, by discretion and
| confidentiality-- a hallmark of Swiss bankers
| since the French Revolution, when they gave
| financial refuge to French aristocrats. Learn
| more from this electronic book.
WIG10.ZIP 216378 07-03-91 Full-scale Home Financial Manager - M.
| Taylor Uses Standard Dbf Files
WINBID.ZIP 59338 10-20-93 Winning Bid - is a book on disk about
| purchasing merchandise at bargain
| prices from government auctions.
WINDLR13.ZIP 119451 08-23-93 Win$ - Financial Calculator for Windows
WIZ10S.ZIP 263779 03-31-93 HOME*CASHFLOW*WIZARD Ver. 1.0
| Get control of your bills
| regardless of your finances.
| Fast, accurate, easy-to-use.
| This stand-alone, spreadsheet-
| style software gives you the
| the power to organize, track
| prioritize, age and schedule
| all of your bills, with minimum
| time and effort. Replaces
WLOANPRO.ZIP 30541 04-23-93 Calculate amortization for almost any type
| of loan.
WMS2.ZIP 92835 06-16-93 Wealth Management System for Windows. Be
| free of nasty bosses, income-stopping
| layoffs, future job uncertainty. Be
| financially independant.
WNCREDIT.ZIP 28634 06-05-93 The Credit Report Repair Kit for Windows.
| Fix your credit report with your PC. Remove
| any negative items legally!
WNMNY10.ZIP 209481 06-22-94 WinMoney - Home Accounts for Windows.
| Easy to use home accounts program based on
| bank statement format. Reconciliation,
| Analysis, Auto Entries for Direct Debits etc.
| Reg Keycode removes Shareware screens.
| Written in Visual Basic 3 Prof, VBRUN300.DLL
| required. Registration costs £25 or US $40.
WWAGES1A.ZIP 75304 01-14-94 WinWages v1.0a will calculate Hourly, Weekly,
| Monthly, or Yearly wages. It is useful when
| doing "what if" analysis or budgeting. An
| excellent program idea with so many people
| searching for jobs. Values reported are
| approximate. Written by William L. Gerrard
| and released as shareware by Digital Daze
| Software. REQUIRES MS Windows 3.1 or greater
| *See Shareware Brief in issue #37 of WOLRS*
| Version 1.0a is a maintenance release.
WWCALC20.ZIP 319686 04-09-94 WWCALC v2.0 From New Dimensions Software.
| Work Week Calculator is a must have
| for people who like to know exactly
| what their employers are taking from
| them on a weekly or bi weekly basis
| This program automatically determines
| Straighttime, double time, and Time
| and one half, In easy to read, clear,
| consice screens, that are graphically
| superior over any Working type
YOURPLAN.ZIP 450716 01-03-94 Your-Plan - will help you prepare a
| budget and cashflow projections.
ZILCH118.ZIP 226404 01-12-95 ZILCH v1.18 - Personal Finance Software
| Save thousands of dollars in credit card
| interest penalties. You enter the name, APR
| payment & balance and ZILCH does the rest.
| Easy to read payment schedule forecasts when
| each debt will be paid off. Shows who to
| pay, when to pay & how much to pay. Sample
| files let you instantly see ZILCH in action!
█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ Taxes & Tax Planning
█████ PATH: \TAXES
1040PCW.ZIP 324307 02-09-93 1040PC program for the Personal Windows
| Turbotax version. You must have '92
| Turbotax Windows.
2441PTCH.ZIP 11064 02-17-93 For Personal Windows Turbotax '92 - patch
| for Form 2441: Calculation of line 16 AMT
| Limitations Worksheet.
401KCALC.ZIP 36275 02-07-95 401k Calculator - is an Excel 5.0 workbook
| that computes the tax deferred benefits of a
| 401k savings program and illustrates their
| power of compound growth in a graphical
| report. It computes California and Federal
| taxes using proposed 1995 rates.
AM-TAX92.ZIP 221048 11-18-92 AM-TAX - 1992 Tax Preparation Software
AMTAX90.ZIP 134240 11-26-90 Am-tax '90 Fed Income Tax Prep For Fy '90.
AMTAX91.ZIP 172095 11-19-91 Let Your Computer Figure Your Income Taxes
AMTAX91A.ZIP 172095 11-19-91 Am-tax 1991 Tax Preparation. Does 1040s, Etc.
AMTAX92.ZIP 221048 11-18-92 AM-Tax for 1992 - complete income tax
| package produces IRS accepted forms
AMTAX93.ZIP 241541 11-23-93 AM-Tax for FY '93: Shareware version handles
| Form 1040 and Schedules A, B, C, D, E, EIC,
| F, R, and SE. Other versions handle more
| forms and have fancier print-outs. But, the
| forms from this version may be filed w/IRS
AMTAX94.ZIP 298966 12-08-94 AM-Tax 1994 - Tax Preparation
CLTX2E.ZIP 97311 08-27-93 CLiNTon_TaX is an Excel spreadsheet that
| calculates the effects of changes in the
| provisions of the personal income tax system
| on an individual's or family's estimated
| income and social security taxes for 93 & 94.
COMPTAX.ZIP 3398 03-25-90 New Tax Ruling For Home-computer Deductions.
CRFTR106.ZIP 278824 04-06-93 Records Figures To Complete A Tax Return
| Approved tax transmission program for anyone
| with a modem, fax, or phone. If you use a
| commerical tax program to prepare, then
| consider useing E-TAX to transmit. Lowest
| third party rates guaranteed! E-TAX is a
| direct to I.R.S. transmitter. All returns
| are computer checked for accuracy before
| transmission. Refund Anticipation Loans
| (R.A.L.) are also available.
ETF1099.ZIP 179925 11-21-93 ETF1099.ZIP v1.3 - Electronic Tax Filing 93.
| 1099 Series
| A full-featured software package for
| filing your tax returns electronical-
| ly to the IRS - Martinsburg Computer
| Center. Handles all forms.
ETF1099B.ZIP 179790 12-25-93 ETF1099.ZIP v1.4 - Electronic Tax Filing 93.
| 1099 Series
| A full-featured software package for
| filing your tax returns electronical-
| ly to the IRS - Martinsburg Computer
| Center. Handles all forms.
| For use during Tax Season 1994 -
ETF93A4.ZIP 344357 12-25-93 ETF93A4.ZIP v1.4 - Electronic Tax Filing 93.
| Disk 1 of 2
| A full-featured software package for filing
| your tax returns electronically to the IRS.
| Handles all forms, schedules, statements
| and even comes with an 8453 form!
| For use during Tax Season 1994 -
| 1/14/94 - 4/15/94
ETF93B4.ZIP 73241 12-25-93 ETF93B4.ZIP v1.4 - Electronic Tax Filing 93.
| Disk 2 of 2
| A full-featured software package for filing
| your tax returns electronically to the IRS.
| Handles all forms, schedules, statements
| and even comes with an 8453 form!
| For use during Tax Season 1994 -
| 1/14/94 - 4/15/94
E_TAX93.ZIP 193165 01-19-93 EZtax 1993.
FAIRTAX.ZIP 118446 02-14-95 FairTax - shows a possible income tax return
| for the flat rate in Representative Dick
| Armey's Freedom and Fairness Restoration Act.
| It interviews you for income and filing
| information and fills in the tax return.
| Requires VBRUN300.
FASTTAX.ZIP 196807 01-03-95 Fast Tax 1995: This software is for
| ESTIMATING tax liability only.
FEDTAX90.ZIP 30514 03-01-91 A Template For Lotus 123 2.x That Calculates
| Your Federal Income Taxes. Covers Form 1040
| Schedules A Thru E. Uses A Fill-in-the-form
| Approach And Displays The Results In A
| Window At The Bottom Of The Screen.
FEDTAX91.ZIP 33089 01-05-92 1991 Federal Income Tax Template for Lotus
| 123 - Supports 1040 plus Schedules A - E.
FEDZONE.ZIP 440257 01-21-93 Electronic BOOK to educate about TAXES! This
| book will educate you about Federal Tax Laws
| and regulations.
FITT89.ZIP 147587 01-26-90 This Year's Version Of A Super Lotus
| Personal Income Tax Program. Works With 123
| V1a. 2.01, Probably 2.2, Possibly Quattro,
| Qp And Ver 3.0.
FITT90.ZIP 150038 02-09-91 1990 Federal Tax Program In The Form Of A
| Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet. Appears To Be
| Comprehensive And Easy To Use.
HOMEBIZ.ZIP 3858 02-09-93 Most recent IRS notice on home office
| deductions.
HTAX1.ZIP 354195 04-24-94 Hypertax- complete text of the Internal
| Revenue Code and Regulations in an
| electronic "hypertext book." The least
| expensive IRS code/regulations service,
| includes quarterly updates. Take
| advantage of the power and convenience
| of hypertext. Requires dos and a
| hard-drive. Vital file for all tax
| professionals. ASAD STAR Dig. Pub. Assn.
INCM_TAX.ZIP 76704 12-30-90 Program To Assist You In Preparation Of Your
| Income Tax.
LOTUS94.ZIP 56371 02-21-95 Lotus 1-2-3 1994 Tax Templates.
| Tax templates for Lotus 1-2-3 to calculate
| your 1994 tax forms.
MD_1992.ZIP 192330 01-01-93 Maryland Tax return program.
MF4V3R.ZIP 295738 01-01-95 Tax program Compares Filing Jointly to filing
| Separately
MFS3X3.ZIP 289959 01-03-94 Tax planning tool. Analyze the advantage of
| filing Joint or Separate tax
| returns, the impact of the so-called
| "marriage penalty", or other tax
| filing situations relating to marriage,
| separation or divorce. "Final" 1993 version.
NYTAX90.ZIP 14983 02-18-91 123 Template For Ny/nyc Resident Income Tax.
ONTTAX93.ZIP 104445 02-02-94 Two Lotus 1-2-3 files from Mel Hall and Prof.
| Cecil Law to enable you to complete your 1993
| tax return. Very comprehensive.
OT4V1R.ZIP 324099 12-31-94 OceanTax 1040 INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX 1994
| Program. W-2 Worksheet allows entry of three
| W-2's per spouse. Interest and dividend
| taxable/exempt codes added to Schedule B.
| Schedule D (page 1) added. Tax Planning
| Worksheet added. Automatic IRA limits removed
| to increase program flexibility.
PCT901.ZIP 148948 12-31-90 Pc-tax90 Do Your Form 1040 With This.
PCTAX892.ZIP 169112 02-10-90 Pctax V8.92 Federal Income Tax Preparation.
PIPER91.ZIP 238325 12-05-91 Storyboard For Irs Which Explains New Piper
| Filing System - Use Your Pc To File.
PNS101I.ZIP 296581 02-22-90 Prep 'n' Send, Version 10.1 (release I) By
| Nexus Direct (binghamton, Ny). Enables
| Anyone To File Income Tax Returns By
| Computer For Fast Refunds. Bypass All Fees
| Except $20 Filing Fee For Nexus Direct, To
| Whom You Send Your Formatted Return For
| Transmission To Irs.
PRO92.ZIP 453794 02-22-93 A Federal Form 1040 U.S. Individual Tax
| Return Program PRO92 1992 Tax Year Version
| 1.05 PRO92 is directed toward experienced
| tax preparers: individuals who prepare
| their own tax returns, or who are paid to
| prepare tax returns for others. This
| implies that the user knows which forms
| are required for a particular tax return.
| PRO92 will create and include other forms
| as required.
PRO93S.ZIP 440090 01-02-94 PRO93S v0.93 <ASP> Federal Form 1040 Tax
| Return preparation program with 52 forms,
| including a graphics Form 1040 for signature.
PRO_1040.ZIP 36960 12-23-91 123 Spreadsheet Irs Form 1040 Shareware
| Program.
PTAX93.ZIP 112783 01-07-94 Patterson's 1993 Quick Tax Calculator -
| computes your 93 Federal taxes on one
| screen. It uses all new rates and gives
| warnings when IRS thresholds are
| exceeded. It is easy to clear input to
| perform "What IF" scenarios or do other
| computations. Data can be printed.
QTAX10.ZIP 94444 05-05-95 Fast, easy to use tax calculator and planner.
| Answers filing status, dependency and
| withholding allowance questions. Anyone can
| use QuickTax's easy question and answer
| format with hyperspeed review and entry for
| fastest updating. Summary review of all tax
| areas. Quicktax guides you through an entire
| return at warp speed without struggling with
| any IRS forms or flow charts. Get the most
| from deductions and credits.
QTE94S.ZIP 87815 01-07-95 Quick estimate for 94 tax liability.
RRSP94.ZIP 23608 02-05-94 1994 RRSP and RRIF Income Tax Newsletter in
| Windows Help format.
STAX1992.ZIP 269527 12-23-92 1992 Share-TAX/1040 2.1 U.S. 1040 forms.
STAX90.ZIP 200671 12-29-90 Share-tax/1040 (tm) For 1990. Will Compute
| And Print Out On Compatible Dot-matrix
| Printer - Your Complete Tax Return On Irs
| Approved Facsimile Of Form 1040, Schedules
| A, B, And C, W-2 Worksheet And Supplemental
| Schedule. Register For More Forms.
STAX91.ZIP 289922 01-07-92 ShareTax - Computerize Income Tax Filing!
STAX93.ZIP 272605 12-19-93 1993 SHARE-TAX/1040 v2.0 <ASP>-Full-featured
| 1040 tax program for individual and paid pre-
| parers. 1040, A, B, C, D, E, EIC, F, R, SE,
| 2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, 4137, 4562, 6251,
| 8606, 8615, 8829 plus worksheets. Printouts
| IRS-approved. LaserJet, DeskJet, dot-matrix
| graphic 1040. Enter data in any order, any-
| time. Pulldown menus, mouse-aware, on-line
| help & install program. $19 Shareware.
| Registrants sent 1994 diskette when ready.
STAX9422.ZIP 299693 01-19-95 1994 SHARE-TAX/1040 v2.2 <ASP>-Full-featured
| 1040 tax program for individual and paid pre-
| parers. 1040, A, B, C, D, E, EIC, F, R, SE,
| 2106, 2119, 2441, 3903, 4137, 4562, 6251,
| 8606, 8615, 8829 plus worksheets. Printouts
| IRS-approved. LaserJet, DeskJet, dot-matrix
| graphic 1040. Enter data in any order, any-
| time. Pulldown menus, mouse-aware, on-line
| help & install program. $19 Shareware.
| Registrants sent 1995 diskette when ready.
STAX_92.ZIP 269697 12-23-92 Share Tax for 1992 Return. Final Version 2.1
TAX-C.ZIP 81343 11-15-91 Intuitive Income Tax, Prints Approved 1040
TAX1992.ZIP 56186 09-25-92 Understanding taxes. 1992 tutorial.
TAX4MZCP.ZIP 346360 03-12-91 Excellent Compiled Spreadsheet Template For
| Tax Preparation. Works Well With All Forms.
| Not Year-specific. (2-91).
TAX90.ZIP 25273 03-10-90 Calculate Fed. Withholding Fy '90;v5.3.
TAX91.ZIP 351273 01-08-92 Form 1040 Individual Tax Return Calculator
TAX9119.ZIP 358376 02-02-92 TAX91 1.9 <ASP> is a personal Form 1040 tax
| return preparation program with over 35
| forms and schedules. It has professional
| features (front page and fees schedules).
| Graphics Form 1040 for signature for Epson
| FX & LQ, IBM Proprinter, and HP LaserJet.
| All forms are IRS-approved.
TAX93ONT.ZIP 101187 01-01-94 Stand alone 1993 Ontario Income Tax program.
TAX93S.ZIP 354021 01-02-94 TAX93S v0.93 <ASP> Federal Form 1040 Tax
| Return preparation program with 28 forms,
| including a graphics Form 1040 for signature.
TAX93V80.ZIP 24811 12-25-92 Tax93 v8.0 Employer's Tax Guide Calculator
TAX94.ZIP 25912 01-20-94 Tax94 - is an easy to use calculator
| program that determines Witholding,
| Social Security and Medicare Taxes.
| NEW: updated to reflect 1994 witholding.
TAX94ONT.ZIP 106493 02-01-95 1994 Income Tax program for Ontario
| residents.
TAXAID.ZIP 89802 01-08-91 Extensive Set Of 1-2-3 Templates For Your
| 1990 Tax Returns.
TAXAUDIT.ZIP 65770 11-02-94 "How to Survive A Tax Audit" is a tutorial
| program which teaches you how to conduct
| yourself through an IRS audit. This is a
| very informative tutorial written by a
| CPA and former Revenue Agent.
| Adam Starchild. This electronic book will
| give you detailed information on how to
| keep the IRS from becoming another dependent
| in your family. If you can use just one of
| these tips, you could save a bundle-- and
| this book has 101 of them!
TAXC-EST.ZIP 110768 03-31-92 Tax-C 1992 Tax Obligation Estimator
TAXCK21.ZIP 77940 09-15-94 ░▒▓ TAX CHECK For 1994 Version 2.1 ▓▒░
| ╔══════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ DOS program gives FAST and RELIABLE ║
| ║ estimates of your 1994 federal tax ║
| ║ while there's time to make changes. ║
| ║ V2.1 features tax estimate display, ║
| ║ next step guide, loads tax tables, ║
| ║ and file list utility. Soft Breeze. ║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════════╝
TAXCK_93.ZIP 72939 08-20-93 ░▒▓ TAX CHECK For 1993 Version 1.0 ▓▒░
| ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ DOS program to get a fast and reliable ║
| ║ estimate of your federal tax owed now, ║
| ║ while there's still time to make changes.║
| ║ Tax Check explains tax areas in terms ║
| ║ that the average man can understand. ║
| ║ No graphics req. Color with mono option. ║
| ║ (c) Soft Breeze 1993 all rights reserved.║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝
TAXEST91.ZIP 13018 05-15-91 Menu-driven 1991 Tax Estimator Spreadsheet
| For Lotus 1-2-3. Take Your Wages And Tax
| Withholdings Now To Estimate How Your
| Year-end Taxes Will End Up. Great!.
TAXEST93.ZIP 9986 03-05-93 T a x e s t i m a t spreadsheet to estimate
| 1993 federal taxes for tax-planning. From
| soft breeze.
TAXFAX93.ZIP 68413 11-22-93 TAXFAX93.ZIP v1.0 - Electronic Tax Filing 93.
| 1040EZ Series
| A full-featured electronic forms package
| for filing your 1040EZ return electron-
| ically to the IRS. You're faxing a form
| to be filed electronically.
TAXFORMS.ZIP 172254 11-25-92 TAXFORMS.EXE V1.0 Rel. 11/23/92 All you need
| to issue W-2 and 1099-Misc forms. Enter,
| edit, sort, print, total, etc. For pin feed
| or laser printer, even prints mailing labels.
| Can handle multiple files of 1099-Misc's or
| W-2's so ideal for an accountant doing client
| files as well as for the individual employer.
| Verifies Social Security and Medicare is
| correct on W-2's. Payer information only
| needs to be entered once per file as it is
TAXFX93A.ZIP 68504 12-25-93 TAXFAX93.ZIP v1.1 - Electronic Tax Filing 93.
| 1040EZ Series
| A full-featured electronic forms package
| for filing your 1040EZ return electron-
| ically to the IRS. You're faxing a form
| to be filed electronically.
| For use during Tax Season 1994 -
| 1/14/94 - 4/15/94
TAXHELP.ZIP 30195 07-05-92 Heplful tax programs in Lotus 123 format.
TAXLST11.ZIP 121400 04-27-93 TaxList v1.1: maintains an ordered list of
| tax related financial information; allows
| rapid entry of random data and sorts this
| information in chronological order as it is
| entered; supports mouse if detected;
TAXSAVE.ZIP 9639 01-08-93 Tax saving tips for 1992.
TAXSRT1E.ZIP 184080 12-12-92 TAX-SORT v1.E <ASP>
| Organize income and expenses rapidly!
| Use year-round or when in a pinch.
| Touch the receipts in that shoebox only
| once! Print reports with all income and
| expense items neatly organzied for your-
| self or tax preparer. Calculator.
TAXTIPS1.ZIP 34057 10-08-91 General Tax Help Guide For The Average
| Person To Use To Help Cut Their Tax Base.
TAXWZZ92.ZIP 103581 02-01-93 Taxwizz 92 1.0 Prepare F1040, Sched A, B
TAX_1992.ZIP 356702 01-10-93 Federal Tax Return Program.
TAX_C.ZIP 81343 11-15-91 Tax-c 1.0 (early Release Shareware Version)
| For 1991 Form 1040 & Sched. A & B. Automatic
| Worksheets Calculate Taxable Amt. Of Social
| Security, Dependent's Std. Deduction, &
| Selfemployed Health Insurance Deduction.
| Desqview Aware. Prints Transfer 1040,
| Irs-app'd A&b. Req. 256k Ram, Dos 3.3+, And
| Epson- Or Ibmcompat. Printer.
TAX_XL.ZIP 33269 05-19-94 Tax_Xl - is a payroll withholding
| calculator for manual payroll checks.
| It includes federal income tax, social
| security and medicare calculations.
| This includes versions for Excel 4.0
| and 5.0.
TC93_11.ZIP 73243 11-01-93 ░░▒▒▓▓ TAX CHECK For 1993 Version 1.1 ▓▓▒▒░░
| ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗
| ║ DOS program to get a FAST and RELIABLE ║
| ║ estimate of your federal tax owed now, ║
| ║ while there's still time to make changes.║
| ║ Easy to follow design and simple terms. ║
| ║ Color or mono option. No graphics needed.║
| ║ V1.1 saves data on exit. (c) Soft Breeze.║
| ╚══════════════════════════════════════════╝
TFORCE.ZIP 252481 03-09-92 T-Force - Tax Accounting package. DEMO.
TFRM94B.ZIP 129211 03-08-95 QPW94TAX.WB1 v1.1b and its Lotus
| equivalent. This is Revenue Canada T1
| General (Ontario) windows spreadsheet.
| Includes most used schedules, capital
| gains forms & the "election" form.
TTOOL92.ZIP 521373 01-05-93 Huge Program Tells All About Filing Taxes!
TXFRM91B.ZIP 13728 02-19-92 1991 Electronic tax return: 10 form
| additions including GST credit apps.,
| business expenses & auto expenses.
TXSRT11B.ZIP 324336 01-14-92 TaxSort v1.1b bug fix. Helps in organizing
| receipts & other items.
USW4.ZIP 220556 02-20-95 Electronic form w-4 for windows just in
| time for 94 tax.
WPRO93S.ZIP 879289 01-02-94 WPRO93S v0.94 <ASP> Federal Form 1040 Tax
| Return preparation program with 52 forms,
| including a graphics Form 1040 for signature.
Y9411320.ZIP 95574 02-05-95 1040 forms from irs use adobe reader.
Y9411330.ZIP 80811 02-05-95 1040 schedule a from irs use adobe reader.
Y9411338.ZIP 73900 02-05-95 1040 schedule d from irs use adobe type read.
█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ Checkbook & Home Finances
ACCOUNT.ZIP 140205 10-05-94 Account Manager v1.0: free checkbook balancer
| Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
ACHK365A.ZIP 41778 04-17-93 Autochk v3.65A: excellent yet simple
| personal checkbook program
BST50.ZIP 37409 10-06-91 Bank Statement Tamer balances any checkbook
| even for those who know nothing about how to
| balance their account.
CASHC10.ZIP 232029 06-01-93 Cash Control v1.0. Personal or small
| business checkbook program designed for
| those who find most finance programs
| confusing. Loaded with features yet simple
| to learn.
CASHTRAC.ZIP 397528 12-08-91 Checkbook Tracking Utility.
CB102.ZIP 203980 04-26-92 Great Checking Program.
CBPLUS57.ZIP 341350 03-21-94 CHECKBOOK PLUS v5.7 <ASP>
| Full-featured cash management and budgeting
| system that helps you master your financial
| affairs. Handles multiple accounts, account
| reconciliation, and memorized transactions.
| Print checks, customized income statement
| and cash flow reports, and check register.
| Features pull-down menus, on-line help,
| mouse support, pop-up calendar, math and
| financial calculators, and much more....
CB_101.ZIP 22717 01-18-94 CB 1.01 Quick and dirty checkbook reconciler
| includes C source.
CHAMP10.ZIP 128790 03-11-91 Checking Account Management Program
CHECK404.ZIP 260208 08-15-94 ExpressCheck 4.04 <ASP> - Completely menu
| driven easy-to-use checkbook manager. Screens
| look like actual Check and Deposit slips. Up
| to 90 different accounts, 200 budget cate-
| gories. QuickFills for fast two keystroke
| entry for any type of transaction. Print
| checks in any format. Automatic Bill Reminder
| System. Many reports for budget categories,
| check register and more. Balancing your
| checkbook will be exciting.
CHECKBOK.ZIP 181326 12-18-94 Check-Book v1.0 Fast an Easy Way for your
| Checking
CHECKPRO.ZIP 278424 04-07-95 Check Pro v8.2. Easily handles your checking
| needs.
CHECKS.ZIP 267012 02-01-93 CheckBook Management program v5.1.
CHECKS75.ZIP 343611 05-11-94 The speech friendly, free, great and
| full featured Talking Checkbook
| version 7.5! Many new features worth
| taking a look at. Written for folks
| who rely upon synthetic speech output
| to access info, but works for all!
CHEKMAST.ZIP 210478 10-04-92 CHECKMASTER v2.00 <ASP> - Easy to use and
| powerful checkbook management system. Ideal
| for the home or office. The program has an
| elegant blend of power and sophistication,
| while maintaining a style and ease that
| allows the novice to master the program in
| 1/2 hour or less. Menu driven. You'll love
| it. Registr $19 - From One Command Software
CHEX31.ZIP 116177 06-13-92 CHEX v3.1: full-screen checkbook pgm that
| helps in balancing and can be used for
| credit cards, savings accounts and other
| types of debit/credit bookkeeping
CHK503A.ZIP 130861 03-04-91 Full-Featured Checkbook Manager [1/2]
CHK503B.ZIP 83335 03-04-91 Full-Featured Checkbook Manager [2/2]
CHKBK301.ZIP 99851 07-14-90 Incredibly Simple Checkbook Program.
| Deposits Checks And Codes Are All Supported.
CHKBKMGR.ZIP 216308 08-01-91 Checkbook Manager Is A Menu-driven Checkbook
| Manager That Supports Up To 128 Different
| Accounts. Includes Extensive Report Creation
| For Printing And Viewing. Files Can Be
| Exported To The Lotus 1-2-3 Format.
| Documentation Is Available Both In English
| And In Spanish.
CHKBKV2.ZIP 76705 02-10-92 The checkbook/Credit card organizer
CHKDES.ZIP 104565 10-19-94 Check Designer for Windows version 1.3.
CHKMG511.ZIP 267264 05-16-94 Checkbook Management
CHKMP51.ZIP 266025 04-05-93 Checkbook Management Program<ASP>ver 5.1
| A full-featured checkbook manager.
| Enter, edit, or delete transactions.
| Reconcile bank statement. Print checks
| (any format). Numerous reports including
| expense and income summaries. Up to 50
| budget categories allowed. 320K Ram req.
| Color monitor,hard disk,printer recomm.
| Can be run on a floppy disk. No graphics
| characters-good for screen readers.
CHKPRT.ZIP 288509 06-10-93 Check-Print; This is a very easy to run
| program. You can run it without a manual.
| The Program has 6 Charts of Accounts you can
| pick from, once one is picked you can modify
| it to your personal specifications, or you
| can set up your own Charts of Accounts.
CHKPRT11.ZIP 288196 06-10-93 Check-Print v1.1. Organizes your finances as
| i prints checks. Produces reports in a
| useful format that are easy to understand.
| Includes several bookkeeping formats.
CHKREC23.ZIP 68843 07-30-92 CheckRec 2.3 - Professional, Easy, Well
| Documented, and (Fast!) Checkbook
| Reconciliation suitable for your Home or
| Business Backed with Service and Support.
CHKSIM.ZIP 7498 07-13-92 Check register templet in lotus.
CHXMST70.ZIP 288313 03-18-95 Check/Financial/Budget/Business Management.
| Chex-Master prints checks, reconciles your
| account, produces summary statements by user
| assigned codes, provides Budget Tracking, and
| check searches. Included are Single Entry
| Bookkeeping and Invoice Generation Modules.
| It uses Pull-Down Menus and a Setup System fo
| configuration. File Structure is DBase III.
| User's Manual can be printed or viewed On-Lin
CHXTRX.ZIP 67470 02-05-91 Check Track.
CMASTE20.ZIP 210052 10-04-92 CHECKMASTER v2.00 <ASP> - Easy to use and
| powerful checkbook management system. Ideal
| for the home or office. The program has an
| elegant blend of power and sophistication,
| while maintaining a style and ease that
| allows the novice to master the program in
| hour or less. Menu driven. You'll love it.
CMGR11.ZIP 215716 03-23-91 Cash Manager v1.1, Checking Account Manager
CMPLUSA.ZIP 265691 10-10-94 CheckMate Plus v1.60A is "checkbook-based"
| accounting package that's easy enough for
| home use and powerful enough for business.
| Many features, dazzling graphics, more
| powerful than commercial packages like
| Quicken! CheckMate Plus was twice nominated
| as a finalist for the Shareware Industry
| Awards (1992 and 1993). Windows version due
| to release in early 1995.
CMPLUSB.ZIP 352495 10-10-94 CheckMate Plus v1.60A is "checkbook-based"
| accounting package that's easy enough for
| home use and powerful enough for business.
| Many features, dazzling graphics, more
| powerful than commercial packages like
| Quicken! CheckMate Plus was twice nominated
| as a finalist for the Shareware Industry
| Awards (1992 and 1993). Windows version due
| to release in early 1995.
CMPLUSC.ZIP 94713 10-10-94 CheckMate Plus v1.60A is "checkbook-based"
| accounting package that's easy enough for
| home use and powerful enough for business.
| Many features, dazzling graphics, more
| powerful than commercial packages like
| Quicken! CheckMate Plus was twice nominated
| as a finalist for the Shareware Industry
| Awards (1992 and 1993). Windows version due
| to release in early 1995.
CM_SHARE.ZIP 94071 05-15-90 Che*master Version 2.4. The Checking Program
| For The Rest Of Us!. No Accounting Terms
| Here This Isn't A Double-entry Bookkeeping
| System You Need Cpa To Understa It's Just A
| Powerful, Yet Easy To Use Checking System
| That Makes Light Work Out Of Managing Up To
| 10 Checking Accounts!.
COX22.ZIP 7624 01-02-91 Simple, Small Checkbook Register V8. 6k Com!.
CS3.ZIP 241022 04-05-91 Checkstar Iii-personal And Small Business
| Financial Management Program Featuring
| Useroriented Menus, Any Format Check
| Printing, Reports And Accounts
| Reconciliation.
CS4_A.ZIP 264405 05-30-94 CheckStar IV, a personal and small business f
| program whose main features include user-orie
| on any check format, powerful report generati
| many built-in utilities. 1 of 2 disks
CS4_B.ZIP 230112 05-30-94 CheckStar IV, a personal and small business f
| program whose main features include user-orie
| on any check format, powerful report generati
| many built-in utilities. 2 of 2 disks
CSTARIII.ZIP 240508 04-05-91 CheckStar III, Income/Expense Budgeting
CTRAK10.ZIP 209188 04-01-92 Check Track v1.0 Simple & sophisticated
| checking manager. Shells, reports, etc.
ECS11A_1.ZIP 47943 10-07-91 Elite Check V1.1a Easy & Powerful Checkbook
| & Budget Manager For Home & Small Business.
| 1 Of 2.
ECS11A_2.ZIP 167744 10-07-91 Elite Check V1.1a 2 Of 2.
ECS11B.ZIP 216797 04-07-92 Spreadsheet style checkbook management
ELITE11A.ZIP 214742 10-14-91 Nice Quicken Style Budget Checking Manager
EXCH307.ZIP 166346 04-25-92 checkbook keeping program
EXCHEQ23.ZIP 128781 11-30-90 Exchequer V2.3: Easy-to-use Check Writing
| And Checkbook Management Program; Supports
| An Unlimited # Of Accounts With Great Report
| Generation
EXCHK404.ZIP 299999 05-01-92 ExpressCheck v4.04 manages your checking
| accounts easily with screens that look like
| checks, deposit slips and check registers.
| Assign budget codes to track expenses. Know
| where you stand at any point in the year
| with regard to your spending. Either guess
| where you are spending your money or use
| ExpressCheck and know.
EXPCHE.ZIP 299999 05-01-92 Express Check help with checking account
| very good program!
EXPCK404.ZIP 265687 12-06-90 ASP> Express Check v4.04 w/Bill Reminders
EXRCK404.ZIP 264955 02-20-92 Checking account manager.
FBK510G.ZIP 350615 03-03-94 FastBucks Finance Manager <ASP> version 5.10G
| Supports 25 each Checking, Charge, Savings
| Misc expense, cash, other asset and other
| liability accounts.
FSBANK11.ZIP 48730 03-10-90 Fs Bank Recon Ver1.1 - Bank Reconcilation
| Program For Those Without A Spreadsheet Or
| Who Have No Use For Complete Checkbook
| Manage Ment System.
HCB10.ZIP 37126 07-31-94 HCB **** Home CheckBook v1.00
| -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
| DOS based, NO FRILLS, EASY to use
| checkbook balancing system. Makes
| this dreaded but required task as
| easy as possible - AND FAST! No
| need to load Windows!!! Runs from
| the old-fashion DOS prompt.
MB101.ZIP 362071 12-01-92 MONEY BANKS v1.01; Personal Banking Manager.
MIZER271.ZIP 150853 09-06-90 Moneymizer V2.7: Personal Checking, Savings
| And Charge Package, W/context Sensitive Help,
| Cga/ega/vga/monochrome Support, Pop-up & Pull
| Down Menus, Menu/hot-keys, Mouse Support,
| Graphs, Monthly Reminders, Card File Index,
| Mailing Labels/report Generation, Much More;
| Nagel; Program Files [1/4]
MIZER272.ZIP 193184 09-08-90 Moneymizer V2.7: Personal Checking, Savings
| Nagel; Program Files [2/4]
MIZER273.ZIP 135693 09-06-90 Moneymizer V2.7: Personal Checking, Savings
| Nagel; Program Files [3/4]
MIZER27D.ZIP 9629 09-05-90 Moneymizer V2.7: Personal Checking, Savings
| Nagel; Documentation [4/4]
MLRCHK30.ZIP 197712 04-20-94 MY LITTLE REALM'S CHECKING v3.0 <ASP> - makes
| your check balancing a cinch. It's the way
| you've always taken care of your checking
| account, but all the hard parts are handled
| by your computer. Quickeys make data entry
| fast and easy. You can track tax deductions,
| business expenses, household expenses, more.
| Runs from floppy or hard disk. Requires IBM
| compatible; 640K RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
MPCH511.ZIP 183547 07-05-93 Checkbook Management Program v5.11;
| Full-featured checkbook manager. Enter, edit,
| or delete transactions. Reconcile bank
| statement. Print checks (any format).
| Numerous reports including expense and income
| summaries. Up to 50 budget categories
| allowed. 320K Ram req. Color monitor,hard
| disk,printer recomm.
MW2000.ZIP 440609 11-24-92 MoneyWatch 2000; Budget/Check Writer.
PCA71.ZIP 57958 01-11-90 Personal Checking Account Manager v7.1
PCHECK22.ZIP 32305 07-15-91 Prints personal checks with database v2.2
QDCHK2.ZIP 44018 08-21-91 Checking account program
QUIKCHEK.ZIP 41049 02-02-95 QuikChek for DOS/Win - prints standard
| bank-issued checks. You can use a standard
| dot-matrix printer and define where the
| fields to print should go on your check.
SPECIAL2.ZIP 285570 04-12-93 Special edition of the Talking
| Checkbook program compiled using
| the latest Clipper software. Save
| about 100K of memory. Test it!
TBCHECK2.ZIP 107438 06-27-91 Latest Version Of Turbo Check. Checking Prog.
TBFB.ZIP 333213 10-01-92 Powerful & Flexible Checkbook Manager
TCDUAL74.ZIP 328970 12-14-93 The famous Talking Checkbook version 7.4!
| This is the auto select protected
| mode version. It will determine if you
| can run in protect mode or regular mode and
| act accordingly. Speech friendly, free
| and fantastic. Get this version if you have
| a 286, 386, or 486 computer.
TCHECK10.ZIP 101231 10-14-91 User Friendly Checking Manager For Novices
WCHECK.ZIP 59590 06-07-93 Simple checkbook manager for Windows.
WCK_HOW2.ZIP 7363 08-06-91 Tutorial: WinCheck check program for Win 3
WINCK30N.ZIP 422175 12-17-91 Financial manager for checking/savings
W_BCS03B.ZIP 165432 10-03-93 Checkbook, savings account, creditcard
| manager
XCHK404.ZIP 274813 05-01-92 ExpressCheck - Looks like your checkbook.
YRCASH11.ZIP 94303 09-25-94 YourCash v1.1-- by RAD Software
| PO Box 1991 / Columbus, GA / 31902
| The ultimate personal checking account
| program that looks like your checkbook,
| with plenty of powerful and useful
| features, such as:
| * Maintain 1,000 separate accounts
| of up to 10,000 transactions each
| (That a capacity of one million
| transactions)
█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ Stocks, Bonds & Inventments
ACCURATE.ZIP 85801 08-29-92 Professional Investment Portfolio
| Performance Calculator. Computes both time
| and dollar weighted returns. Complies to
| 1992 AIMR guidelines. Easy to use.
AIM_300.ZIP 34863 11-21-91 Automatic Investment Management System
AIQ1.ZIP 1110265 09-10-91 AIQ Stock Data update part 1 of 2
AIQ2.ZIP 1122498 09-10-91 AIQ stock data update part 2 of 2
ANALYST.ZIP 149924 07-20-93 THE STOCK ANALYST v1.10 (ASP) \- A powerful,
| yet easy to use stock analysis program.
| - Buy/sell analysis of stocks
| - Line, Bar, P&F Charts.
| - Up to 1,500 stocks with 32,000 prices each.
| - Entirely menu driven
| - Context-sensitive help.
| - Full mouse support.
ANLYST3.ZIP 115034 09-25-91 Analyst V3.0 Professional Real Estate
| Analyzer For Investors & Brokers.
AT33_37.ZIP 12673 04-25-92 Ken Deen's Aggressive Trader Newsletter,
| 33-37
AT38_41.ZIP 6194 04-25-92 Ken Deen's Aggressive Trader Newsletter,
| 38-41
AT71_115.ZIP 108704 11-26-92 Keen Deen's Agressive Trader Newsletter, #
| 71-115.
ATS10.ZIP 153580 01-28-91 Great! Easy & New Asset/inv Mngnt For Home
| Or Business.
BOND9311.ZIP 102687 12-19-93 EE BONDS TRACKER 93.11 Tracks your savings
| bonds. It will track upto 1,000 EE Savings
| bonds. Allows you to Input, Delete & Arrange
| a bond portfolio. Option to provide hard copy
| Input new interest rates and update the int-
| erest rates as they change. By Bob Fechtner
| Registration $10.00. Coming Soon Bonds Seller
BONDCALC.ZIP 196346 06-15-93 Bond Calculator v1.0. Computes statistics
| for notes, bonds, money markets, odd coupons
| and more.
BONDS.ZIP 102312 11-26-93 EE BONDS TRACKER v93.11; Track up to 1,000,
| EE Savings bonds. This program will allow
| you to Input, Delete, and Arrange a bond
| portfolio. There is also an option to
| provide a hard copy. Allows the user to input
| new interest rates, or update the interest
| rates as they change. The U.S. Government
| publishes the interest rates in May and
| November. For more information on updating
| interest rates, see UPDATE INTEREST RATES.
BONDS20.ZIP 195832 02-21-93 Bonds v2.0 for Windows. Tracks U.S. Savings
BONDS_.ZIP 142641 11-13-91 Bondcalc: Bond Yield & Value Calculator.
| Compares Up To 3 At Once.
BROMBERG.ZIP 17188 04-12-93 Stocks report - Equity test of the Bromberg
| Index method for the last 4 years - tables.
CDNSTK.ZIP 29469 06-13-93 Database of 900 Canadian stocks & tickers
| that can be queried using wildcards.
CGZ40.ZIP 1575848 11-27-94 Capital Gainz v4.0 <ASP> - Investment
| portfolio manager. Ideal for dollar-cost
| averaging. Record purchases, sales,
| dividends, capital gains, splits. Multiple
| portfolios. Calculate performance and total
| return. Print reports for one or more
| portfolios/securities, over range of dates.
| Generate tax forms. Reinvest dividends.
| Execute sales using FIFO, LIFO, max gain, max
| loss, specific ID, avg cost.
CHART113.ZIP 71122 01-23-94 Chart1 v1.3: bare bones, easy-to-use stock
| and mutual fund charting program.
CHARTING.ZIP 52859 05-01-92 Stock Charting Program
CM2QK121.ZIP 29924 12-01-92 CIM2QKN v1.21: reformats stock quote
| listings gotten from Compuserve in CIM
| format into Quicken's import format.
CMQCK102.ZIP 12835 01-17-93 CIMQUICK v1.02: small util that will convert
| a CIM stock quotes file into a format
| suitable for Quicken to import.
CNVCIM10.ZIP 17511 06-01-92 CNVCIM v1.0: special data conversion utility
| that can translate stock data capture from
| CompuServe's Information Manager software to
| $tokTraX format
COINFI15.ZIP 136756 01-17-93 Coinfil (Comparative Investment Analysis
| With Filtered Data) V1.5: Menu Driven
| Technical Analysis Program That Can Be Used
| To Predict The Trend Of An Investment'S
| Total Yield Based On Past Price Data And
| Dividends.
CONSOLID.ZIP 65079 01-30-90 Consolidator (version 1.1). Manage Stocks
| And Mutual Funds. Supports Ega Or Cga.
CRSTOCK1.ZIP 9210 06-02-93 Program to translate CRS stock files to PTT.
CRVINFO.ZIP 279123 09-13-94 Savings Bonds Current Redemption Values
CSCSTK35.ZIP 155960 04-29-90 Stock Planning & Portfolio Mgmt Package V3.5
| One Of The Better Shareware Programs In This
| Category.
CSU10.ZIP 99763 02-20-93 Utilities that convert quotes that are
| filecaptured using Compuserve's Basic Quotes
| for direct import to Quicken or your
| favorite spreadsheet
CSUWIN10.ZIP 20096 10-02-93 Signet's CompuServe Stock Utils v1.0s for
| Windows. Convert DOSCim or WINCim stock
| quotes to Quicken import format.
CT35M.ZIP 357455 04-24-93 DEMO of CapTool version 3.5m Captool is a
| portfolio management which enables you to
| track almost anything in your portfolio.
| Shareware from Techserve.
CU1A.ZIP 361157 09-15-94 CHART-UTIL v1.a - Utility to maintain
| stock history files in MetaStock and/or
| MegaTech data format. Very powerful!
| Includes CopyAll, TrimAll, CleanFile,
| DateCheck, and other routines needed to
| keep accurate files of historical stock
| quotes. You will be amazed to see all
| the errors Chart-Util can find and help
| fix in your current files. This is the
| Shareware evaluation version.
CVTQ10A.ZIP 45021 02-08-93 CvtQuote v1.0A: simple but sophisticated pgm
| to convert securities quotes from fractional
| form to decimal form; includes DOS and
| MSWindows versions.
DIVPLAN.ZIP 1980 12-02-94 A brief text file listing three sources of
| info on corporate dividend reinvestment
| plans. Buy stock without a broker!
DJ033194.ZIP 278365 04-01-94 ╒════════> Dow High Yield Magazine <═══════╕
| │ Consistently outperform the market with │
| │ low risk. Charts, current portfolio, │
| │ fundamentals on select Dow 30 stocks, │
| │ currencies, oil, interest rates, gold. │
DJ093093.ZIP 233942 10-01-93 ╒═══════> Dow High Yield Magazine <══════╕
| │ How to consistently out perform the │
| │ market with low risk. Charts, current │
| │ portfolio, fundamentals on select Dow │
| │ 30 stocks, currencies, oil, interest │
| │ rates, gold. │
DRIPL.ZIP 9217 02-24-93 Discussion of Divident Reinvestment Plans
EBOND3.ZIP 50260 04-26-91 Calculates series E Savings Bond interest
| and prints reports to screen or printer -
| more.
ECON.ZIP 69701 01-11-92 ECON: Econometric stock market forcasting.
ECON10.ZIP 69701 01-11-92 Econometric stock market forecasting models
| from DC Econometrics. Forecast S+P 500,
| Treasury interest rates and inflation. Once
| a month you enter 8 numbers and get statis-
| tically optimized forecasts for 3, 6 and 12
| months. Asset allocation routine tells you
| how much to place in aggressive and conser-
| vative strategies. Program predicted all
| major bull and bear markets from 1963 to
| 1991 <ASP>.
ECON2A.ZIP 463425 03-15-95 ECON 2.0: Stock Market Forecasting
| Econometric models of S&P 500, T Bond and
| T Bill interest rates, inflation, and gold.
| Enter 9 numbers monthly to get statistically
| optimized forecasts for 3, 6, and 12 months
| ahead. Asset Allocation lists four optimal
| portfolios low to high risk; plus futures and
| options. 39% per year is possible. Menus,
| help, & graphs. DOS 3.3 up, 640K memory,
| hard disk needed. $49.95 shareware for IBM-PC
EEBND6.ZIP 47727 11-11-91 Calculate & Track EE Savings Bonds
EEBND811.ZIP 178941 11-28-92 EEbond v8.11: computes interest on variable
| rate Series EE Savings Bonds; prints out
| savings bond report sorted on date of bond;
| supports multiple database files & laser
| printers.
EEBND9.ZIP 201417 04-30-93 Database To Track Series EE Savings Bonds;
| Prints Reports Etc., Based On Current Rate.
| Eight Files.
EEBNDD11.ZIP 254769 03-26-94 EEBond v11.0. Computes interest on variable
| rate Series EE Savings Bonds; prints out
| savings bond report sorted on date of bond;
| supports multiple database.
EEBNDW4.ZIP 1439491 06-21-95 EEBond for Windows v.4 - EEBond for Windows
| is a U.S. Savings Bond database and valuation
| program. EEBond maintains a database and
| determines the value of Series E and Series
| EE Savings Bonds and U.S. Savings Notes.
| Covers years 1942 to present. This version
| valid through October 1995! Not crippled. No
| annoying screens. Full installation. Online
| WYSIWYG reports sort 7 different ways. All
| DLL's included. SHAREWARE $20.
EEBOND13.ZIP 554013 03-16-95 EEBond for DOS v13 - If you own Savings Bonds
| and would like to know exactly what they are
| worth then this program is for you. EEBond
| maintains a database and determines the value
| of Series EE and E Savings Bonds and US
| Savings Notes. You can value all Savings
| Bonds 1942 to present. Shareware $20.
EEBOND5.ZIP 46926 04-26-91 Maintains Database Of Variable Rate Seriess
| Ee Savings Bonds. This Update Contains The
| Latest Tables From The Bureau Of Public Debt.
EEBOND70.ZIP 49717 05-07-92 Calculate value of EE Series Savings Bonds.
| Version 7.0
EEBOND81.ZIP 178941 11-28-92 Savings Bond Database Software.
EEBONDV5.ZIP 46561 04-26-91 Calculates Interest on EE Bonds And Prints
| Reports
EECOLLXL.ZIP 30022 11-06-94 Calculate value of ee bonds excel
| spreadsheet.
EFUND24.ZIP 190207 06-18-93 Accounting for Investors In Bonds, Stocks
| and Mutual Funds.
ENSIGN.ZIP 683397 12-30-92 Ensign V LIVE DEMO - stock market analysis
| program for the serious investor
EOM100.ZIP 95394 06-30-91 Investment Research Tool To Explore End Of
| Month Bias In The Stock Market.
EZSTOCK3.ZIP 205452 03-26-94 V2.0 - Easy Tracking and Analyzing of Stocks,
| Bonds, Mutual Funds, Coins, Baseball
| Cards,... Works With Any Investment or
| Collectable. Mouse, Help, Graphs, Printing.
FA_12B.ZIP 1268844 04-19-95 FINANCIAL AUTHORITY is a financial
| analysis program containing seven
| modules for the home & business user:
| Loan Amortization, Immediate Annuities,
| Periodic & Fixed Investment Growth,
| U.S. EE Savings Bonds, Mutual Fund
| Analysis, Retirement Planning, Assets
| Database. Graphical plots, tables,
| worksheets. Version 1.2b, 4/13/95
| Requires WINDOWS 3.1, mouse.
FHA.ZIP 163133 11-11-90 Vga - Technical Stock & Futures Trading
| System With Oscillator, Rate-of-change, Up &
| Down Volatility & Profitability Testing.
| Uses N2-apex Data File Format. Very Good!.
| Interactive Finance Manual-
| For financial analysts and students. Topics:
| depreciation; compound interest; discount;
| annuities: ordinary, due, certain, life;
| bonds, probability and mortality; mortgage
| refinancing; zero coupons; negative
| amortization; retirement funds....
FIN499.ZIP 86225 11-10-90 Calculate The Value Of Stocks & Bonds
FINPAR.ZIP 195783 01-19-95 Your Financial Partner - >>lets you calculate
| various dollar investment problems, such as
| the amount of deposits required at a given
| interest rate to attain an amount that will
| provide you with a given level of withdrawals
| for a specified period of time.
FINWIZ5.ZIP 138780 07-02-93 FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM), <ASP> - A very
| powerful, easy to use investment and loan
| analysis program that calculates dozens of
| personal and business financial situations
| with ease. Amortization, future and present
| values, depreciation,and date calculations
| are just a fraction of the options the
| program can calculate. Full mouse and color
| support along with exceptional documentation
| make this a first rate program. $25.
FLUSHER.ZIP 8007 05-27-95 Kills all Commodities Except Those Typed in
| Envarc: Flusher.Dat
FMUTUAL.ZIP 243150 04-03-93 The Feeling's Mutual v2.0.92. Mutual fund
FNDMGR.ZIP 283456 03-24-95 FundManager (v 6.0) - portfolio mgr for
| mutual funds. Performs statistical analysis
| and several market timing techniques
FNDMGR6B.ZIP 284815 04-07-95 Mutual Fund Manager for Quattropro Windows
FNDSMBLS.ZIP 40325 11-01-93 Mutual fund names/symbols.
FNDSYM.ZIP 59137 11-27-93 List of 3335 US mutual funds that can be
| searched using a wildcard. Can be run as
| a TSR or printed.
FPD320.ZIP 173388 04-06-93 Your Financial Partner v3.2CPP: performs
| calculations for all common time value of
| money problems including present/future
| value of an investment, withdrawal from
| investments, loan payment schedules/
| amortization/refinancing/ acceleration to
| payoff, annuities, bond yield to
| maturity/call/valuation and more; supports
| mouse
FSL1294.ZIP 83586 11-30-94 Start Your Own Investment Portfolio 28.8% a
| Year Record!!! Free Demo Newsletter!!!
| ────────────────────────────────────────────
| You do not need a lot of money before you can
| invest, what you DO need is the BEST in
| professional advice! The problem is finding
| it and not spending thousands for it. The
| Nation's best Financial Newsletter can change
| all that! Start your portfolio for as little
FTRK2QWK.ZIP 25712 03-12-94 Convert the latest FastTrack mutual
| fund price quotes to Quicken import
| format. Easy and quick.
FUND22.ZIP 379790 11-19-94 Fund Investor (v 2.2) - highly versatile
| portfolio manager incl d/l quotes from CIS,
| plotting of hisorical data, communication
| with Fidelity & Vanguard, calc. many
| financial functions, reminds of bonds due
| payments and much more
FUND941.ZIP 115937 03-09-94 MUTUAL FUNDamentals version 94.1
| The ultimate mutual fund directory/tutorial!
| Contains information on over 1,000 funds!
| Names, addresses, toll-free phone numbers,
| and historical return data covering one,
| three, five, and eight year periods.
| Chapters include: Introduction To Mutual
| Funds, Glossary Of Terms, Advantages Of
| Mutual Funds, Selecting A Mutual Fund, and
| more. Will run on any IBM or compatible.
FUNDINV.ZIP 201784 04-20-93 FundInvestor v4.3. Automates access to
| mutual funds using automated service
| telephones.
FUNDMGR.ZIP 117023 05-29-92 The Mutual Fund and Stock Manager - does all
| stocks, bods, mutual funds. Great Tracker
| for investments.
FUNDMN72.ZIP 310999 03-04-95 FundManager v7.2: Portfolio tracking
| software, especially for mutual funds.
| Can import Quicken transaction and price data
FUNDS12.ZIP 152248 02-15-95 MUTUAL FUND TRACKING SYSTEM . . . Ver 1.2
| This system allows you to build a data file
| containing all of the info on your funds. You
| can enter original purchases, additional
| purchases, complete sells, partial sells,
| and reinvested dividends. The system prints
| a report showing the From Inception and YTD
| profit and loss for each fund, along with
| the IRS cost basis for each fund. There are
| 15 options to make this a "turnkey" system.
FUNDS94.ZIP 3798 12-31-93 Fund picks for 1994 from the Internet's
| misc.invst conference
FUNDSRCH.ZIP 164169 06-01-93 FundSearch - Graphically analyze over 2500
| funds. Shareware version has 600 funds. Add
| your own notes to each fund for future
| reference.
FW550.ZIP 139209 09-17-93 FINANCIAL WIZARD (TM), <ASP> V5.5, - A very
| powerful, easy to use investment and loan
| analysis program that calculates dozens of
| personal and business financial situations
| with ease. Amortization, future and present
| values, depreciation,and date calculations
| are just a fraction of the options the
| program can calculate. Full mouse and color
| support along with exceptional documentation
| make this a first rate program. $25.
HAPPY814.ZIP 3202 08-05-93 Solid Value #814 - investment newsletter
| from Internet.
HISTQUOT.ZIP 30400 10-19-91 User discussion of costs and quality of
| stock quote services (Dow, GEnie, Prodigy,
| FNN, others.
ICALC.ZIP 33242 01-13-94 InterestCalc v2.1 for Windows. Performs
| various financial analyses, including loan
| payment and affordability, compound growth,
| yields, stock p/e ratios and more.
IMPEE.ZIP 182688 11-26-92 Conversion routines to import data from
| Ebond versions 1-5 and EEbond versions 1-7
| to version 8.x of EEbond.
IMPGOV.ZIP 102058 04-10-93 Optional file for EEbond, the savings bond
| database program, that allows you to import
| the Tables of Redemption values from the
| govt into EEbond, therefore saving you
| having to upgrade every 6 months
INCENTER.ZIP 41069 10-31-94 Investment Strategies collection of texts
| oriented toward long term investments
| Evaluates market trend, interest rate trend,
| money supply, and sentiment to estimate risk
| and propose a percent invested position for
| a conservative investor. Nothing guaranteed!
| Try it a while and see what you think.
INVASS_1.ZIP 290924 09-12-92 Investor's Assistant 1.0
INVENT2.ZIP 113395 07-05-92 A guide to becoming an independant inventor.
INVES33A.ZIP 154726 01-15-93 FundInvestor, corrected version 3.3 of the
| popular accounting program for investors in
| mutual funds.
INVEST.ZIP 510881 09-01-93 Version 1.00 of Investment Manager
INVEST01.ZIP 76340 02-06-94 Internet FAQ (answers to frequently asked que
| on investment. 1-94 version (supersedes all p
INVEST34.ZIP 156398 12-14-91 Investment Counselor V3.4 Portfolio Manager.
INVEST43.ZIP 201674 04-20-93 FundInvestor (ver. 4.3) a powerful
| accounting program for investors. It
| facilitates telephone comm. with many mutual
| funds, retains record of all transact., calc
| actual return on investment, plots
| historical data, d/l quotes from
| CompuServe/Prodigy, and more
INVESTBA.ZIP 107387 10-15-94 INVESTING BASICS, by Adam Starchild:
| Today's low interest rates are hitting folks
| hard. Many people tolerate dismal yields,
| hoping that rates will recover soon, but
| they shouldn't hold their breath. Since
| 1926, Treasury bill rates have averaged
| 3.7 percent annually. Confronted with this
| reality, people must find ways to make their
| money work harder. Learn how in this
| electronic book.
INVESTOR.ZIP 287318 02-17-95 $mart Real Estate Investor - provides you
| with fast and accurate evaluations of
| virtually any kind of rental - income
| producing real estate.
INVSTFQ2.ZIP 18579 03-29-93 Misc.Invest Faq On General Investment Topics
INVSTFQ3.ZIP 19623 03-29-93 Misc.Invest Faq On General Investment Topics
IOD15.ZIP 83709 09-02-90 Investor's Online Newsletter W/.gifs, Charts
| .gif Viewer Included. #15
IQ11.ZIP 76010 08-18-93 Import Quotes (IQ) v1.1: MS-Windows program
| that will convert and import quotes into
| Quicken.
IQ_WIN.ZIP 75057 05-31-93 Import Quotes for Windows can convert and
| import quotes into Quicken.
JERWARE2.ZIP 49197 05-03-92 Jerware's stock market tools.
LWM1VB.ZIP 185237 12-19-92 VB DOS. Saving, Investing, Mortgage,
| Networth Loans etc. Fantastic graphics.
LWMD331.ZIP 204165 07-01-95 _____ LIFETIME WEALTH MANAGEMENT v3.31 _____
| A comprehensive personal financial program.
| Provides calculations, projections, graphs
| for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth
| Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
| Portfolio management system records, tracks
| and graphs your investment performance.
| Everyone can use this program covering all
| stages of your financial life. Excellent On-
| Line Help. For DOS. Rated: ****
LWMMONEY.ZIP 198681 01-02-94 Personal Saving, Investment, Retirement,
| Networth, Mortgages, Graphs and Database.
LWMVB.ZIP 183421 12-16-92 Personal Investment in VBDos with all Scroll
| Bars Control Buttons etc. Fantastic.
MES1-1.ZIP 222664 01-05-93 MarketEdge 1.0S Stock Market Aanalysis.
MES1.ZIP 602533 05-23-93 SASI's Market Edge - Stock Market Trend
| Analysis Market Timing Software Program
MFTC15A.ZIP 633010 05-15-95 MFTC: Mutual Fund Tax Calculator, v1.5a -
| RCCO Research. For Windows 3.1+. MFTC
| provides a facility for determining the tax
| cost of redeemed shares (full or partial) in
| one or more mutual fund accounts. For IRS
| Form 1040 Schedule D filers. Computes divs,
| CG distribs, sales, purchases on an average-
| cost basis. New in v1.5: Report Writer.
MFTRA36D.ZIP 426739 04-01-95 The Mutual Fund Tracker, Version 3.6d, works
| using technical analysis and a Mutual Fund
| Composite Average, in conjunction with other
| key indices, to determine when to get into
| and out of mutual funds. You can define and
| look at different "what if" results based on
| your criteria. Features easy to understand
| documentation; graphs; reports; select TREND
| or BUY, SELL, and HOLD signals; writes graph
| pictures to disk; auto-update; plus more.
MGRMONEY.ZIP 190371 03-02-93 All Financial Tools with a Course on
| Investing for maxium Profit. DOS.
MKTEDGE1.ZIP 222918 09-27-92 Stock market trend analysis market timing
MKTEDGE2.ZIP 313657 09-12-92 Stock market trend analysis market timing
MKTEDGE3.ZIP 135016 10-04-92 Stock market trend analysis market timing
MKTREND1.ZIP 479107 03-20-94 Value Trend Indicator 1.0. The
| Successful Investors guide to
| determine the Value of shares
| and spot growth Stocks and Mutual
| Funds. Also tracks all popular
| Stock Market Indices. For Windows.
MLRSAV30.ZIP 142932 04-20-94 MY LITTLE REALM'S SAVINGS v/3.0 <ASP> - Track
| investment savings. Enter the worth of each
| investment, as well as pertinent information
| like the location of each of the documents,
| so you won't forget where you put your
| Savings Bonds, Passbook, etc. This financial
| recorder also prints your portfolio. Very
| useful if you're refinancing. Runs from a
| floppy or a hard disk. Requires IBM
| compatible; 640K RAM. $20 + $5 (s/h)
MM22.ZIP 121263 08-09-94 MORTGAGE MANAGER 2.2 - Mortgage & Investment
| Calculator
MM431.ZIP 298745 06-08-91 MarketMaster, Stock Market Forecaster!
| Crucial Analysis Database for Major Stock
| Indices - S&P 500, Dow Jones, Etc.
MMNEWS95.ZIP 31141 01-04-95 THE MONEY MAKER NEWS Issue 1, January 1995.
| This issue evaluates the latest Financial
| Shareware used for forecasting future Stock
| Market Trends, Company and Mutual Fund Share
| Prices. For Win 3.x
MMT453C.ZIP 287990 08-03-94 MarketMaster v4.5.3 Stock tracking Program.
MOMATH2.ZIP 91607 12-20-94 MONEY MATH for Windows 3.1, v1.2 <ASP>
| Financial analysis tools for Annuities,
| Bank Discount, Bonds, CD's, Compound
| Interest, Discounted Cash Flow, Loan
| Amortization, and Simple Interest. Uses
| 10 dialog boxes for 37 different types
| of financial calculations. Has
| extensive Windows Help with 12 detailed
| examples.
MOMONY04.ZIP 197223 11-02-93 A Complete Electronic text & Graphics
| MAGAZINE dedicated to teaching the reader how
| to save money and invest it in Paying off the
| Mortgage. Concepts used are new to most
| people. Included is a Primer on becoming
| totally FINANCIALLY FREE! This program can
| save the average reader 10 - 20 years paying
| for a home.
MONEYMGC.ZIP 665617 01-07-95 MONEY MAGIC! V1.0 <ASP> - Financial planning
| assistant with 17 calculators and 47 solutin
| options. Does wage and salary computations;
| college, retirement and investment plans;
| stock, bond and real estate valuations; loan
| schedules; space and capital leases; date
| durations; and more. Includes general
| purpose financial calculators. Mouse support
| DOS GUI or text mode.
MONEYMK1.ZIP 9809 06-01-94 The Money Maker News Issue 1, June 94.
| This issue evaluates the latest Financial
| Shareware dealing with Analysis of Stock,
| Mutual Fund and Market Indices such
| as the Dow Jones Industrial Average
| and the relationship of ratios and averages
| to Stock Prices and Market Index movements.
| For Win 3.X
MONEYMK2.ZIP 9299 06-01-94 The Money Maker News Issue 2, June 94.
| This issue evaluates the latest Financial
| Shareware dealing with Saving, Investing,
| Retirement, Net Worth, Mortgages, Loans,
| Stocks, Mutual Funds and Portfolio Management
| Databases. For Win 3.X
MONYMORE.ZIP 266891 10-02-93 Lifetime Wealth Management for Windows. All
| the programs for your saving, investment,
| retirement, networth and mortgage needs.
| Requires VBRUN100.DLL.
MOREMONY.ZIP 196338 10-02-93 All the Programs for your Saving,
| Investment, Retirement, NetWorth and
| Mortgage needs. (for DOS).
MRKTES1.ZIP 603264 07-17-93 Marketedge V1.0s for the Beginning Stock
| Market Investor.
MRKTMSTR.ZIP 268166 01-06-94 Market Master - generates precise and
| reliable price forecasts for all
| stocks, futures, and indices in the
| world, including 7,800 U. S. stocks.
| Requires 512K RAM and 950K hard disk space.
MRKTSRCH.ZIP 229178 06-09-93 MarketSearch v3.2. Stock market analysis
| program. Contains all of the Fortune 500
| Stocks listed on the New York Exchange.
MS2Q11.ZIP 24173 06-14-93 MS2Q - program that will build a Quicken
| format security price file using MetaStock
| Data. The Quicken format file can then be
| imported into Quicken to update security
| prices.
MSD1892A.ZIP 508204 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (1 of 4)
MSD1892B.ZIP 507756 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (2 of 4)
MSD1892C.ZIP 471083 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (3 of 4)
MSD1892D.ZIP 106309 08-15-92 MetaStock Data Disk (4 of 4)
MSMITH.ZIP 325262 09-20-93 Money Smith 3.0a. A full featured
| double entry accounting system,
| financial calculator, and investment
| tracking system for Windows 3.X.
| Lets you keep track of your finances
| in one place, and provides excellent
| graphing and reporting features.
MTCMP1.ZIP 36862 08-23-92 This is a utility for read metastock and
| computrac data files. Read record number,
| file name, starting/ending date, fields, and
| tickers.
MTMCLONE.ZIP 24402 05-04-92 Import stock quotes into Managing Your
| Money. Replaces managing the market in
| conjunction with PRO$TOCK or other stock
| quote system beta release.
MUFUND12.ZIP 150653 01-16-95 MUTUAL FUND TRACKING SYSTEM . . . Ver 1.2
| This system allows you to build a data file
| containg all of the info on your funds. You
| can enter original purchases, additional
| purchases, complete sells, partial sells,
| and reinvested dividends. The system prints
| a report showing the From Inception and YTD
| profit and loss for each fund, along with
| the IRS cost basis for each fund. There are
| 15 options to make this a "turnkey" system.
MUNI213.ZIP 6645 02-18-95 Municipal Investors Monthly
MUT0304.ZIP 68897 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 4600+ US mutual and
| money market funds in a database that
| you can query. Can also be run as
| a TSR. As of Mar 4/94.
MUTUAL.ZIP 158089 05-26-90 Mutual Fund Scorecard, Pick & Rank Investment
MUTUAL20.ZIP 95851 04-09-91 Mutual Fund Manager 2.0: Fast, Easy-To-use
| Program For Managing A Mutual Fund/Money
| Market Portfolio.
MU_FUND.ZIP 18053 08-14-91 123 Mutual Fund Monitoring By Doug Davis.
MV171.ZIP 403358 09-13-93 Market View 1.71 investment software
MV210.ZIP 457216 02-05-95 Market View v2.10 investment software.
| Fully graphical, mousecontrolled and
| windowed investment program with direct
| support for Keyword Teletext cards.
| ChartPro, &BEURS and Comma Separated ASCII
| text im/export.
| - 3D user interface.
| - Help viewer window (views MV.DOC online).
MYQ110.ZIP 202772 12-19-92 Managing Your Money Import stock Quotes
| MYMIQ is designed to be used by MYM and
| MYMIC users who want to update the
| prices in their investment accounts
| (stock, bond, and mutual fund), using
| Prodigy services.
MYWAY2.ZIP 151817 06-06-90 A Good Example Of A Specialized Investment
| Program. Neither Purely Fundamental, Nor
| Technical, Myway Combines Elements Of Both
| Techniques To Tell Investors When To Buy And
| Sell Stocks. Myway Conveniently Allows You
| To Put Together Portfolios With Different
| Risk Combinations. Runs On Any Pc With Dos
| 2.00 Or Higher.
NQ033194.ZIP 137553 03-31-94 Names & tickers of 10,000+ NASDAQ and
| pink sheet stocks in a database that
| you can query. Can also be run as a
| TSR. As of Mar 31/94.
NY1125.ZIP 56341 11-26-94 Short term trading indicators for the
| NY stock exchange
NY1126.ZIP 59498 11-27-93 NYSE Advance/Decline Line
| NYSE New Highs & Lows
| NYSE 4-day STIX indicator
| NYSE 7-day STIX indicator
NYSE0304.ZIP 70871 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 4300+ stocks on the
| NYSE and Amex exchanges in a database
| that you can query. Can also be run as
| a TSR. As of Mar 4/94.
OPPL30.ZIP 210900 01-11-95 OWL Portfolio Price Loader 3.0.
| Automatically updates OWL Personal Portfolio
| Manager (OPPM) prices with downloaded quotes
| from Compuserve, AOL, Prodigy, Dow Jones,
| GEnie, Internet, FarPoint BBS and Just Data
| (Australian Stock Market Data). Version 3
| lets user's define their own formats to
| import any delimited or tabular data from
| other sources. Requires: OPPM Version 4 or
| above.
OPPM60.ZIP 349592 11-08-94 OPPM 6.0 - Comprehensive Stock Charting and
| Portfolio Mgmt. system for stocks, mutuals,
| bonds, savings, other assets & liabilities.
| Charts price volume, correlation, relative
| strength, RSI, RVI, stochastics, on-balance
| volume, moving averages, net worth & more.
| Reports gains /losses, interest, dividends,
| ROI, etc. Supports all IRS approved
| accounting methods. Intuitive mousable menus
| & on-line help. Very easy to use.
OPPMIG10.ZIP 104523 06-18-92 Enables Owl Personal Portfolio Manager
| prices to be automatically updated with
| GEnie.
OPTION10.ZIP 22592 06-01-93 Stock Option Evaluator V1.0. Requires 123
| Ver 3 Or Better.
OPTIONS.ZIP 7274 02-23-93 Discussions of Options Investing from the
| Internet.
OTC0304.ZIP 137446 03-07-94 Names & tickers of 10,000+ NASDAQ and
| pink sheet stocks in a database that
| you can query. Can also be run as a
| TSR. As of Mar 4/94.
PANAL30.ZIP 284564 05-02-91 Portfolio Analyst Ver. 3.0
| Stock/bond/fund/tbill History Tracking And
| Analysis Program. Analyze Returns On Your
| Inv Investment. Graph Histories And Print
| Reports. Works With Prodigy For Price
| Updates. Excellent! A Must For The Serious
| Investor.
PCC15.ZIP 380479 07-31-94 PC Chart v1.5 <ASP> - A stock and commodity
| charting program, which combines superior
| charting, database, and telecommunications
| capabilities. Generates commodity and
| stock charts and standard technical
| indicators such as moving averages and RSI.
| The built-in telecommunications capabilities
| can be used to download quotes from All-
| Quotes, CompuServe, Dial/Data, and GEnie.
PCHART21.ZIP 82481 10-22-91 Prodigy Stock Chart Utilities V2.1.
PCMONE.ZIP 121615 08-27-90 Pcmoney2, A Home Financial Program That
| Tracks Loans, Annuity, Fixed Investments,
| Periodic Investments, Bonds, Mutual Funds.
PDEPRIC6.ZIP 290707 01-01-95 ProDev*EPRICE V6.0 <ASP> Price Service
| interface program to transfer Trade
| Service price data to ProDev*QUOTE
| Material data files. Compatible with
| Trade Service files in USA, U.K. and
| Australia. $35 registration.
PDL322.ZIP 100492 06-01-93 Download stocks from Prodigy.
PER_PORT.ZIP 269507 03-13-92 OWL Personal Portfolio Manager.
PFMGR38.ZIP 354355 08-01-92 Portfolio Manager v3.8 with return on
| investment.
PFROI39.ZIP 360083 03-17-94 PFROI V3.8 - PortFolio manager with ROI
| Handles stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options,
| real estate, reinvestments, splits, shorts,
| margin, etc. Computes ROI before and after
| taxes. FIFO, LIFO, Avg, and specific tax lot
| methods. Transaction, position, dividend,
| interest, capital gains, ROI, cash flow
| reports plus Graphics. Downloads quotes from
| CIS, DJ, GEnie; imports from Prodigy. Help
| screens & 120 pg on-disk manual.
PFROI45D.ZIP 271134 09-15-92 Pfroi Portfolio Software Version5 Complete
| Portfolio Management, Over 20 Reports
| Before/After-Tax Roi Computation Mutual Fund
| Re-Investment And Frac. Shares Supports
| Downloading From Dow Jones, Compuserve And
| Prodigy.
PFROISW.ZIP 365289 07-28-92 Super portfolio manager. Handles all investme
| investment record keeping system!! Disk one
| (1) of three (3) disks ........... Designed
| to track investments, compute ROI & yields,
| analyze portfolios, and use as a tax
| planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide your
| portfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,
| spousal IRA, special accounts, etc. Flexible
| report capability. Menu driven and Mouse
| support. Context sensitive help screens.
PMGR43_B.ZIP 270105 03-01-93 PORTFOLIO MANAGER, V4.3, <ASP>, Rel
| investment record keeping system!! Disk two
| (2) of three (3) disks ........... Designed
| to track investments, compute ROI & yields,
| analyze portfolios, and use as a tax
| planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide your
| portfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,
| spousal IRA, special accounts, etc. Flexible
| report capability. Menu driven and Mouse
| support. Context sensitive help screens.
PMGR43_C.ZIP 291685 03-01-93 PORTFOLIO MANAGER, V4.3, <ASP>, Rel
| investment record keeping system!! Disk
| three (3) of three (3) disks .........
| Designed to track investments, compute ROI &
| yields, analyze portfolios, and use as a tax
| planning/preparation tool. Sub-divide your
| portfolio in up to 5 accts to track IRA's,
| spousal IRA, special accounts, etc. Flexible
| report capability. Menu driven and Mouse
| support. Context sensitive help screens.
PML503.ZIP 125215 04-09-92 Prodigy Metastock Loader Version 5.03
PMP14P.ZIP 310684 09-06-92 Portfoilio Manager & Quotes Conversion Util
| v1.4P: converts quotes that are file saved
| using Prodigy's Quote Track and Quote Check
| for direct import to Quicken or your
| favorite spreadsheet; also keeps track of
| portfolio totals and several key performance
| measures; Software.
POLSTOCK.ZIP 60697 04-05-94 Complete data from Polish Stock Exchange in
| metastock format. Curiosity.
PRAGJ93.ZIP 8980 01-10-93 Pragati investment newsletter for Jan. 1993.
PROS12.ZIP 165969 11-13-90 Pro$tock V1.2: Complete Software Package
| That Enables You To Download Stock Quotes
| From Prodigy
PRS202.ZIP 187852 07-04-93 Pro$tock V2.02. Helps Download Stock Quotes
| The Easiest way to download Stock Quotes and
| Company news from Prodigy Services. Offline
| Stock Symbols list editor. Offline quotes
| and news viewer. Many conversions supported.
PRTY15D1.ZIP 387776 11-22-93 PARITY v1.5 - A sophisticated stock charting
| and T/A program for Windows 3.x. Over 50
| indicators, multiple charts and panes, user
| defined formulas, candlestick, point & figure
| and Equivolume charts. Unique, powerful user
| interface. MetaStock, ChartPro, TC2000 and
| comma delimited ASCII data file compatible.
| Imports & exports to Excel, Lotus, and text
| files. Must have PRTY15D2.ZIP also. Requires
| 2 MB DRAM, Mouse, and VGA. File 1 of 2.
PRTY15D2.ZIP 393070 11-22-93 PARITY v1.5 - A sophisticated stock charting
| and technical analysis program for Windows
| 3.x. Parity is fully functional shareware.
| This is File 2 of 2. Must also have
| PRTY15D1.ZIP to install Parity.
PST101DM.ZIP 192676 06-11-93 Personal Stock Technician V1 01dm Stock Marke
PTT200.ZIP 323742 08-14-93 Personal Ticker Tape (PTT) 2.00 downloads
| daily stock quotes from the cheap areas
| ofCompuserve (sic Quotes), GEnie (Closin
| Quotes) and Dow Jones News//CQ and //HQ PTT
| updates and has file maintenance facilities
| for Metastock and Chartpro format data
| files, and many other handy features.
| Portfolio Manager tracks market investments,
| CD's, Savings, limited partnerships, etc.
| Maintains 1 to 5 accts in your portfolio to
| separate IRA's, etc. PM measures performance
| to meet long range goals. Computes ROI, est
| and actual yields, and other analytical data.
| It's an excellent tax preparation & planning
| tool. 23 distinct reports. Mouse support.
| Manual on disk. Context sensitive help scrns.
QFAST20.ZIP 68559 03-18-90 Qfast 2.0 - Loan & Investment Calc &
| Amortize Quamet's Financial Advisor Presents
| A Variety Of Financial Calculations For
| Individual Accounts, Or Multiple Accounts In
| Tandem. The Presentation Is Windowed And
| Online Help Is Provided. Shareware.
QOTIN47.ZIP 94829 08-31-91 Q O T I N v4.7 ("The Quote Conditioner")
| facilitates the handling and processing of
| historical stock price quotes obtained from
| CompuServe. Quotes can be downloaded,
| converted into selected spreadsheet formats
| and then archived for subsequent use by
| this, or other programs.
RCFND13B.ZIP 163501 05-15-92 RCFUNDS v1.30B: free standing database which
| allows you to track mutual fund transactions.
RCFUND13.ZIP 163430 03-20-92 Rcfunds V1.30 For Investors Track Mutual
| Funds Stand Alone Database.
REALEZ30.ZIP 174637 08-24-92 Real-Easy Property Analysis v3.0 is a third
| generation product of the extremely volatile
| Texas investment real estate market. Every
| facet of the real estate investment is in-
| cluded in a comprehensive 20 year analysis
| for either single or multiple unit
| properties. <ASP>.
RETIRE10.ZIP 169230 02-15-95 RETIREMENT MODELING SYSTEM . . . Ver 1.0
| Computes the future value of current assets
| for up to 40 years into the future and prints
| a report by year, showing those future values
| your new invested amounts, withdrawals, how
| much your net worth grew, 1099 taxes due,
| your budget, and the cost of living percentag
| You can add, delete, and modify records in
| multiple files. There are 15 options to make
| this a "turnkey" system.
RETIREZ.ZIP 11488 10-19-91 Mutual fund and inflation forecaster for
| retirement.
RSA.ZIP 227069 02-12-93 The Relational Stock Analysis -
| Full-featured Shareware Program for small
| and professional investors. Includes mouse
| support. Reqs 640k and stock data retrieval
| from standard source
RSA2.ZIP 542567 05-10-93 Very Powerful Stock Analysis Tool For The
| Serious and Casual Stock Investor∙
RSA2W.ZIP 176662 03-13-95 Relational Stock Anaylsis for Windows v2.0.
RSA303H.ZIP 228230 07-06-92 The Relational Stock Analysis kit.
SA350.ZIP 127861 02-01-93 Security Analyst v3.50. Fundamental Stock
SASBIS.ZIP 318038 10-08-94 Sasbis stock analysis screening by industry
| sector. Contains 1065 stocks, prices current
| close 10/07/94 distributed over 165 industry
| sectors. Shows many fundalmentals per group
| and per stock.
SAVNGS10.ZIP 47775 03-11-93 Investment Withdrawal v1.0: shows the effect
| of inflation & taxes on systematic
| withdrawals from an investment fund
| Convert stock data from popular file formats
| such as Prodigy, CompuServe, America Online,
| and Quicken. Special support is provided for
| the Security Information File used by Wall
| Street Simulator. This utility makes updating
| of market prices easy. Registration is $5.
| Shareware by Larax Software. Registration
| brings a $5 credit towards the registration
| of any other Larax Software package.
SECURITY.ZIP 174841 03-25-92 Security Analyst. Fundamental analysis of
SIM201.ZIP 83049 10-18-92 Simplified Investment Manager v2.01 S
| Shareware from CanalRun, Inc - maintains a
| database for the invester's portfolio.
SMB_ALL.ZIP 81093 07-29-90 Company Names And Stock Ticker Symbols For
| 3800 Companies On The Nyse, Otc And Amex
| Exchanges. In .wk1 Format For Quattro & 123.
SMD375.ZIP 593445 12-01-93 Investor Alliance Stock Database. DEMO versio
SMDDEMO.ZIP 584300 04-22-93 Pc stock market databank demo from investors
| alliance.
SP41.ZIP 166198 01-13-95 Stock Partner - is a stock trade calculator
| and portfolio manager. You can estimate your
| broker's commissions, track dividends, plot
| stock prices, print reports and more.
SP500.ZIP 12276 10-14-93 Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows file with the values
| of the S&P 500 stock index from 1947-1993.
SPRM41.ZIP 145412 08-28-94 Stock Portfolio Record Manager: Version 4.1
| Maintains records for stock & bond investors.
| Tracks purchases, sales, splits, dividends,
| fractional shares, dividend reinvestments,
| capital gains, and hypothetical transactions.
| Prints powerful reports to file, dot matrix,
| and laser printer. Version 4.1 is a minor
| release. August 1994. Shareware.
SSST.ZIP 131815 08-07-92 Simple Simon Stock Trader v1.0: tracks stock
| market. Instructions are included within the
| .exe file.
STAB110A.ZIP 131517 04-30-92 Stock Market Analysis graph. Windows 3.1
STAS100.ZIP 177484 10-22-91 Stock Traders Accounting System - to Record
| & Report Buys, Sales & Position. Hypertext
| Help System Included.
STCKT700.ZIP 367020 03-06-93 Personal Stock Analysis And Graphing Program
STCKWZ21.ZIP 333001 06-19-94 StockWiz, version 2.10. An electronic and
| interactive version of the stock tables found
| in all business newspapers; however it
| utilizes the power of the computer to store a
| long history of daily quotes, applying
| mathematics to discover opportunities in the
| market.
STHILO20.ZIP 138842 06-04-92 Stock Hi-Lo version 2.0 stock forcasting
STK0193.ZIP 93577 01-17-93 Data For Several Stocks In Ascii All With At
| Least 1 Yr Ending 1-15, Some With 5 Years!
STKBUY.ZIP 62847 07-10-94 Winning methodology and discipline for buying
| stocks profitability. Includes a check list
| which can be scored to help decide whether a
| stock is a good buy.
STKEXGSH.ZIP 30949 09-03-90 A Simulated Stock Exchange-buy/sell, Borrow
| & Pay Off Debt-very Easy To Learn Functions
| Of The Real Stock Exchange "safely"!
| Personalized Management of Investment-
| Based on user supplied price data,Stkprice
| provides a summary of the price variation
| in table form, in color coded graphical
| plots and a dated listing and summary for
| all individual transactions for each
| investment.
STOCK142.ZIP 17471 10-01-93 Stock v1.42. Move stock prices saved from
| your America Online stock portfolio into a
| database, spreadsheet, or financial program
| for analysis or charting.
STOCK200.ZIP 204008 01-01-94 THE STOCK ANALYST v2.00 (ASP) \- A powerful,
| yet easy to use stock analysis program.
| Buy/sell analysis of stocks; Line, Bar, P&F C
| Entirely menu driven; Import prices from stan
| comma-delimited ASCII, and CompuServe Stock Q
| Full stock history with price export function
| Context-sensitive help; Full mouse support.
STOCK32F.ZIP 229393 08-29-92 Marketsearch V3.2f - Analytical Tool For The
| Thoughtful Investor, Can Significantly
| Reduce Financial Risk While Assisting You to
| Build Confidence in Your Investment
| Decisions. This Program Can Turn The PC Into
| A Powerful Stock Analysis Tool!.
STOCKANA.ZIP 145401 06-20-93 Stock Analyst v1.0. Stock analysis program
| featuring buy/sell analysis of stocks, line,
| bar, p&f charts, room for up to 1,500 stocks
| with 32,000 prices each and more.
STOCKMN6.ZIP 45894 04-12-95 The StockManager for Windows. Multi-purpose
| portfolio management und statistics utility
| for private share-holders and investors.
STOCKSYM.ZIP 97184 06-12-93 List of Stock Market Ticker Symbols, Company
| Names and Markets as of June `93.
STOCKTD.ZIP 291967 12-28-91 Uses Newspaper Data To Track Stock Groups
STOKDAT.ZIP 593001 01-24-93 Stock Market Data Bank Demo. Fully
| Functional With Limited Data.
STSIM.ZIP 12729 06-15-92 Stock Market Simulation V0.01 With Source
| Code. If You Have Any Ideas, Write Them Into
| This File File And Upload It. Written In
| Turbo Pascal 4.0 And Above. Good Luck!.
STX428.ZIP 723784 09-17-94 $TOKTRAX v4.2, ASP: Stock portfolio/charting
| system that can manage up to 200 portfolios;
| chart up to 10 years of stock prices; search
| a database of over 8000 company names and
| symbols; perform statistical data analysis;
| estimate broker commissions; translate stock
| data captured from GEnie, CompuServe,
| Prodigy, and others. Licensed users in 45
| U.S. and 8 foreign states.
SYM0194.ZIP 109503 01-01-94 A List of About 7,300 Companies, Ticker
| Symbols, and Market.
SYMDEX.ZIP 175748 12-15-92 Utility For Casual/Pro Stock Market Investors
TAS531.ZIP 438846 10-19-93 Technical Analysis Scanner. Scan and analyze
| your stock, commodity, mutual fund or market
| index (collectively termed "securities" in
| this manual) data base.
TEI.ZIP 57883 12-14-90 Study Shows That The "tei Indicator" From
| Stocks & Commodities Magazine Is Not More
| Useful Than A Moving Average Of New Highs
| Alone. Quattro Format (.wq1).
TFAL.ZIP 7589 10-01-94 Stock investors! The OSIS DIY Investment Club
| is conducting a project to develop a
| practical methodology on how to make a living
| by trading in the market. Take part in the
| brainstorming of TFAL (Trade For A living)
| and we'll send you the final product, which
| may help enhance success in your personal
| trading!
TFM393.ZIP 420476 05-17-94 The Feeling's Mutual v3.1.93 <ASP> for
| DOS/Windows is a mutual fund comparison tool
| and financial planner for investors of all
| levels. Search for funds which meet given
| criteria or your personal investor profile.
| Includes risk and load adjusted analysis.
| Detailed information on over 150 funds (800
| in expanded version). Provides on-line help,
| newsletter, references, sample projections
| and fund family information.
TI123.ZIP 191282 06-24-94 TOTAL INVESTOR VERSION 2.1 <ASP>
| 123 Portfolio/Technical Analysis Template-
| Total Investor is an integrated portfolio
| management and technical analysis template
| for use with 1-2-3 and QPRO (V4 and
| earlier). The program tracks your portfolio
| performance and can plot security data with
| a wide variety of charts and indicators.
TI201.ZIP 131204 07-31-91 Total Investor V2.01 - Facilitates Analysis
| Of Stock Portfolio. Supports Lotus 1-2-3 And
| Quattro Pro.
TIC0209.ZIP 67566 02-09-94 Names & tickers of 4253 stocks on the
| NYSE and Amex exchanges in a database
| that you can query. Can also be run as
| a TSR. As of Feb 4/94.
TICKER28.ZIP 70364 12-30-92 Ticker v2.8: personal stock market ticker
| that will download current quotes from CIS'
| BASICQUOTE, and use the number of shares you
| indicate to calculate gain or loss as of the
| current time, less the standard 15 min
| delay; will also dl quotes for issues for
| which no quantity is indicated, and show all
| of the information w/the exception of gain
| or loss.
TIK5_23.ZIP 97756 05-22-93 Ticker symbols, corresponding company names
| an markets traded. 99.9% of all primary
| common stock of companies in the major
| markets.
TMF20.ZIP 243150 04-03-93 Mutual Fund Database & Financial Planner, v2.
TO1119.ZIP 61030 11-20-93 TSE Advance/Decline Line
| TSE New Highs & Lows
| TSE 4-day STIX indicator
| TSE 7-day STIX indicator
TO1125.ZIP 54121 11-26-94 Short term trading indicators for the
| TSE stock exchange
TRACKIT.ZIP 380680 09-02-93 Track-It 3.05 Inventory/POS package.
| Includes a wide range of inventory functions,
| invoicing, order entry, PO's, over 35
| reports, 4 pricing levels, custom invoices,
| and even tracks serialized stock. B-Tree
| style indexing for fast data access. Full
| mouse, network, and multi-user support.
TRACUT26.ZIP 539486 04-01-95 The Tracker Utilities -- The Wall Street and
| Mutual Fund Tracker companion programs. The
| Graph Tracker, featured in this package, has
| a point and shoot menu system that will run
| the programs and return you to a Master Menu
| Command Center. You can view and sort graph
| pictures saved by the programs allowing you
| to review years and years of graphed data
| any time you want. Other Tracker Utility
| programs are included for your convenience.
TSE.ZIP 55836 05-16-93 Random Walk Investment BBS - TSE Advance/
| Decline Line. TSE New Highs & Lows. TSE
| 4-day STIX indicator. TSE 7-day STXI
| indicator.
U_FNN10.ZIP 24915 04-27-92 Freeware financial analysis tool for loans,
| investments, leases, etc., with changing
| cash flow over time.
| -Investment Portfolio Manager. MS-DOS.
| Calculates profit, capital gain, total
| return, internal rate of return (IRR),
| buy/sell prices. 12 types of charts.
| Import/export data. Especially useful for
| investments with multiple cash flows, such as
| mutual funds, 401k plans, annuities, and
| partnerships. No hard drive required.
| Pull-down menus, dialog boxes, mouse control.
VBMONEY2.ZIP 187750 01-28-93 DOS. Save, Invest, Retire early, Avoid
| Taxes.
VFUND21.ZIP 73581 07-27-92 VFUND v2.1: automates the access to Fidelity
| and Vanguard families of mutual funds using
| their automated service telephones (FAST for
| Fidelity and TELE-ACCOUNT for Vanguard);
| provides for obtaining individual
| quotations, purchase/sale/exchange of shares
| in your account & automated transfer of
| funds from your bank to Fidelity funds, or
| between your funds
VTID261.ZIP 303772 07-01-95 _______ VALUE TREND INDICATOR v2.6 _________
| Successful Investors program with databases.
| Compare and determine the Value of company
| share prices and recognize Growth Stocks and
| Mutual Funds in advance of the Market.
| Record, track and graph all popular Stock
| Market Indices such as the DJIA.
| Calculations, projections and graphs for
| Saving, Investing, Retirement. Excellent On-
| Line Help. See Review in Wall Street Journal
WALLST63.ZIP 260784 10-04-94 New DOS version of the popular Personal
| Investment Management software Wall $treet
| the bottom line. Great easy to use over 900
| registered users to date.
WALST71C.ZIP 359143 04-01-95 The Wall Street Tracker, Version 7.1c, works
| using technical analysis and market momentum
| to determine when to buy or sell stocks. It
| analyzes key indices and also compares three
| moving averages, against each other, and the
| current price. You can define the moving
| averages and compare "what if" results based
| on your investment objective. Features auto
| data update via many online services; great
| documentation; graphs; reports; plus more.
WBD51.ZIP 161302 04-23-95 WINBOND V5.1 is a WINDOWS application
| to track and valuate Series EE bonds.
| Winbond-E for Series E bonds is also
| available. Provides import capabilities
| to convert from other files, export tool
| to interface to other applications. NEW
| QUICKEN interface, multiple bond files,
| owner info, up-to-date bond redemption
| tables issued by the Department of the
| Treasury, and reporting, including a 20
WBE51.ZIP 151389 04-23-95 WINBOND-E V5.1 is a WINDOWS application to
| track and valuate Series E bonds. Winbond for
| Series EE bonds also available. Provides
| import capabilities to convert from other
| files, export tool to interface to other
| applications like QUICKEN, multiple bond
| files, owner info, up-to-date bond redemption
| tables issued by the Department of the
| Treasury, and reporting, including a 20 year
| projection of bond values. Sold bond history
WEALTVBD.ZIP 188503 02-16-93 Save, Invest, Retirement Income, RRSPs,
| Networth, Mortgage etc.
WFUND39.ZIP 328600 03-15-94 FundExpert for Windows v3.9. Portfolio
| manager for investors in stocks, bonds, and
| mutual funds.
WFUND431.ZIP 349517 09-03-94 FundExpress (ver 4.31) - portfolio manager
| program.
| Analyze large variety of financial problems-
| Collection of tools for analyzing a wide
| variety of financal problems. Mortgage &
| Rule-78 with amortization. Bonds, T-Bills,
| CD's, B A's, IRR, NPV, MIRR, Auto Lease,
| Retirement Planning, Black-Sholes Options,
| Portfolio Hedge, Annuity, Cpd Int & Others.
| for Greenline MICROMAX users Working Demo
| with many features: Stock Quote Downloads
| Stock Data Base Graphing of prices/volumes
| Time used online today this month/last month
| Multiple MICROMAX accounts supported
| Registered usrs get additional features
| Automatic Quicken updates Data export Mutual
| Fund quotes & Automatic sacheduling.
WINVEST.ZIP 57399 02-17-94 The Investor Aid - helps approximate
| returns on investments such as Mutual
| Funds, Bonds, and G.I.C.The following
| functions are supported: compounding,
| annuities, and mortgages and loans.
| Requires WIN31 and VBRUN300.
WITHIN30.ZIP 131137 05-24-92 A stock market analyzing program.
WMS61DOS.ZIP 138265 09-20-92 Compound Savings, Retirement, Mortgages,
| Investment Manager, Net Worth etc. For DOS.
WMSD831.ZIP 321674 07-01-95 ______ WEALTH MANAGEMENT SYSTEM v8.31 ______
| A comprehensive personal financial program.
| Provides calculations, projections, graphs
| for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth
| Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds.
| Portfolio management system records, tracks
| and graphs your investment performance.
| Covers all stages of a person's financial
| life. Excellent On-Line Help. Windows 3.x
| Rated: ****. Requires VBRUN300.DLL
WMSNEW.ZIP 95866 07-08-93 Save, Invest, Retirement and Record Keeping.
WSINVEST.ZIP 196684 01-13-91 Investment Program / Track And Analyize Your
| Investments Including Produce Reports And
| Graphs. Color And Menu Driven Easy To Use.
WWALST25.ZIP 866567 05-11-94 New Version for Windows of the popular
| Personal investment management software Wall
| $treet The bottom line. Great ! Easy to use
| generates reports and graphs automatically
W_TBL60.ZIP 247217 08-18-93 New DOS Version of the Popular Personal
| Investment Pkg.
YB12.ZIP 32297 02-24-92 YieldBook (YB) v1.2: program that computes
| prices and yields for bonds to maturity & to
| the call according to the formulae & methods
| presented in "Standard Securities
| Calculation Methods", by Spence, Graudenz
| and Lynch, published by the Securities
| Industry Association Compound Solutions.
█████ Personal Financial Advisor v1.0
█████ Resume & Job Hunt Programs
JOBHN63.ZIP 1779891 05-31-95 JobHunt (tm) with Resume, V.6.3L, 05/30/95
| Contact up to 10,000 employers TONIGHT!
| Make money doing mass mailings for others.
| Major-employer database. Full contact-info.
| Automatic mail merge; prints personalized
| Letters/Labels/Envelopes; Create Stunning
| Resumes in COLOR. Phone dialer. Export.
| 9,000 more records on registration ($29.95)
| "JOB HUNT Helps You Get a Job" -- Byte Mag.
JOBS.ZIP 95578 06-01-93 Jobs v2.0. Organize and keep track of
| network contacts, target companies,
| executive search firms, temporary placement
| firms, direct mail and job hunting expenses.
| Runs on dBase III Plus and Foxpro v2.0 and
| later.
JOBS20.ZIP 95578 06-01-93 Database system for managing a change of jobs
NEWRES2.ZIP 75675 08-06-94 Excellent resume program.
OPRESUME.ZIP 63173 09-05-91 One.Page.Resume. Simple Resume Generator
RESKIT12.ZIP 135832 09-22-93 PC PERSONAL RESUME KIT v1.2; Build
| personalized 'electronic' resumes- The PC
| Personal Resume Kit allows you to build an
| 'electronic' resume (complete with a
| digitized image of yourself) that will
| personify you in an original manner with
| details to enhance your personal assets.
| ORIGINALITY is the key!
RESMST.ZIP 158735 09-16-91 Good resume program.
RESMSTR.ZIP 158500 10-01-92 A resume generator
RESUME.ZIP 225878 02-12-94 Speech friendly resume writer. Creates text
| file that you can use for faxing or print
| out. Edit and colors! Contains Marg the
| shareware text file formatter as well.
RESUME30.ZIP 151305 08-24-92 New resume program, very comprehensive, with
| on line help and documentation, configue
| resume in different ways, with examples.
RESUME92.ZIP 122130 09-05-91 Resume program with many options.
RESUMSTR.ZIP 158588 04-26-92 Easy to use resume generator that quickly
| prepares a professional looking resume to
| land you that sought after job. Full
| featured program that is guaranteed to give
| you the winning edge. Create resumes by
| chronological order or for targeted job.
| Does it all.
RES_EZ.ZIP 57966 10-11-94 RESUME - EZ v 2.0 A program
| to create a Resume, and/or cover page.
| The RESUME - EZ is user-friendly,
| Simply fill in the fileds and print.
RITRES1C.ZIP 1147054 05-06-95 THE RIGHT RESUME for Windows v1.0
| TRR is a powerful Windows-based job hunting
| package. Very powerful, yet easy to use.
| Create choice of 3 different resume types;
| Fully-functional WYSIWYG word processor for
| cover letters, customizing resume, etc.;
| Ability to easily generate different resumes
| from one data source without having to
| retype; On-line help; On-disk manual; More.
RPRO16.ZIP 61292 05-04-91 Good Resume Generator
RS40.ZIP 88273 09-25-94 Resume Shop v4.0 Resume Preparation Program
SRP231.ZIP 104987 03-20-93 Steve's Resumé Program v2.31: keeps a
| database of your resume data which you can
| update and print at will; option to print
| resume to a file or printer w/many print
| options; function key interface
TEMP10.ZIP 105068 06-13-95 TempServ 1.0 Finding A Job
T_RES11.ZIP 225885 02-12-94 A speech friendly resume writer.
| Creates text file that you can use
| for faxing or print out.
| Edit and colors too!
| Contains Marg the great shareware
| text file formatter as well.
WEBSTER6.ZIP 37877 08-03-93 Webster T.E.P. Transitional Employment
| Database Program. v6.0
YHIRE133.ZIP 236846 02-04-95 YOU'RE HIRED! v1.33 <ASP> - Informative job
| interview simulator that provides realistic
| training to prepare you for your next job
| interview. "You're Hired!" asks you common
| challenging questions and records elapsed
| times as you verbally respond. Press a key
| to receive professional advice and to review
| your own reminder notes. Also add, change,
| and print the questions and advice. Practice
| makes perfect. 512K RAM. From DataWell $26.95